Burglar finds child sex abuse on tapes he took, so he points out suspect, police say

Pedos are even at the bottom of the totem pole in the prison system

They are the only category that is exempt from the rules of snitchin

However, I find it ironic how these murderers find it "unethical" that these pedos ruined young kids lives, when they themselves ended someone else's lives.

Pedos are even at the bottom of the totem pole in the prison system

They are the only category that is exempt from the rules of snitchin

However, I find it ironic how these murderers find it "unethical" that these pedos ruined young kids lives, when they themselves ended someone else's lives.

A lot of ppl feel rape and sexual abuse of children is worse than murder. They see ruining a person's life and making them live with that trauma as much worse than just ending someone's life (of course there's an exception if you tortured them before killing them).
Yeah IDK what to tell you if you consider this snitching.
They're idiots and don't understand what actual snitching is.
If you involved in some criminal activity with some people and you get caught and bring them down with you THAT'S snitching

all that old Cam'ron "if I lived next door to serial killer, I wouldn't tell" **** is just ignorant talk

this dude wasn't in on this with the pedophile, he did the right thing in spite of his own wrong doing
Exactly, I get tired of repeating this myself for the ignorant.
Idk where y'all dudes from or if y'all read that on the internet or something but in the streets telling on anybody to the laws is considered snitching period

With that said hopefully dude gets some type of leniency if he gets caught
I'm from NYC. Wherever you're from is *** backwards and don't know what snitching is. They're using the word wrong and replaced the meaning with basically don't tell the law anything no matter what even if it harms your own family, friends, and community. From what I've seen that comes from a generation of stupidity.

Only other ppl that don't talk to the law no matter what are those who have been seriously victimized by corrupt law officials at various levels.
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Idk where y'all dudes from or if y'all read that on the internet or something but in the streets telling on anybody to the laws is considered snitching period

With that said hopefully dude gets some type of leniency if he gets caught
the pedo would probably consider the burglar to be a snitch .

I gotta go with this. (the first part). Telling is telling. I believe you guys dont wanna consider this guy a snitch because he told on a child molester.

(I dont care about snitching either way, I'm just adding to the discussion)
wait...so a drug dealer telling on a murder is snitching...even though he had nothing to do with the murder? Generally, anyone who is in the criminal world that talks to the laws about another person's crimes is snitching; if you are not in the criminal world, feel free to tell all you want, you can't be a snitch because you are not involved with any of those activities.

If you are in that world, there is no telling what you would see, what you will do. You see a bunch of kids locked up in a basement from a drug kingpin that you are buying from, you tell about the kids, bringing down his empire...even though it was about pedophilia and not drug dealing, try and tell the other dudes you just starved that you ain't not snitch because you were telling about pedophilia and not drug dealing...bet that goes over well.

The problem is the connotation of a "snitch" is so bad that people want to change the definition for certain situations, which I guess is fine, complicated, but fine.

Me personally, I like the "if you are a criminal and you tell on another criminal you are a snitch" ....however, unlike most of you, I don't villify snitches, I look at each situations then decide if I feel comfortable with old dude telling. He's still a snitch, just like a spades a spade, but not every act of "snitching" should be condemed to me. This being one of them...he should have told.

My brother is a paralegal in the military. He recently told me a story like this. These dudes broke into a Colonel's house, stole a bunch of stuff, including his laptop and Pc. The criminals hacked the computer, called old dude and said "pay me x amount or I'll tell about the child pornography on your computer."  In their investigation, the MP's found the robbers and seized the computer,. The robbers tried to snitch about the porno (my brother, a part of the military justice system, said snitch) but the MP's disregarded the testimony and charged the robbers with blackmail....and here comes the sad part...because they were Asian, my brothers office couldn't tell whether they were actually kids or just younger looking females ( this happens far to often in the military, so they've had this problem before) so instead of them prosecuting the guy, he had 20+ years in, they "asked" him to retire early.
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Idk where y'all dudes from or if y'all read that on the internet or something but in the streets telling on anybody to the laws is considered snitching period

With that said hopefully dude gets some type of leniency if he gets caught
the pedo would probably consider the burglar to be a snitch .

