Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (November 4, 2014)

I really enjoy this COD, however I can't plant myself in front of the TV for 3+ hrs like MW2 or Blops 1 days. None of my friends went to next gen... smh.
I can't get with the boost jumping and hovering. I will never be cool with that. I can return it and get $40 or hold out for a bonus trade in at this point.
Then just play the classic mode playlist . There is no jumping and hovering
Yeah me too.. I upped my sensitivity and that helped alot since you got dudes everywhere but i'm starting to get annoyed trying to adapt to this gameplay. I'm not doing too bad with 1.5 kd but still.. I'm tired of this lag, hit detection and spawning. Just doesn't make the game fun after a while. Copping Halo tomorrow and letting this sit till they patch it. I'm done with this game for now.
Just finished playing Halo. It aint that bad
Been messing around with exo cloak paird with exo hover with overcharged perk. Pretty hilarious to troll with.

My k/d is .96 :x I'm still unlocking the basics n cats out here running around akimbo'd up. Rediculous
Is this game worth getting for previous Gen consoles ?
nah b. we off that now.

current gen is where its at now. 
Got my prestige on today..

1st time prestige-ing in the 1st week..

Gonna go for the zombie character and outfit I suppose..

My dude gonna be running around undead and ish...
Dont do it, prestiging is dumb. 


Sir, please explain..

What's dumb is the respawn .. What's dumb is how I have hit markers on dudes and they don't die.. What's dumb is the out of bounds perimeters..

To prestige=dumb? Yes, I need to hear(read) this..
I just dont see the point. You get no benefits from starting the game over without all your guns and stuff. Purposely handicapping yourself. 
Lol I mean I guess, but if you're a killer on the sticks then you'll have no problem ranking up..

Besides, u get to pick a weapon to unlock forever to start with..
I just dont see the point. You get no benefits from starting the game over without all your guns and stuff. Purposely handicapping yourself. 
you get additional emblems on future games you at time get perks like emblems tokens permanent unlock from jump etc. So there are perks.
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