Call of Duty: MW3 -Official Xbox360 Thread-Out Now!- Got 99 Problems but Sales Ain't One..

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

To me, it's basically the same @#$% as MW2 : a good way to kill time. Not that fun but still addicting somehow
. The maps on MW2>>>>MW3 though. There's nothing in this game like Terminal (Arkaden doesn't count, it's way too small)

There was never this much lag on MW2 though. I have to quit games whenever I experience it because it's near impossible to get a kill when it happens. You just end up dying 10 times in a row instead
. I didn't even bother buying the map packs for MW2 b/c the maps that came with the game were all I needed. MW3 on the other hand.....
Honestly, i think im done with FPS after MW3.

I fell in love with MW2, then BO, then BF3, and now that im playing MW3,
idk, feels like im growing too old for these FPS shooters

I always been a fan of games like Fallout 3, Bioshock 1 + 2, Red Dead Redemption, etc.
I'm thinking about coppin' this game later today after work.  Does any place have any good deals going on for this?
No real good maps to snipe on imo. I've gotta 1.6 KD ratio and it's only going up. If anyone wants to run Gt: t ali is a g
i stopped playing for like a week-week and a half.....



i didnt think people could camp more....

but they've found a way.

behind boxes






peices of cement



whatever they can hide behind and wait...


and they still lose.

how trash do you have to be?
MAN! i could of had the game of my life earlier but my internet has been very poor as of late, should of had at least 3 ac130's as well as 50+ kills just from guns
is it just me or is the lag compensation just getting worse? some game i go 15 kills 3 deaths and than i go 9 kills 15 deaths
and when i look at the kill cam it doesn't even show me firing off any rounds
i have a 1.1 K/D ratio, but my W/L is at 2.0. i'd rather win the match than be the cleveland lebron james of MW3. mostly play domination.
For the peeps that have problems with 'campers' - why do you get so butthurt if someone is camping. I only play Domination and I camp to protect our flags. Do you really expect that everyone should just run around in circles capturing flags that they could've just held down from the beginning? It's the whole purpose of objective based games - there is an offense and defense. To camp is a type of defense... I really do not understand the issue.

Can someone please explain?
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