Calling all Law School Students of NT...

Aug 14, 2003
whattap NT
this weekend i was doing some thinking and i decided that i want to pursue law school. Right now im a senior at college getting a degree in Finance. I kindadecided that I wanna get a law degree right after i graduate and try to do something with finance and law. is neone on NT following the same path as me? Imabout to start studying for my LSATs and at college right now my gpa is around a 2.5. With this gpa and a decent LSAT score what kind of colleges should iconsider. Im from New Jersey btw but Im down to relocate anywhere. I was wondering if someone can give me some information about law school and how it is. Helpis appreciated
Law school is ALOT of money my dude
But good luck
Lawyers get paid alot
Originally Posted by illmatic21787

whattap NT
this weekend i was doing some thinking and i decided that i want to pursue law school. Right now im a senior at college getting a degree in Finance. I kinda decided that I wanna get a law degree right after i graduate and try to do something with finance and law. is neone on NT following the same path as me? Im about to start studying for my LSATs and at college right now my gpa is around a 2.5. With this gpa and a decent LSAT score what kind of colleges should i consider. Im from New Jersey btw but Im down to relocate anywhere. I was wondering if someone can give me some information about law school and how it is. Help is appreciated
Well you're going to get it tough trying to get in with a 2.5 to be quite honest, but it can be done with agreat LSAT score. The fact that you're willing to relocate is a MAJOR plus. I'd look at smaller law schools where there'd be less competion becausein all seriousness, going to a huge law school is out of the question. It is a very competitive process and you're competing with those at the top of theirclass from their respective universities. Buckle down and knock the LSATs out of the box, try and get an internship(if you haven't already) and moveforward from there. Also, see if you can retake some of those previous courses for high grades. Some universities allow it, some don't. Good luck
Originally Posted by illmatic21787

whattap NT
this weekend i was doing some thinking and i decided that i want to pursue law school. Right now im a senior at college getting a degree in Finance. I kinda decided that I wanna get a law degree right after i graduate and try to do something with finance and law. is neone on NT following the same path as me? Im about to start studying for my LSATs and at college right now my gpa is around a 2.5. With this gpa and a decent LSAT score what kind of colleges should i consider. Im from New Jersey btw but Im down to relocate anywhere. I was wondering if someone can give me some information about law school and how it is. Help is appreciated
If you have a 2.5 Law school is not really an option for you. Sorry to break it to you but even the lowest tier law schools at the very leastthat I have seen accept 2.75 at the lowest. You will need to score high 160s and low 170s in order to get into any decent school. Graduate school might be abetter option because if you try law school one you are already kinda late in applying for next fall 09 school year and two the lowest tier law school make50-60k coming out and it will take you a lifetime to repay debts. Law school is not easy by any means and with a 2.5 in undergrad it seems you are alreadyhaving some trouble or had a bad year. Law schools don't like to see that. I have a 3.8 in undergrad and a 4.0 in masters and I am still having troublegetting into good law schools. So just imagine the scores you will need to get on your LSAT.

My suggestion is buy a practice lsat test from the Law School Council. Take it and see where you stand. If you score 155 or above you still have hope. If yourescoring avg scores you will most likely have a very hard time getting into law school. is the official law school website get familiar with it. Lawschool test are only given 4 times a year and you dont want to neccessarily take it more than once. There is alot of things that are factors. Just let me knowif you have anymore questions.
anyone on here get in trouble with the law while in law school? do law schools have any way of finding out about this stuff?
Originally Posted by kicker6136

anyone on here get in trouble with the law while in law school? do law schools have any way of finding out about this stuff?

They ask you in the application if you have been involved in any type of criminal activities other than minor traffic violations. You don't really want tolie about that because if you get in and are on your third year and they find out you will be kicked out and still have no degree and will have to pay for lawschool so why risk it. I'm sure plenty of people in law school have been involved with DUI or other things. Most law schools allow you to submit statementsabout the situation to explain further what happened etc..
I'm in the same boat as the OP, except I have 3 semesters left. I have a 3.1 GPA, been on the dean's list a couple times, and currently have aninternship at a big law firm (that I would hope to work for because their introductory attorney salary is through the roof). There are three law schools here(in Houston), one of which I definitely don't want to go to, the other two would be a toss up.

