Calculus Unappreciation vol. @#$#, how am I supposed to solve this?!

It's hard learning it at first but to me, after I learn how to run through the process it's not that bad.
I didn't do bad in Calculus, but math is just so damn boring in general.

It does feel great when everything starts making sense to you though.
Failed all 4 midterms with lower than a 57% but did all my homework (answers were in the back of the book), popped some adderall before finals, and got a B in the class.


worst quarter of my life tho 
never taking another calculus class again
Calc wasn't bad but when I got to college and my professor had a stroooooong Austrian accent, I bombed. I got a C- TWICE!!
To all those who wonder when you need calc in your life... depends on your major.  I'm in Comp Sci and Computer Engineering and we use calc ALL the time.  Every single math class is important for my engineering field.

Math is SO easy compared to many subjects because there's usually a definitive answer and you can always check your answer.
calc2 was the worst for me by far (integrals
differential equations (the next sequence) is much easier

had to take 2 1/2 years of math

the main way you're seeing calc in you career is if you're in engineering

(Let me know your textbook, I might still have answer guides
Calculus 1 and 2 was not hard, calculus based physics 
 (in that order by the way)
Calculus took math to a whole new level for me

A level that I quit on after beating it

My brother is in 3rd year Calc in only his second semester
making me look like the idiot of the family
I breezed through Calc and when I signed up for Calc 2 I just gave my teacher the dueces. "Solve this" "Yeah %@!%#*# Right. You just made that up"
Don't complain about calculus man...
I've been through evil %%! math classes...
Diff. equations, upper div statistic for comp sci, theoretical discreet math for comp sci.
I have to take calculus this semester. I first took it (yea) back in Spring '07 and bombed, tried to cheat on a test & got caught
. Since then, I've been on the up and up for the most part, while having not taken a math course since then

I think it wise to take a refresher course, but I will grit this one out with unthinkable amounts of tutoring and studying. Hopefully, this will take my gpa to the next level. I've been stuck at 3.2 for a couple semesters.
Calculus is just time consuming and requires practice/repetition, but isn't too difficult IMO. I'm just starting Linear Algebra right now and it seems manageable too. Now statistics always tripped me up for some reason.
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