California signs 1st in nation law for College athletes to make money VOL. NCAA endgame

We sat down with Ricky Goings, to discuss the landscape and climate of NIL in today's college basketball world. This is a crash course on everything NIL so get your notepad out!

The Auto Bid: The Auto Bid Episode 62: Ricky Goings on Apple Podcasts
Welp I’m naming my boys DeCola or LaApple just in case
… Gil’s not okay with parents pimping, but okay with the schools or professional organizations pimping out pro and amateur Athletes….? Got it.

Especially if you’re parents did right by you, why don’t they deserve to benefit? This comes from a guy like Gilbert who tricks off his money on strippers and other women :lol :lol

Some MLB players have been signing similar deals and I don't think they've won in court
How does this work? I know Shadeur gets a Milly or whatever, but what about the dudes blocking for him or the rest of the offense/defense? Everyman for themselves? GA wilding most parents ain't have his contract :lol
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