I did some basic research last night about admissions and etc. Just Google "law school (your city)" and you should be able to find a bit ofinformation. The most notable things I found are:
Schools can see the last three LSAT scores you have, and they're administered four times per year. You are not penalized for incorrect answers, so go aheadand take a guess if you need to so you at least have a chance at getting a better score.
Sample LSAT exam:

Good luck. From what I've read, the big firms are raising their starting salaries pretty regularly if you're at the top of your class. $160k/yrstraight out of college would be nice.

If I'm wrong about any of the stuff I found on Google, please correct me. I'm hoping to pursue a career in this field, too.
I'm not in law school, but I consider (and abandon) sitting for the LSAT at least once a year. Honestly, my advice is for you to take the LSAT prep coursesbut really work on building up your undergrad GPA as well. And be 100% sure about your decision to enter law school.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

I'm in the same boat as the OP, except I have 3 semesters left. I have a 3.1 GPA, been on the dean's list a couple times, and currently have an internship at a big law firm (that I would hope to work for because their introductory attorney salary is through the roof). There are three law schools here (in Houston), one of which I definitely don't want to go to, the other two would be a toss up.

I did some basic research last night about admissions and etc. Just Google "law school (your city)" and you should be able to find a bit of information. The most notable things I found are:
Schools can see the last three LSAT scores you have, and they're administered four times per year. You are not penalized for incorrect answers, so go ahead and take a guess if you need to so you at least have a chance at getting a better score.
Sample LSAT exam:

Good luck. From what I've read, the big firms are raising their starting salaries pretty regularly if you're at the top of your class. $160k/yr straight out of college would be nice.

If I'm wrong about any of the stuff I found on Google, please correct me. I'm hoping to pursue a career in this field, too.

Getting 160k out of law school is very rare. The avg spread for lawyers is 60-130k usually. That is what the majority of lawyers will get receive. You willonly find the top students at good schools coming out making that much. Also the chances of doing that and being a part of a good law firm is slim. You arelooking at like 10-20% of students that get chances like that. A majority of the students that come out will be stuck on case work and doing research for otherlawyers. Its all a hierarchy you don't come out being on top of a law firm unless you are a super human with great experience which is rare.

I know plenty of lawyers and students in law school. Don't be fooled by the figures. Yes those salaries are achievable, but definitely not a holistic viewof lawyers. Large firms mean alot of work also so be prepared to work long weeks.
Originally Posted by Tmanm3

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

I'm in the same boat as the OP, except I have 3 semesters left. I have a 3.1 GPA, been on the dean's list a couple times, and currently have an internship at a big law firm (that I would hope to work for because their introductory attorney salary is through the roof). There are three law schools here (in Houston), one of which I definitely don't want to go to, the other two would be a toss up.

I did some basic research last night about admissions and etc. Just Google "law school (your city)" and you should be able to find a bit of information. The most notable things I found are:
Schools can see the last three LSAT scores you have, and they're administered four times per year. You are not penalized for incorrect answers, so go ahead and take a guess if you need to so you at least have a chance at getting a better score.
Sample LSAT exam:

Good luck. From what I've read, the big firms are raising their starting salaries pretty regularly if you're at the top of your class. $160k/yr straight out of college would be nice.

If I'm wrong about any of the stuff I found on Google, please correct me. I'm hoping to pursue a career in this field, too.

Getting 160k out of law school is very rare. The avg spread for lawyers is 60-130k usually. That is what the majority of lawyers will get receive. You will only find the top students at good schools coming out making that much. Also the chances of doing that and being a part of a good law firm is slim. You are looking at like 10-20% of students that get chances like that. A majority of the students that come out will be stuck on case work and doing research for other lawyers. Its all a hierarchy you don't come out being on top of a law firm unless you are a super human with great experience which is rare.

I know plenty of lawyers and students in law school. Don't be fooled by the figures. Yes those salaries are achievable, but definitely not a holistic view of lawyers. Large firms mean alot of work also so be prepared to work long weeks.

I work with law clerks starting out they are gs11 up to gs 13 thats around 60k but the government is less stress
Originally Posted by Tmanm3

Originally Posted by kicker6136

anyone on here get in trouble with the law while in law school? do law schools have any way of finding out about this stuff?

