Cali Heads Help Me Out

dont expect much in sac cuz i live here
be careful in oakland stuffs kinda crazy with the oscar grant killing and he 4 cops bein killed
dont go to richmond
jus go to la and san d
if you wanna have fun
Originally Posted by BIGKOREY510

dont expect much in sac cuz i live here
be careful in oakland stuffs kinda crazy with the oscar grant killing and he 4 cops bein killed
dont go to richmond
jus go to la and san d
if you wanna have fun
the hell? its a beautiful city...and sacramento isn'tas boring as everyone says. Bay heads like to clown sac as always but 99% of the bay area is just as boring or even worse if comparing night life and thingsto do. Only SF, San Jose, and maybe oakland is better than sac..all the other cities surrounding the bay are "boring" like sac. In fresno there arealot of lao, cambodian, mexican gangbangers.
head to milpitas in the bay area
go to the Las Vegas Taqueria
and cop some carne asada french fries
fresno: dead like there aint nothing there
sac: a step up from fresno but there aint no point to it.
oakland: y go to oakland wen sf is not to far from it. sf nightlife>oakland, higher chance of problems in oakland, esp. east oakland

LA: is LA
Nothin to do in Fresno.

Like beezylocks said, since you're stoppin by to Oakland cross the bridge and hit up Downtown SF. Haight St. has them boutiques if your into that kindaGear and down to go further.
Originally Posted by BIGKOREY510

dont expect much in sac cuz i live here
be careful in oakland stuffs kinda crazy with the oscar grant killing and he 4 cops bein killed
dont go to richmond
jus go to la and san d
if you wanna have fun

Good Look Looks Like we skipping through Oakland cause I was thinking that same exact thing and you confirmed that
Yimoney-I think im headed to San Jose cause she Played ball at San Jose state
Beezylocks- Good looks on the info im taking you and Russoul's advice and heading to San Francisco
BGL-Good look on the info
Ev209- good look im def trying to get down on that

Doesn't the Hundreds have a store In SF if so has anyone been there?
Originally Posted by LilJRDN

First thing you could do is avoiding calling all latinos or hispanics "Mexican."

Nah Man I got you my bad if I offended you Im blk/Dominican so I know whats what I really Did mean Mexican tho. Like I know the Difference I go to school inFlorida and there are Mexicans down there so I Meant no Disrespect to any of my Latino mi gente
So what's good with this Jack In the Box business she talking bout Jack in the Box Like I talk about White Castles someone put me On
Come to Sacramento and meet me. It's pretty cool here, not as bad as some think. Mebbe you can introduce me to your daughter and then we'll take itfrom there
thanks for all the help I think I have an Ideal of what I want to do out there and What I dont wanna do, Im starting to think this trip is going to be a lotbetter than I had first thought
Sac aint that bad, its better than fresno and oakland and lot of other cities in the bay. When visiting the bay stick to SF for shopping/sight seeing/nightlife and your good, SJ for shopping and nightlife, and just go sight seeing in other parts of the bay.
White Castle > Jack in the box.

Downtown SF is like a mini Manhattan you will like it if you are trying to shop.
Originally Posted by wcghost

then hit up Everett and Jones in Oakland.

If you headed to Oakland you def. gotta stop by there. Don't go to the Jack London (sp?) square one. You got to go to the E. 24th spot withthe bullet proof glass and all. LOLZ. If you going to the city stop by House of Prime Rib (sp?) as well.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

White Castle > Jack in the box.

Downtown SF is like a mini Manhattan you will like it if you are trying to shop.
I been trying to tell my silly Girlfriend this for 5 years..good looking out and I will def hit San Fran know i dont wanna hit no ones sour spotbut my boys at work told me that San Fran has a lot of um I dont wanna say something off color and get banned so.. I will say they got a lot of Gays there andAsian's I could careless about them tho I got a grip of Asian friends. Its not a problem or nothing like that but I dont know if im ready explain to my 6year old why two men are kissing or no stuff like that
So other than San Fran is ther anyother parts Of Cali that I def. Need to see so that I can say I saw most of what Cali has to offer
Originally Posted by vrp32tl

Originally Posted by wcghost

then hit up Everett and Jones in Oakland.

If you headed to Oakland you def. gotta stop by there. Don't go to the Jack London (sp?) square one. You got to go to the E. 24th spot with the bullet proof glass and all. LOLZ. If you going to the city stop by House of Prime Rib (sp?) as well.

i heartd its not like it used to be
but if u do decide to go to oakland
go to this mexican spot called el zamarano
me an my boys used to always go there
get a famoso burrito hella good son
If you can try to get to Frisco.. The downtown area is real fly... Hit up the sunset area and hollywood once you get to LA though. Oh and go to Pink's andRoscoes while in LA too... thats a must do
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