Calling all RICH and WEALTHY members. Let's discuss wealth.

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by jhobson5

Originally Posted by moundraised23

Hey, I started out mopping the floor just like you guys. But now... now I'm washing lettuce. Soon I'll be on fries; then the grill. And pretty soon, I'll make assistant manager, and that's when the big bucks start rolling in.

Had me rolling at work....


$37/hour at Champ's!!!! I've been doing it all wrong.

That's as a district or regional manager, right?
Originally Posted by BroComeAtMe

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Stay at a job for years, eventually you'll become manager. I work at champs sports for 3 yrs, first yr i was an associate making $7 bucks an hr, following year I become asst manager, making $15, now I'm full manager making $37.75 an hour plus 5% commission. Hard work at a crappy job really pays off trust me. I don't want to say I'm wealthy but I make a very good living. My dad told me this is america, if you want something go get it. That's exactly what I did and I've lived by it.

37.75 an hour at champs???? 
i call ducktales

Originally Posted by HOVKid

I live on Long Island. How much you think a real house in a real area of LI goes for bro? .  Everything I do is for my wife and kids. I barely spend anything on myself. So much so that when I went a few weeks ago to buy a car my wife had to convince me to spend something on myself. Convinced me to get a 550i. Got the M package and just got work that it's being built now. Feel mad guilty for doing it though. My wife says I deserve it more than anyone. I dunno.


i understand your a family man. i congrat you on that, but damn you bust your as and not enjoy the fruits of your labor? no traveling or nothing? thats crazy to me, i guess bc im still young and its only me and my girl.

my mind set right now is why the hell do i work for if i cant enjoy it. 

hopefully ill mature soon and start putting some money away.

Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by HOVKid

I live on Long Island. How much you think a real house in a real area of LI goes for bro? .  Everything I do is for my wife and kids. I barely spend anything on myself. So much so that when I went a few weeks ago to buy a car my wife had to convince me to spend something on myself. Convinced me to get a 550i. Got the M package and just got work that it's being built now. Feel mad guilty for doing it though. My wife says I deserve it more than anyone. I dunno.


i understand your a family man. i congrat you on that, but damn you bust your as and not enjoy the fruits of your labor? no traveling or nothing? thats crazy to me, i guess bc im still young and its only me and my girl.

my mind set right now is why the hell do i work for if i cant enjoy it. 

hopefully ill mature soon and start putting some money away.

I say the same thing to my dad. In the last 20 years, he's only traveled like three times, and one of those we forced him so he could see his family in Europe. For as long as I can remember, anything and everything he's done has been for us.
I'll say this...

The posts in this thread are REAL interesting.

I'll leave this gem here, and you can trust me on this or not. This book WILL show you how to get it. Not in a step by step way, but in a "lead a horse to the water" way.

The Millionaire Fastlane

Dont sleep.

I'm still looking for the millionaires though.... And if there's seriously not one here, I may be spending too much time in the wrong places...
Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

I'll tell you one thing, there really ins't a specific formula. I'd say my dad is well off. He doesn't work at all, but still makes good money. I also know people who were basically on the brink of bankruptcy 2 years ago, and are now making 800k a month just from 1 contract. You just have to take risks and not be scared about possibly losing money. Even if you fail 10 times, that 1 time you do succeed could possibly set you off for life.

A lot of people are scared to part or lose their money so they never take chances and just settle for whatever.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

But you could easily make at least half of that down south, and be balling out of control.

Don't know why these NY cats that's really doing it stay in NY. $800K 2bd condos in Manhattan are not the biz.
Or live in Jersey/LI and make the commute...