They ask you in the application if you have been involved in any type of criminal activities other than minor traffic violations. You don't really want to lie about that because if you get in and are on your third year and they find out you will be kicked out and still have no degree and will have to pay for law school so why risk it. I'm sure plenty of people in law school have been involved with DUI or other things. Most law schools allow you to submit statements about the situation to explain further what happened etc..

Do they run some kind of record check before they award you your JD?
No offense to all those who contributed, but are you black?

If so can you get into a top one? No

A good one? Yes

I have a subpar GPA. My LSAT score was not so subpar.

I am stuck in TFA, but some pretty prestigious schools accepted me.

Fact remains if you are black your GPA is expected to take a hit
Originally Posted by kix4kix

No offense to all those who contributed, but are you black?

If so can you get into a top one? No

A good one? Yes

I have a subpar GPA. My LSAT score was not so subpar.

I am still in undergrad, but some pretty prestigious schools accepted me.

Fact remains if you are black your GPA is expected to take a hit
Not sure what you are trying to say, but I know that GPA and LSAT scores matter. Race matters in some school to meet certain standards they wantto hold. It's informal but you will still have a good jump over alot of people. I am asian it is proven by LSAC that Asians are under represented in theLaw profession. A lot of law school will repsect that and when deciding between two people I may be choosen because of race even though we both have the samecreditial. Regardless you still need the scores to meet the standards of the school. Just because I am Asian doesn't mean that I can score a 150 and makeit into a school that usually admits 165 scores.

If you don't mind me asking what prestigious schools are you getting into and what year of school are you in right now?
I'm just wondering what kind of scores and gpa you are getting to say this kind of stuff.

I think apply to law school you are not expected to take a hit because your black. You are trying to get into law school this is not elementary or trying toget into undergrad anymore. This is LAW SCHOOL one of the most highly held degrees in the nation. You are no longer looked at with the card of, "Oh he iswhite or he is black it's okay to have bad grades." There is thousand of students in the same boat with better score of the same race. Don't thinkfor one second that law school are going to cut you a break because you are black or whatever. If you fall in the same categories of maybe for yourapplication, it may come down to personal statements previous records resume, etc... but race will not supercede these things unless you seem equal to anotherperson they are looking at.
Originally Posted by kicker6136

Originally Posted by Tmanm3

Originally Posted by kicker6136

anyone on here get in trouble with the law while in law school? do law schools have any way of finding out about this stuff?

They ask you in the application if you have been involved in any type of criminal activities other than minor traffic violations. You don't really want to lie about that because if you get in and are on your third year and they find out you will be kicked out and still have no degree and will have to pay for law school so why risk it. I'm sure plenty of people in law school have been involved with DUI or other things. Most law schools allow you to submit statements about the situation to explain further what happened etc..

Do they run some kind of record check before they award you your JD?
I've heard that before you take the BAR exam they will run a background check etc.. but under JD you will have to provide any material if youhave pleaded guilty etc.. I don't know if they check, but I am sure they have the ability since you sign your rights away basically when you apply. Iwouldn't lie about it because eventually they will probably find out and you would be wasting your JD if you didn't take the BAR pretty much.
Originally Posted by Tmanm3

Originally Posted by kicker6136

Originally Posted by Tmanm3

Originally Posted by kicker6136

anyone on here get in trouble with the law while in law school? do law schools have any way of finding out about this stuff?

They ask you in the application if you have been involved in any type of criminal activities other than minor traffic violations. You don't really want to lie about that because if you get in and are on your third year and they find out you will be kicked out and still have no degree and will have to pay for law school so why risk it. I'm sure plenty of people in law school have been involved with DUI or other things. Most law schools allow you to submit statements about the situation to explain further what happened etc..

Do they run some kind of record check before they award you your JD?
I've heard that before you take the BAR exam they will run a background check etc.. but under JD you will have to provide any material if you have pleaded guilty etc.. I don't know if they check, but I am sure they have the ability since you sign your rights away basically when you apply. I wouldn't lie about it because eventually they will probably find out and you would be wasting your JD if you didn't take the BAR pretty much.

Your right on...Thanx
Originally Posted by Tmanm3

Originally Posted by kix4kix

No offense to all those who contributed, but are you black?

If so can you get into a top one? No

A good one? Yes

I have a subpar GPA. My LSAT score was not so subpar.

