Business Marketing majors?

Nov 8, 2011
Similar to the Engineering thread posted a while ago.
Pros/cons of earning a marketing degree?
What are the best or worst fields of marketing?
How much does one project to make?
Did you search for work(if so, did it come easily?) or did it just come?
I have about another year left before getting this degree and just would like input from others about it. Thanks.
Im a freshmen majoring in BMarketing. would also like to know. my friend majored in it and works for HBO.

pretty sweet. I also know some guys on NT that have worked for nike majored in it.

all the damn math tho! ugh
I got a BA marketing..

can fit a wide variety of jobs...

I wanted to join a marketing firm and focus on expanding small businesses.

if I could catch fire with the right company, it could really set me on cuz more clients would come...

then I could start my own firm...

I really think a masters is. must just to get your foot in the door...

I'm gunning from that next year
Originally Posted by mrod88

i got a Business marketing degree... not even using it

this.  i think you can get just about any degree and get into marketing.
With ANY business major the key is internships and who you meet along the way. Go to those lame $*# "Career Fairs" that your school sets up, dress nice, talk to the different companies/reps as a PERSON (not someone desperate for a job) and then send them an e-mail following up and tell them it was nice to talk to them, brown-nose some, then tell them you're interested in an internship.

I did an internship every summer at the same place EVERY SINGLE SUMMER (Fortune 500 company, paid internship, easy choice) and they offered me a job with a salary and full benefits when I graduated.
I graduated in May. I enjoyed my summer. I started working the first Monday in August. #feelsgoodman

A lot of people I graduated with didn't want to spend their summers working a 9-to-5 and now they either work for the university in "admissions" or "recruiting" or they're waiting tables while they "search for jobs."
No, it's not fun putting on a monkey suit during the summers in the prime of your life, but those summers are your opportunity to kick $*#.

If you get a good internship, tell them at the end of the summer that you want to come back the next year. Repeat for two more summers. Last summer (before your Senior year) tell them you'd like to start your career there.
Keep in touch with them during your senior year, and schedule a meeting when you graduate. If they don't give you a job, either you're a moron, you suck, or the company is filing for bankruptcy.

One final note— during the summer, NEVER TAKE AN UNPAID INTERNSHIP.
During the school year when you can only work 10-20 hours a week anyways, fine. It's good on a résumé.
There are too many good paid internships out there that go to complete jackasses who just knew someone in the company.
I know. I worked with those kids. Their goal in life is to get to Happy Hour first.
Originally Posted by GSGoonSquad

I just want to find some success with having this degree, that's all.

I'm not knocking you my brother, was a joke, but with some truth to it
good luck though
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