Can any Black Greeks Explain To Me Whats Going On Here?? vol. WSHH Video

dem girls too big, they aint ne'er even seen the cut. they shoulda hazed them by takin their food cards away. they woulda been rememberin their lines then i bet.

wish i had the time (and gpa) to pledge when i was in college
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

This thread got me watching Black greek vids now...So I just finished watching this and smh at the silliness. How come no one makes Illuminati videos concerning these folks when it has all the makings of a brain washing ritual?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] .. but anyway there's a difference between Minors and Majors... Oddly enough after reading something dealing with Ancient history a little over an hour ago, I seriously asked myself: Why would any black person go through with this "greek organization" stuff? I mean all of these rituals, this, that and the third... The !#*% that gotta do with you and your plight black man/black woman?[/color]

They weren't ready, and shouldn't have had a probate. It's one thing to know your information, its another to know it when you're nervous. They're DP (dean of pledges) should've known that they were not ready.

A Phi!!!!!!
Originally Posted by toast1985

They weren't ready, and shouldn't have had a probate. It's one thing to know your information, its another to know it when you're nervous. They're DP (dean of pledges) should've known that they were not ready.

A Phi!!!!!!

same thing i said. if their dean wanted to cross them so bad, she shouldnt have had a probate.. no where near ready.
shoutouts to all the greeks on NT btw..
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Why would any black person go through with this "greek organization" stuff? I mean all of these rituals, this, that and the third... The !#*% that gotta do with you and your plight black man/black woman?

Seeing as how you're not in a BGLO, I didn't take you for the type to speak on something you didn't know much about.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

This thread got me watching Black greek vids now...So I just finished watching this and smh at the silliness. How come no one makes Illuminati videos concerning these folks when it has all the makings of a brain washing ritual?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] .. but anyway there's a difference between Minors and Majors... Oddly enough after reading something dealing with Ancient history a little over an hour ago, I seriously asked myself: Why would any black person go through with this "greek organization" stuff? I mean all of these rituals, this, that and the third... The !#*% that gotta do with you and your plight black man/black woman?[/color]
they're weaklings bruh...they can't go through the struggle of social alienation so they just ignore the hidden truths and adapt/conform to their environment....I just shake my head when I see a black kid with a white really is know they literally let those white kids walk all over em....

and all that 'step' #!#% that black Greeks do is some funny style $@*....I remember my freshman year just being like what is the point of all this extra #!#%? To get girls?

sucka !#+ +#%$+@
socializing is for $%+*%%$.....
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

This thread got me watching Black greek vids now...So I just finished watching this and smh at the silliness. How come no one makes Illuminati videos concerning these folks when it has all the makings of a brain washing ritual?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] .. but anyway there's a difference between Minors and Majors... Oddly enough after reading something dealing with Ancient history a little over an hour ago, I seriously asked myself: Why would any black person go through with this "greek organization" stuff? I mean all of these rituals, this, that and the third... The !#*% that gotta do with you and your plight black man/black woman?[/color]
they're weaklings bruh...they can't go through the struggle of social alienation so they just ignore the hidden truths and adapt/conform to their environment....I just shake my head when I see a black kid with a white really is know they literally let those white kids walk all over em....

and all that 'step' #!#% that black Greeks do is some funny style $@*....I remember my freshman year just being like what is the point of all this extra #!#%? To get girls?

sucka !#+ +#%$+@
socializing is for $%+*%%$.....
honestly, it is what it is

Only frat id join is Alpha Phi Alpha but I do like Kappas..

The thing with me is im the 3rd male in my family to go to college, my family is not invested into this frat !+#* its not the same for others. I do agree a lot of the !+#* is nonsense and borderline minstrel show but there is worse !+#* going on.

plus you cant front some of them sorority hunnies have {} agreements with certain frats
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by Kurt Wagner

I'm 12...

This forum is PG-13 man, can't be browsing here without adult supervision.


Word, beat it kid. This leads me to believe what's the youngest age on NT??
Every Greek organization will always having members who had a skating process or no process at all.

Still hilarious.
That video was painful to watch, I could't even watch it all the way.  Just a piss poor effort, and all parties involved should be ashamed for even having a probate if it was going to turn out like that.  At least this thread was saved when the video of my frat from Morehouse was showed. 
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