Call me Can't Get Right because I stay catching Ls

Damn, OP. Sounds ike your in the dumps. Read the Holy Bible and lay down or kneel down and talk to god about your problems. He'll respond to you and show you how to go about solving these problems. Trust me man.
Im an atheist lol. but im def looking for other jobs. I work in the tech industry so jobs are plenty just had my eyes set on the 40 k raise with a take home car. 
Well I'm as jobless as it gets so my opinion is invalid here but keep grinding through it like it never effected you brother. I'm sure since you were in the conversation and they even ran you through the process then they most definitely see you doing better things for the company than your current position. Chances are they have another position in mind that they're looking for you to fill.
What we need to do is always lean into the future; when the world changes around you and when it changes against you - what used to be a tail wind is now a head wind - you have to lean into that and figure out what to do because complaining isn't a strategy. -Jeff Bezos 
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I appreciate the motivational  words shared  in this thread, was close to relapsing but Im grateful for all of you. Thanks again. 
One thing I've learned about the work place is nothing is for sure until I see it signed on paper. I don't know how many times I've been told something only for it to not happen. Can't trust these employers man.
Only one thing you can do in this situation,

go **** the boss's daughter.

unfortunately I've heard this happen time and time again. basically they'd interview everyone, make everyone go through hoops only to hire someone they already know. i can see them trying to keep that money in the family. cut ties and find something else and just forget them. continue to get your paycheck tho until something else comes your way/up. real world is fuked up but theres always more out there for you. 
:smh: man its racism. EVERYTHING IS RACISM :smh:

lawsuit time

and if they hate let em hate watch that money pile up
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