But im saying your an 51 year old man married to an 16 year old girl (Video)

i was watching the dr.drew show couple hours ago really surprising stuff on the show
-people faces reaction was to funny especially when the camera man be zooming up to their faces

-he boobs are not fake

-she never had plastic surgery

-she never done drugs before

-and i think the dude married her cause if they went out it was illegal some +%#* like that

-their was a scene that the doctor was like her boobs has a circular bump everybody on the crowd looked like they was ready to die laugh 
Originally Posted by FourReal

-she never done drugs before

I don't believe this for a second, I've seen a few of the interviews, and in everyone single one it seems like she's on something
the face at :14

She would look good if she didn't OD on the makeup, but she seems like literally the most annoying person in the world
Originally Posted by djaward

Originally Posted by 2g00d4u

Whoa, this is the guy from the green mile.

And Lost.
Yeah I notice that too. Thats the only movie hes done right? 
Hes done other movies, but im sure thats the only two he's known for. 
Originally Posted by nyzMaGiciAn

the face at :14

i watched that episode it aired earlier today
the audience faces reaction where priceless threw the whole show 

their where so many gif that could of been made but i first have to find that episode and post on here
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