Buried staring Ryan Reynolds...and only Ryan Reynolds


Jul 6, 2006



The entire movie is shot inside the casket that Reynolds is buried alive in. Read the review, it is said to be

Sure, you're probably asking yourself, "how can he use his cell phone underground?". After reading the review and seeing the teaser/scene clip, you may change your mind.
Looks like it could be a good movie but there is no !@%***% chance that I will be watching. Being buried alive is one of my worst fears.
Originally Posted by mrshadow

seen it done already old news

it was done on csi

That story was done on CSI, but not the way it's filmed.  This has NO cutaways to other scenes, and no other actors on screen. 
Heard this got picked up at Sundance by one of the major studios or something....pretty much every review I read said the movie was amazing for a film that takes places entirely inside the coffin. Said the camera angles and such used were redic.
Originally Posted by simpliSD

So the WHOLE movie is just him in a casket?
There has to be flashbacks or something. There's no way anything 30+ min of a dude in one spot trying to get out of a casket could be entertaining.

It does sound interesting so I'll keep my eye out for it.
That looks horrible. Someone talking on their cell phone in a movie is the most boring thing in the world. The cinematography might be nice but I'd be sick of watching that after 2 minutes.

As a former screenwriter, I’m a huge fan of minimalistic one-roomthrillers — Hard Candy, Tape, The Killing Room, Frozen…etc. I’ve beenlooking forward to Buried since it was first announced, and tonight Ifinally got to screen the movie as part of Sundance’s Park City atMidnight category.
I couldn't take the reviewer seriously after reading that. Am I the only one that Thought that movie was horrible. I mean just *%$#%!* horrible.
Originally Posted by outbackbob24

That looks horrible. Someone talking on their cell phone in a movie is the most boring thing in the world. The cinematography might be nice but I'd be sick of watching that after 2 minutes.

As a former screenwriter, I’m a huge fan of minimalistic one-roomthrillers — Hard Candy, Tape, The Killing Room, Frozen…etc. I’ve beenlooking forward to Buried since it was first announced, and tonight Ifinally got to screen the movie as part of Sundance’s Park City atMidnight category.
I couldn't take the reviewer seriously after reading that. Am I the only one that Thought that movie was horrible. I mean just *%$#%!* horrible.

I liked it quite a bit actually. Great acting with nice psychological thriller aspect to it. You probably just don't like these kinds of movies is all.
I think people will go see it just to see how long they actually sit and watch someone buried in a coffin. It'll probably play with your mind almost as much as the character's.
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