Jul 31, 2004
oK so i am in the process of buying a new car, and i have been searching on the internet and in the show room for months to find a good affordable vehicle thatfits my taste and budget. I have come across a 01 Lincoln LS V8. it has around 67k miles on it and i am confident i can get it for under $5k. Having not seenthis car in person, only pictures, and not driven it (planning to do so tomorrow) any owners of this vehicle have any input about what i can expect? anyfeedback upon this car would be very helpful. Gas mileage? How is the ride..comfort...acceleration etc.
basically anything i would want to know before purchasing this vehicle...i will post pics as soon as this low end car website loads them..

thanks in advance.
Great car, but the 00-03 are known for transmission problems. Great slick looking car, I started to purchase one too. Was gonna do the blck/blck(factory 5 staralloy wheels and paint) thing with it, but instead ran across a great deville for a good price. Good Luck though man, if you've never bought a car. Bepatient its a long and detail process.
yeah this is my first purchase. For the price this may be hard to pass up though, and the miles. but thank you for ur input i will take it into consideration


3 people I've known that had the LS had nothing but problems. Someone at my job just recently traded his own in, and he got scraps for the thing.

Nothing but problems for this car from everyone that I've know that had it... like stated the ****** problems is going to burn your pockets worst than aweed habit.

Only buy it if you like being pissed off.
I almost bought one until i started asking around and found out that these cars are buns.
I was talking to a mechanic and told him this was the car I had my eye on.

He told me that they stopped making the LS for a reason.
it was my first car at 15 years old and bro let me tell you...
it was a great and beautiful car, all my people && friends loved it. but no one knew how much stress this car put me through, within the first 2 monthsof me having it it started to misfire, then transmission problems arose, coils need to be replaced, then valve cover gaskets...etc
took it to the lincoln dealership problem fixed, $1500 cash. let me remind you im 16 years old at the time paying for this myself struggling paying carinsurance payments and having no gas. lol

fast forward 6 months my WHOLE suspension needed to be replaced, ball joints were outta there, tie rod ends, struts, bushing, alignments...wtfeezy? alltogether about $1300.

during the next 5 months an accumalation of small but expensive problems occured like broke window regulator $240 installed, badd catalytic converters $400,egr valve, misc interior parts. now the nxt big problem was overheating and i spent roughly over $600. and it rode good after that for like a year straight noproblems. then i started puttin money into like a paint job, radio, screens, beat, and swangaz. i was 17yo with a slab lincoln ls feelin and lookngood...UNITL!

my car got stolen and after i got it back the motor locked up and heads blew on me and at that point it was time to call it a wrap! and thats when i sold thatjoint.

moral of the story is...
its a great car but i wouldnt recommend you get one if it aint 05+ and your pockets and bank account tend to be on the negative side....coming from an 18yo boywho has gone through and learnd alot about this vehicle, it taught me alot about maintaing a car nicely!
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