Buried staring Ryan Reynolds...and only Ryan Reynolds

I liked it quite a bit actually. Great acting with nice psychologicalthriller aspect to it. You probably just don't like these kinds ofmovies is all.
Thats funny cause I thought ellen page horrible. I love psychological thrillers I just thought this movie was terrible. Different strokes for different folks I guess. I just don't get this one.
wat the !%#%. that @%!# looks dumb. i got no sound on my comp rite now so i didnt watch those clips,
but theres no way ima watch a whole movie of just 1 dude chillin in a coffin, and.. thats all?

the !%#%
I thought Phone Booth would suck because it was Colin Farrel on the phone for 2 hours and I was wrong.
I"ll be giving this one a chance.
Originally Posted by mrshadow

seen it done already old news

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by simpliSD

So the WHOLE movie is just him in a casket?
There has to be flashbacks or something. There's no way anything 30+ min of a dude in one spot trying to get out of a casket could be entertaining.
From what I read online there is NO other scenes...in fact the only other actors in the movie from what I read are the voices on the other end of the phone calls.
Here we go......

I first learned of Buried after the spec screenplay appeared on theBlack List, a listing of the top unproduced screenplays of the year.Written by Chris Sparling, the film stars Ryan Reynolds as a U.S.contractor working in Iraq who wakes up to find that he has been buriedalive inside a coffin. With only a lighter and a cell phone it’s a raceagainst time to escape this claustrophobic death trap. The entire 94minute feature takes place in the coffin, with no cutaways to theoutside world. Aside from his phone, Reynolds is the only actor whoappears on screen in the film.

As a former screenwriter, I’m a huge fan of minimalistic one-roomthrillers — Hard Candy, Tape, The Killing Room, Frozen…etc. I’ve beenlooking forward to Buried since it was first announced, and tonight Ifinally got to screen the movie as part of Sundance’s Park City atMidnight category.

Buried is a cinematic achievement in almost every respect.

The story is consistantly compelling, surprising, and will have you onthe edge of your seat, up until the very last second. There is a reasonwhy this film was listed on the Black List.

You might think that a film shot in an eight foot wooden box might notlook too interesting, and would mostly consist of the same 5 cameraangles. Not so. The cinematography of Buried is nothing short ofamazing. Using only a few practical light sources (all explained in thestory), cinematographer Eduard Grau creates wonderfully artisticcompositions full of energy and movement (one of the shots was a 300degree dolly shot from within the coffin, without the aid of computergenerated effects).

If you’re still not sold, let me tell you this: the film features a fewaction sequences, all of which take place inside the coffin. The skillrequired to pull this off is incomprehensible to me. Spanish directorRodrigo Cortés has pulled off some many amazing technical tricks withthis feature, that you can’t tell where one ends and the next begins.He will no doubt have a bright future in Hollywood.

But the reason why the film works is the powerful yet believableperformance by Ryan Reynolds. He is this movie, every single second ofit. Sure, a few voice actors provide the off-screen supporting cast,the most notable being Stephen Tobolowsky, but for all intents andpurposes, Buried is a one-man-show.

Sure, there are a couple logistical holes, like how is he able to usehis cell phone under 10 feet or more of dirt when I can’t get my iPhoneto work in a Park City over-run with Hollywood execs (quip courtesy ofKatey Rich). Of course, picking apart any high concept screenplay islikely to lead to little nitpicks, but none of the holes are big enoughto prevent you from enjoying the movie.

For me this film works on every level. It achieves so much with solittle. It is not only an amazing example of what minimalisticfilmmaking can accomplish, but it is a great film in its own right. Ihave no idea if people will see it - or want to see it. The sellmight/could be hard — it’s such a crazy concept, and I can understandwhy people might think this film could/would be boring. But this is thetype of film that you show all your friends. I could definitely seethis being the next word-of-mouth viral blockbuster, following inParanormal Activity’s footsteps.
i like the idea of deliberately messing with the audience's expectations and making them feel uncomfortable (Funny Games) but I don't know if Ryan Reynolds can get the job done.
As a former screenwriter, I’m a huge fan of minimalistic one-roomthrillers — Hard Candy, Tape, The Killing Room, Frozen…etc. I’ve beenlooking forward to Buried since it was first announced, and tonight Ifinally got to screen the movie as part of Sundance’s Park City atMidnight category.

This is taking the one-room thriller an extra 7 miles tho. It's a casket man

Oh yea Rope was dope too
Looks dope, definitely will be checking it out. Anyone know when this movie is supposed to release?
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Looks like it could be a good movie but there is no !@%***% chance that I will be watching. Being buried alive is one of my worst fears.
Ryan Reynolds won't let anyone down. He's going to do a great job in this. One of my favorite, most underrated actors. Definitely will be looking forward to this movie just out of the oddness of it.
--Looks interesting. Being buried alive is a pretty frightfl thing though.
--When the Bride got buried in Kill Bill 2, and they had the screen black while they lay the dirt on top of the coffin was intense. Nice effect.
Originally Posted by KingRamey

that movie looks interesting and Ryan Reynolds is that dude

Seriously. The dude can do romance comedy and go and do something like this.

Also dude is banging and is married to Scarlett Johansson. What a life.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by KingRamey

that movie looks interesting and Ryan Reynolds is that dude

Seriously. The dude can do romance comedy and go and do something like this.

Also dude is banging and is married to Scarlett Johansson. What a life.

He just said the dude is banging

I know you meant to say he's banging Scarlett jo but still
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