I gotta go with this. (the first part). Telling is telling. I believe you guys dont wanna consider this guy a snitch because he told on a child molester.

(I dont care about snitching either way, I'm just adding to the discussion)
That's the problem. Yall dudes place some inherent wrong with telling and can not separate that with the concept of snitching.

From the way yall frame it "See something, say something" is snitching. So if you see a suspicious dude leave big *** book bag at a school you gonna consider yourself a snitch for telling the cops about a terrorist bombing? You think the terrorists think you're a snitch?

Yall dudes are beyond ignorant if you're buying in to that nonsense thought process.
wait...so a drug dealer telling on a murder is snitching...even though he had nothing to do with the murder? Generally, anyone who is in the criminal world that talks to the laws about another person's crimes is snitching; if you are not in the criminal world, feel free to tell all you want, you can't be a snitch because you are not involved with any of those activities.

If you are in that world, there is no telling what you would see, what you will do. You see a bunch of kids locked up in a basement from a drug kingpin that you are buying from, you tell about the kids, bringing down his empire...even though it was about pedophilia and not drug dealing, try and tell the other dudes you just starved that you ain't not snitch because you were telling about pedophilia and not drug dealing...bet that goes over well.

The problem is the connotation of a "snitch" is so bad that people want to change the definition for certain situations, which I guess is fine, complicated, but fine.

Me personally, I like the "if you are a criminal and you tell on another criminal you are a snitch" ....however, unlike most of you, I don't villify snitches, I look at each situations then decide if I feel comfortable with old dude telling. He's still a snitch, just like a spades a spade, but not every act of "snitching" should be condemed to me.
You talking like the criminal world is some online community. I can be a criminal in NYC and while I visit Fl tell on anybody I want. **** the criminals in Fl. Just cuz you're in the criminal world doesn't meant you can't do the right thing from time to time. You just do it in a way so that you don't get caught or incriminate yourself like the burglar in the OP did.

You can't in one sense talk about the connotation of the word snitch being changed and complicated and then straight up say a snitch is a snitch. As far as I see it you're only a snitch when you're bringing down your own accomplices or past accomplices or other associates you tell on that told you things in confidence.
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Idk where y'all dudes from or if y'all read that on the internet or something but in the streets telling on anybody to the laws is considered snitching period

With that said hopefully dude gets some type of leniency if he gets caught
the pedo would probably consider the burglar to be a snitch .

I gotta go with this. (the first part). Telling is telling. I believe you guys dont wanna consider this guy a snitch because he told on a child molester.

(I dont care about snitching either way, I'm just adding to the discussion)
That's the problem. Yall dudes place some inherent wrong with telling and can not separate that with the concept of snitching.

From the way yall frame it "See something, say something" is snitching. So if you see a suspicious dude leave big *** book bag at a school you gonna consider yourself a snitch for telling the cops about a terrorist bombing? You think the terrorists think you're a snitch?

Yall dudes are beyond ignorant if you're buying in to that nonsense thought process.
wait...so a drug dealer telling on a murder is snitching...even though he had nothing to do with the murder? Generally, anyone who is in the criminal world that talks to the laws about another person's crimes is snitching; if you are not in the criminal world, feel free to tell all you want, you can't be a snitch because you are not involved with any of those activities.

If you are in that world, there is no telling what you would see, what you will do. You see a bunch of kids locked up in a basement from a drug kingpin that you are buying from, you tell about the kids, bringing down his empire...even though it was about pedophilia and not drug dealing, try and tell the other dudes you just starved that you ain't not snitch because you were telling about pedophilia and not drug dealing...bet that goes over well.

The problem is the connotation of a "snitch" is so bad that people want to change the definition for certain situations, which I guess is fine, complicated, but fine.