I am still in undergrad, but some pretty prestigious schools accepted me.

Fact remains if you are black your GPA is expected to take a hit
Not sure what you are trying to say, but I know that GPA and LSAT scores matter. Race matters in some school to meet certain standards they want to hold. It's informal but you will still have a good jump over alot of people. I am asian it is proven by LSAC that Asians are under represented in the Law profession. A lot of law school will repsect that and when deciding between two people I may be choosen because of race even though we both have the same creditial. Regardless you still need the scores to meet the standards of the school. Just because I am Asian doesn't mean that I can score a 150 and make it into a school that usually admits 165 scores.

If you don't mind me asking what prestigious schools are you getting into and what year of school are you in right now?
I'm just wondering what kind of scores and gpa you are getting to say this kind of stuff.

I think apply to law school you are not expected to take a hit because your black. You are trying to get into law school this is not elementary or trying to get into undergrad anymore. This is LAW SCHOOL one of the most highly held degrees in the nation. You are no longer looked at with the card of, "Oh he is white or he is black it's okay to have bad grades." There is thousand of students in the same boat with better score of the same race. Don't think for one second that law school are going to cut you a break because you are black or whatever. If you fall in the same categories of maybe for your application, it may come down to personal statements previous records resume, etc... but race will not supercede these things unless you seem equal to another person they are looking at.

I would disagree with most of what you have said.

Getting into Law School is no longer prestigious. Getting into a good one is.

I am not too keen on giving out too much info on NT. I have a sub-3.0.

I scored above 160

1 Ivy, and some 1st tier schools If you want specifics pm.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Tmanm3

Originally Posted by kix4kix

No offense to all those who contributed, but are you black?

If so can you get into a top one? No

A good one? Yes

I have a subpar GPA. My LSAT score was not so subpar.

I am still in undergrad, but some pretty prestigious schools accepted me.

Fact remains if you are black your GPA is expected to take a hit
Not sure what you are trying to say, but I know that GPA and LSAT scores matter. Race matters in some school to meet certain standards they want to hold. It's informal but you will still have a good jump over alot of people. I am asian it is proven by LSAC that Asians are under represented in the Law profession. A lot of law school will repsect that and when deciding between two people I may be choosen because of race even though we both have the same creditial. Regardless you still need the scores to meet the standards of the school. Just because I am Asian doesn't mean that I can score a 150 and make it into a school that usually admits 165 scores.

If you don't mind me asking what prestigious schools are you getting into and what year of school are you in right now?
I'm just wondering what kind of scores and gpa you are getting to say this kind of stuff.

I think apply to law school you are not expected to take a hit because your black. You are trying to get into law school this is not elementary or trying to get into undergrad anymore. This is LAW SCHOOL one of the most highly held degrees in the nation. You are no longer looked at with the card of, "Oh he is white or he is black it's okay to have bad grades." There is thousand of students in the same boat with better score of the same race. Don't think for one second that law school are going to cut you a break because you are black or whatever. If you fall in the same categories of maybe for your application, it may come down to personal statements previous records resume, etc... but race will not supercede these things unless you seem equal to another person they are looking at.

I would disagree with most of what you have said.

Getting into Law School is no longer prestigious. Getting into a good one is.

I am not too keen on giving out too much info on NT. I have a sub-3.0.

I scored above 160

1 Ivy, and some 1st tier schools If you want specifics pm.
I dont know why you dont want to give out info because its not really hurting you any. I will say i have 3.74 in undergrad and a 4.0 in graduateschool and i made a 162 and I have am having a hard time getting into UGA, Emory, etc.. and those are not your low tier schools.
Originally Posted by Tmanm3

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Tmanm3

Originally Posted by kix4kix

No offense to all those who contributed, but are you black?

If so can you get into a top one? No

A good one? Yes

I have a subpar GPA. My LSAT score was not so subpar.

I am still in undergrad, but some pretty prestigious schools accepted me.

Fact remains if you are black your GPA is expected to take a hit
Not sure what you are trying to say, but I know that GPA and LSAT scores matter. Race matters in some school to meet certain standards they want to hold. It's informal but you will still have a good jump over alot of people. I am asian it is proven by LSAC that Asians are under represented in the Law profession. A lot of law school will repsect that and when deciding between two people I may be choosen because of race even though we both have the same creditial. Regardless you still need the scores to meet the standards of the school. Just because I am Asian doesn't mean that I can score a 150 and make it into a school that usually admits 165 scores.