I live on Long Island. How much you think a real house in a real area of LI goes for bro? Property + school tax alone in my area is $18k a year. But, I live in the second best school district out here. Everything I do is for my wife and kids. I barely spend anything on myself. So much so that when I went a few weeks ago to buy a car my wife had to convince me to spend something on myself. Convinced me to get a 550i. Got the M package and just got work that it's being built now. Feel mad guilty for doing it though. My wife says I deserve it more than anyone. I dunno.
I know EXACTLY how much a "real" house in a "real" area of LI goes for...all I was saying is that if you don't want to pay 800k - 1m for a 1000sq ft pad in Manhattan, you can get much more (house) for your money out in LI/Jersey....then make the commute to the city for work which millions of people do. 
Everyone I know that is rich or wealthy has done something shady to get where they are including family members. From human tracking to drug dealing you name it they have done it, but they are very good at hiding it. People with money are like sociopaths my uncle put his own brother in jail.

It's near impossible to get rich or wealthy legally from nothing outside of winning to lotto or playing a sport I can't think of anything.

I'm poor though hopefully though one day I'll make it.
You are on the wrong forum asking about this... visit L4P but don't just make your first post how did you guys get rich.. people hate that.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

You will never be wealthy working for the next man. Rich, maybe.
Michael Jordan has been an employee at nearly every point in his life. I know its an extreme example but hes damn sure wealthy.
You don't need millions to live like a millionaire and you don't need millions to be happy

Wealth i think is something that comes from working hard at your passion ,something you love . I don't believe someone can wake up and say i want to be rich and become rich it just don't work like that.

Look at steve jobs,oprah,jay-z , athletes etc they all became rich from their passion for the field their involve in
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

You will never be wealthy working for the next man. Rich, maybe.
Michael Jordan has been an employee at nearly every point in his life. I know its an extreme example but hes damn sure wealthy.

Michael Jordan is wealthy primarily because he has his own brand.
If reading a book called the millionaire fastlane was a legitimate way to get money, than there would be a lot more people reading that book...
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

You will never be wealthy working for the next man. Rich, maybe.
Michael Jordan has been an employee at nearly every point in his life. I know its an extreme example but hes damn sure wealthy.
Superstar athletes/entertainers are really like independent contractors moreso than employees.
They lend their lucrative image and talents to companies like McDonalds and Nike for huge sums of money. In the case of MJ/Kobe/LBJ they are more partners than employees. These men have their own entities which tie into larger corporate entities, when you look at the type of contracts that they have with these companies, you'd be hard pressed to called LeBron James or Micheal Jordan an employee of Nike.
I work my tail off, sometimes working 26 and 28 hours straight between my two jobs. Not nearly as close to where I wanna be. Just show dedication to your employer and they start to look out for you. HOVkid got recruited because he worked hard and somebody took notice. It pays off and he is very successful and I respect the hell out of his lifestyle. Putting family first.

That's what I'm building for me and my girl now, granted we don't get to spend much time together because of my hectic work schedule but in the end it will all pay off and WE will be able to enjoy it
"It's not how much you make, it's how much you save"

My parents both make good money but they have always been frugal with their spending. They grew up dirt poor and they know how that money can be taken away from them at any instant. The best thing you can do to to become wealthy is to just be smart with it and manage your money wisely.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

But you could easily make at least half of that down south, and be balling out of control.

Don't know why these NY cats that's really doing it stay in NY. $800K 2bd condos in Manhattan are not the biz.
Or live in Jersey/LI and make the commute...

I live on Long Island. How much you think a real house in a real area of LI goes for bro? Property + school tax alone in my area is $18k a year. But, I live in the second best school district out here. Everything I do is for my wife and kids. I barely spend anything on myself. So much so that when I went a few weeks ago to buy a car my wife had to convince me to spend something on myself. Convinced me to get a 550i. Got the M package and just got work that it's being built now. Feel mad guilty for doing it though. My wife says I deserve it more than anyone. I dunno.
doing it.
I thought Chris rock already explained what wealth is lol and no one on nt is wealthy. Doubt even rich. Hell I been working in the mortgage bizz making over 150k a year for the past 3 years and I'm far from rich.
I see great potential in this thread hopefully the Knowledge and ethic can be passeed on
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