Me personally, I like the "if you are a criminal and you tell on another criminal you are a snitch" ....however, unlike most of you, I don't villify snitches, I look at each situations then decide if I feel comfortable with old dude telling. He's still a snitch, just like a spades a spade, but not every act of "snitching" should be condemed to me.
You talking like the criminal world is some online community. I can be a criminal in NYC and while I visit Fl tell on anybody I want. **** the criminals in Fl. Just cuz you're in the criminal world doesn't meant you can't do the right thing from time to time. You just do it in a way so that you don't get caught or incriminate yourself like the burglar in the OP did.

You can't in one sense talk about the connotation of the word snitch being changed and complicated and then straight up say a snitch is a snitch. As far as I see it you're only a snitch when you're bringing down your own accomplices or past accomplices or other associates you tell on that told you things in confidence.

I'm talking about the hood. I do think the perp would consider the person telling on him a snitch. Like I said I dont subscibe to this snitching movement but from a perp's point of view, someone telling on him is snitching on him.
if you're doing the same dirt as someone else and you rat on them to get ahead or save your own hyde you're snitching

this ain't snitching

how bout this...a snitch is a snitch...but being a snitch ain't always bad, in my view...it doesn't carry that same connotation. That's about as simple as I can explain it...

A spade is a spade, but if you use it to kill someone  it's a murder weapon, doesn't mean it's not a spade, doesn't mean being a spade is bad, it just means in that particular instance, being a spade wasn't the best thing to be.
If he was really about that life he would of took the laws into his own hands and punished that filthy mf himself..

But then again I commend his actions on getting that mf off the streets..
Idk where y'all dudes from or if y'all read that on the internet or something but in the streets telling on anybody to the laws is considered snitching period

With that said hopefully dude gets some type of leniency if he gets caught
the pedo would probably consider the burglar to be a snitch .

I gotta go with this. (the first part). Telling is telling. I believe you guys dont wanna consider this guy a snitch because he told on a child molester.

(I dont care about snitching either way, I'm just adding to the discussion)
That's the problem. Yall dudes place some inherent wrong with telling and can not separate that with the concept of snitching.

From the way yall frame it "See something, say something" is snitching. So if you see a suspicious dude leave big *** book bag at a school you gonna consider yourself a snitch for telling the cops about a terrorist bombing? You think the terrorists think you're a snitch?

Yall dudes are beyond ignorant if you're buying in to that nonsense thought process.
wait...so a drug dealer telling on a murder is snitching...even though he had nothing to do with the murder? Generally, anyone who is in the criminal world that talks to the laws about another person's crimes is snitching; if you are not in the criminal world, feel free to tell all you want, you can't be a snitch because you are not involved with any of those activities.

If you are in that world, there is no telling what you would see, what you will do. You see a bunch of kids locked up in a basement from a drug kingpin that you are buying from, you tell about the kids, bringing down his empire...even though it was about pedophilia and not drug dealing, try and tell the other dudes you just starved that you ain't not snitch because you were telling about pedophilia and not drug dealing...bet that goes over well.

The problem is the connotation of a "snitch" is so bad that people want to change the definition for certain situations, which I guess is fine, complicated, but fine.

Me personally, I like the "if you are a criminal and you tell on another criminal you are a snitch" ....however, unlike most of you, I don't villify snitches, I look at each situations then decide if I feel comfortable with old dude telling. He's still a snitch, just like a spades a spade, but not every act of "snitching" should be condemed to me.
You talking like the criminal world is some online community. I can be a criminal in NYC and while I visit Fl tell on anybody I want. **** the criminals in Fl. Just cuz you're in the criminal world doesn't meant you can't do the right thing from time to time. You just do it in a way so that you don't get caught or incriminate yourself like the burglar in the OP did.

You can't in one sense talk about the connotation of the word snitch being changed and complicated and then straight up say a snitch is a snitch. As far as I see it you're only a snitch when you're bringing down your own accomplices or past accomplices or other associates you tell on that told you things in confidence.

I'm talking about the hood. I do think the perp would consider the person telling on him a snitch. Like I said I dont subscibe to this snitching movement but from a perp's point of view, someone telling on him is snitching on him.
Nah from the perp's point of view he should know if he's sloppy or get caught somebody will call the police not that ppl are snitches. If what you say is the case they'd be doing their dirt out in the open if other ppl being labled as a snitch meant anything.