If you don't mind me asking what prestigious schools are you getting into and what year of school are you in right now?
I'm just wondering what kind of scores and gpa you are getting to say this kind of stuff.

I think apply to law school you are not expected to take a hit because your black. You are trying to get into law school this is not elementary or trying to get into undergrad anymore. This is LAW SCHOOL one of the most highly held degrees in the nation. You are no longer looked at with the card of, "Oh he is white or he is black it's okay to have bad grades." There is thousand of students in the same boat with better score of the same race. Don't think for one second that law school are going to cut you a break because you are black or whatever. If you fall in the same categories of maybe for your application, it may come down to personal statements previous records resume, etc... but race will not supercede these things unless you seem equal to another person they are looking at.

I would disagree with most of what you have said.

Getting into Law School is no longer prestigious. Getting into a good one is.

I am not too keen on giving out too much info on NT. I have a sub-3.0.

I scored above 160

1 Ivy, and some 1st tier schools If you want specifics pm.
I dont know why you dont want to give out info because its not really hurting you any. I will say i have 3.74 in undergrad and a 4.0 in graduate school and i made a 162 and I have am having a hard time getting into UGA, Emory, etc.. and those are not your low tier schools.

GPA:2.97 LSAT: 167

Cornell, Georgetown, NYU
USF, and Syracuse as well.
Well I'm still only a senior in high school and I'm strongly considering Law school after college to pursue a career in corporate law, or being anagent. Yeah I know, long hours and all that, but without hard work you won't get good at anything no matter the profession.
I'm also a senior in High School and I can't decide between Medical or Law. Medical seems harder to me because I've never been good with math andI'm not sure science is my thing. What's the pay like between lawyers and doctors? I know surgeons, radiologists, get payed a lot but what type oflawyers get payed a lot? thanks
Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

I'm also a senior in High School and I can't decide between Medical or Law. Medical seems harder to me because I've never been good with math and I'm not sure science is my thing. What's the pay like between lawyers and doctors? I know surgeons, radiologists, get payed a lot but what type of lawyers get payed a lot? thanks

If you are doing it for money. Don't

Doctors are getting paid less and less.

So are lawyers
Originally Posted by Sick Ik 23

I'm also a senior in High School and I can't decide between Medical or Law. Medical seems harder to me because I've never been good with math and I'm not sure science is my thing. What's the pay like between lawyers and doctors? I know surgeons, radiologists, get payed a lot but what type of lawyers get payed a lot? thanks

don't go into medicine because of the money. yea...medical speicialists like surgeons get paid a buttload but you have to factor in that you won't bestarting your career until you're like 30 with all that schooling. Also, it is CRAZY hard to get into med school, if you don't love it, or are at leastmotivated by something other than money, i guarentee you you won't last through the whole process. If all you care about is money, there are many easierways to make money that trying to be a surgeon
Originally Posted by Tmanm3

Originally Posted by kicker6136

anyone on here get in trouble with the law while in law school? do law schools have any way of finding out about this stuff?

They ask you in the application if you have been involved in any type of criminal activities other than minor traffic violations. You don't really want to lie about that because if you get in and are on your third year and they find out you will be kicked out and still have no degree and will have to pay for law school so why risk it. I'm sure plenty of people in law school have been involved with DUI or other things. Most law schools allow you to submit statements about the situation to explain further what happened etc..

Do not try to withhold information regarding your past run-ins with the law from the law school you are applying to. I recently attended an informationalseminar @ the University of Texas law school and was told that even possession of an illegal substance probably won't keep you out of 150/180 (numbers weresomething along these lines) law schools.
waddup aaron, i was wondering where you've been, but i see now you just switched the avy.

i'm pursuing an accounting degree now, been looking at potentially pursuing a law degree after i complete the accounting, lots of schooling though
When I applied for my internship at the law firm I work at currently, the application had a space for putting priors and such - I put my misdemeanor possesionon there and they didn't care at all. They just want to see if you would lie about it or not. I think they take it as more of a test of how honest are you,not how bad were you in the past.

I would not go into medicine because I don't like doctors. Legal representation has interested me for years.
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