Calling all NTers in Texas.. need your help ID'ing someone! **PICS**

I don't know her, but if I see her around town, I'll be sure to stop her and let her know that an NTer is looking for her. I'm sure that won'tbe strange ...
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

There's seriously something wrong with you.
@ y'all dropping random names in here...

But after a second look, I think I know who that is...

Her name is Kim Puu-tang...

I'm 72% sure about this...


This girls in my 10:00 psychology class. Her name is angelica tolo or tola not sure about the last name.
Originally Posted by i am toddzo

lol UT has like 45k students
Seriously. Assuming you know Austin well, you're better off just posting up on Sixth Street and trying to find that one out every 10 girlsthat isn't drunk out of her mind.
after thorough searches and investigations, turns out she posts on NT. her username is 'dirtylicious;
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