Butterfly Boy's Skin Falls Off With The Slightest Touch

My daughter has sever eczema.
We go through a daily routine so she can be as comfortable as possible.
Her life and lifespan isnt limited because of it.
But it is very tough on her and us dealing with this daily.

Seeing this is very humbling and reminds me that I should keep my
spirits up while dealing, since this kid can while going through far worse.
His body may be weak but he has a beautifully strong spirit that Im sure will
leave a longer lasting effect than physical touch could.
being a parent this had me right in the feels 
I was born at 7 months. My mother's water broke at 6 months and they kept me in her for another month with medication. Doctors told my parents that the chance of me living was real low, said that if I did survive I was going to have growth problems and be mentally challenged. When I was going to be born they had a helicopter ready to take me to another hospital that could be better help with my problems. Doctor pulled me out and said "What the hell? He's fine." Handed me off to my parents and I've been blessed to not have any of those problems they expected.

I really don't know if I'd be able to go through what this kid goes through.
If I had the kid's condition, I'd honestly ask for assisted death. My parents would understand.
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