Burger King's Double Cheeseburger $1

Originally Posted by NooEra

Originally Posted by CharlieContacto

BoutMyMoney333 wrote:

About time!

*Puts on Flame Suit*

i have NEVER gotten a warm burger from Wendy's. Fries are always soggy as %%@# too. Nuggets are trash thats why they give you 5. Only thing they got goin for em is buffalo ranch sauce.

and the baked potatoes are crack
Just stopped by there last night at 11 and copped four! 3 for dinner, one before class this AM. Can't believe they're a buck, total came to like4.33. Im lovin' it....wait...
the double stack was good for a few weeks, the mcdonalds double cheese is a dollar cuz its horrible, bk flame broiled is the business, god is my witnesss
i thought i was the only person that bought cheeseburgers from BK. everyone always buys the chicken sandwhich or whopper
Originally Posted by CharlieContacto

Originally Posted by BoutMyMoney333

About time!

*Puts on Flame Suit*
they put these together too sloppily, these are barely better then mcdonalds double cheeseburgers

i need to check out those burger king double cheeseburgers asap
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