If somebody breaks in to my house while I aint there and notice it while they're still in there and I call the cops on why would the criminal think I snitched on them? Same goes for if I was a neighbor.

If the hood wants to create some newconcept of snitching and snitches that based on bull **** reasoning, fine. Funny since htey'd be going against their prior established principles of what a snitch is.
All im saying is people in the hood are not gonna be quick to open their mouths and tell when a crime is taking place because they are afraid of being labeled a snitch or "cooperating" with the police. Heck, even here in chicago, CPD set up anonymous tipping through twitter because of this "code of silence" in the streets
Pedos are even at the bottom of the totem pole in the prison system

They are the only category that is exempt from the rules of snitchin

However, I find it ironic how these murderers find it "unethical" that these pedos ruined young kids lives, when they themselves ended someone else's lives.

A lot of ppl feel rape and sexual abuse of children is worse than murder. They see ruining a person's life and making them live with that trauma as much worse than just ending someone's life (of course there's an exception if you tortured them before killing them).
Yeah IDK what to tell you if you consider this snitching.
They're idiots and don't understand what actual snitching is.
If you involved in some criminal activity with some people and you get caught and bring them down with you THAT'S snitching

all that old Cam'ron "if I lived next door to serial killer, I wouldn't tell" **** is just ignorant talk

this dude wasn't in on this with the pedophile, he did the right thing in spite of his own wrong doing
Exactly, I get tired of repeating this myself for the ignorant.
Idk where y'all dudes from or if y'all read that on the internet or something but in the streets telling on anybody to the laws is considered snitching period

With that said hopefully dude gets some type of leniency if he gets caught
I'm from NYC. Wherever you're from is *** backwards and don't know what snitching is. They're using the word wrong and replaced the meaning with basically don't tell the law anything no matter what even if it harms your own family, friends, and community. From what I've seen that comes from a generation of stupidity.

Only other ppl that don't talk to the law no matter what are those who have been seriously victimized by corrupt law officials at various levels.
 My dude I see what you're saying I really do but that's just not how it works where I'm from, you talking about you from NYC is Cam'ron not from NYC too? 
 I can guarantee he not the only dude who thinks like this in NYC

There's people who are relatives/friends of police officers who are out here setting up fake drug deals w/ police, telling stuff they hear in the streets  about cases and people that don't have anything to do with them, would these people not technically be referred to as informants? Well on the streets if you're informing you're snitching. But according to y'all that ain't snitching since it's not one of their co-defendants, right? 

They got dudes in jail who go around tryna have conversations with dudes to get info on their cases so that they can turnaround and tell the laws to get leniency on their own case. That is also considered snitching, hell even the laws, lawyers, and judges themselves refer to these ****** as "jailhouse snitches" but again since they're not telling on their own co-defendants that's not snitching according to y'all 

My initial comment wasn't even referring to this dude in particular it was more directed at the comment by ServedChilled81, I've seen a lot of people on here talk as if snitching is some cut and dry concept, yeah telling on your co-defendants is considered snitching but that's not where it ends at, you can say the mindset is ignorant, etc. but the dudes upholding this aren't exactly educated scholars either.

Yes once dude get in jail people would have no problem ******g him up but that doesn't necessarily mean they would be willing to call the police on him.

The statement that Cam made is reflective how a lot of people define and enforce it out in the streets, whether you  think that is actually  snitching or not is irrelevant because you not in the streets. 

I'm done talking about this tho y'all lames in here talking like y'all read the official handbook on snitching 
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I think they're more afraid of possible reatalition by the criminals criminal friends and family than being mislabeled a snitch. I won't ignore the reputation thing though, it can and will effect their lives if seen as one.

Most tipping should be anonymous anyway though.
WE rob someone, I get caught, I tell on him = snitching

WE sell dope, I get caught, I tell on him = snitching

I'm walking down the street see someone get robbed or selling dope which I do too = snitching

I push and rob and witness a rape of a child = not snitching

It's levels to this ****
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