Bulls offseason Thread

I don't usually make gloat posts or things of those sorts but thank you guys dearly for Omer Asik.

Rebounding and pick & roll defense. :wow: And he runs the floor. :pimp:
I don't usually make gloat posts or things of those sorts but thank you guys dearly for Omer Asik.
Rebounding and pick & roll defense. :wow: And he runs the floor. :pimp:


Man, I didn't want to get started..but work is slow today. This org is..anyways yeah, yeah the poison pill on his third year...whatever. How no one in this org saw that possibility is beyond me. Ideally, at least sign him and try to trade him as an asset before the 3rd year of his new contract hits the books.

I've always viewed that he was an elite/near-elite center defensively and it's obvious that with off season work and more minutes he's quite improved offensively especially in the post. He didn't really roll or catch the ball that well last year either. Add to that your team is blessed to have two lead guards who create and wreak havoc off the dribble and it's a formula for Omer to blossom. I think the Rockets can use a post-up 4 (Jefferson or Cousins), and they will be quite scary.

I'm a Bulls fan first and foremost, and a basketball fan overall so I did appreciate seeing Lin and Harden play so well together and create so many open looks last night.
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i think the Bulls GM and owners want the team to do bad to get a good position in the draft.

MJ said this about the org 
"That's when I felt more frustrated than anything. I felt more than anything they were positioning themselves for the draft and I didn't feel good being part of that. I felt I was an all-out player who didn't half-*** anything, and they wanted to move up (in the draft). I was a player, I wanted to play."

that would explain why they don't give a definitive answer of Rose's status.  Nate might be leaving because he's been an important part of the wins and Kirk might be staying to give them L's. 

the draft MJ is talking about was when we got Pippen and Grant so it's not like it was exactly a bad thing.

they'll probably go for Ben McLemore

or Otto Porter 

or  shabazz muhammad 

maybe we can get both McLemore and Muhammad 
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Thibbs won't allow for the Bulls to tank. They're too good defensively to not be in most games.
maybe, we'll have to see more of the season and what they do with the players that can be let go.  I think we're going to try and go big in this draft for a SG/SF's.  

I see us adding more to the team through the draft and not the FA market or trades.The 2013-2014 FA market doesn't look that promising.  Kobe will probably just retire when he's a FA and I doubt we'll make a play for LeBron or any other heat player, other than that I think a lot of the great players will stay on their teams or go somewhere else. Love is the only who i think we may get through FA, but I just have this feeling he's going to the Lakers.  I see us adding more to the bench during that time through FA,  instead of trying to get an all-star starter. 
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no, last night they said he's not a head or behind schedule, they're keeping it a secret for some reason. we probably won't know till the night before he plays in a game.
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no, last night they said he's not a head or behind schedule, they're keeping it a secret for some reason. we probably won't know till the night before he plays in a game.:lol:

You're probably right. This is one of those situations where is better to say nothing than to say something.
now i'm hoping we get Archie Goodwin
  I think jumper looks like kobe's, and a lot of people say his face looks similar to Jordans. 

^^^@ 00:38 looks Jordan esque there

^^his style and form looks a lot like jordan in this vid 
 i really hope we get this kid
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^maybe we can trade for a top pick, don't we have that bobcats first round pick too anyways. goodwin's at 13 right here http://nbadraft.net/ranking/bigboard

he may still be around since I think most teams loooking for a SG are going to go with McLemore or Bazz 

our bobcats first rounder is top-12 protected so if he goes 13 we could get him. 
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That Cha pick is vastly overrated :smh:


You can't be in the lottery a hundred teams and not accidentally put together a decent team. They will be a playoff team pretty soon and that pick will be worth nothing.

Am I the only one the realizes Rose is not going to be this level of player for a long time? Super athletic smaller guards do not age well.
Oh the irony of discussing the value of that CHA pick :lol: :frown: :stoneface:

Regardless...advanced Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you all!

Here's to our team having a brighter 2013 too.
maybe we'll be high in the draft without having to trade up. 

damn the starting line up just had no energy. teague should be starting at pg. next year will be nice with him as a backup for Rose. Rose should take him when he goes to train with Westbrook. 
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That Cha pick is vastly overrated
i agree with that some what, but other teams vaule it. and look around most NBA trades are done with draft picks,cheap contracts or young players. that pick doesnt have vaule if the bulls end up keeping it to draft someone but its vauleable to other teams.

i dont find any reason to hold on to it tho when this team needs another star. if that pick and the dude overseas COULD get you boogie from the kings u better do that trade.
Another close game tonight.
Booz came out to play today.

Now that the Bears season is over it's time for me to make that full time shift over to basketball mode.
Nothing too sexy, but Cook's shooting is badly needed.

@ESPNSteinLine: Mike Conley Sr., agent for Daequan Cook, makes it official, says Cook is indeed signing with Bulls.

@MarkDeeksNBA: If the Bulls sign Cook to a prorated minimum contract, today, it leaves them $235,917 under the apron. Which is four 10-day contracts worth.
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