Can I Hit Loser? - MySpace/Facebook - Vol 3. New Year, No Fear,and New Prospects (update on pg 1)

ask for a live proposal middle of time square like (insert favorite celebrity couple) would
get the number
^ yeah I'd go with tmuk because I'm a little out of it right now and can't exactly givee adviceee

I'm taking the players need a little motivation but sinceee im feelin jumppy, I can share the last opponent that I got before I retired (wasn't wearingsneakers, so Polo's it is)




lets get this started again shoould i talk to girls from skool or just random myspace girls and i want pics so how should i approach girls
Most Improved Player?
i'm not gonna lie i'm a little upset i never got a response

Hey omggg I just realized I never wrote you back. I'm so sorryy. I've been so busy lately. will u forgive me=\

i think we could work something out.... shall we discuss the terms of the borrowing lease??

March 14 at 3:38pm

Lmao yes we definitely should. Where shall we begin?
March 14 at 5:20pm

for starters you could tell me what you do for fun

March 14 at 5:53pm

Hmmm not too hard. For fun, I love to go out to cafes and lounges with friends and I'm a big family person so I deff love being around my fam. We are veryy close. I am not a big club person but occasionally, I find myself going. I don't need to drink like an animal to have fun. What do you do for fun?

I find myself to be more of a bar/lounge type person..even though i'm not a heavy drinker. i never really got into clubs. Fist pumping isn't in my repertoire. I'm not against watching a movie or something though.

Yea same here. There's nothing wrong with bars but they're really not my type of thing. Where do u usually go out?

March 15 at 12:55pm

Lately I've been going to Traditions a lot, but I'm really starting to outgrow that place. Every once in a while I'll randomly find myself in like Astoria or Whitestone...What about you?

March 15 at 1:33pm

Yea I'm usually in astoria. I go to cafes there or I go out to dinner around there

March 15 at 2:08pm

Yea, Astoria has some really nice places. If you don't mind me asking, what's your phone number so we can work on signing the lease

March 15 at 11:01pm

Hahaa so I guess that means I passed the little test?

March 15 at 11:25pm

You were a couple of points short, but I think I could just curve the grade a little haha

March 16 at 4:22pm

Lol well I don't like giving my number out bc I've had several problems and then having to change it so we can deff keep in touch here if u want


March 16 at 7:40pm

How about I tell you a little about myself and then you can decide?

i'm a sophmore at st. john's, english major and looking to be a writer 1 day (movies)... i love rock music, i play basketball 3 nights a week, i was my 4th grade monopoly champion, my favorite movie is fight club, i like to hang out with my friends and i have no problem making people laugh.

oh yea and i'm 100% sicilian..that won't be a problem now will it

March 16 at 7:47pm

Hahaa deff not. I'm 100% italian.. So you being sicilian is deff a check plus hahaa where do u live? I'm right by ________

March 16 at 7:52pm

_______... you probably don't know where that is lol... i think you live by my cousin if i'm thinking of the right park


March 17 at 10:43am

Probablyy. I am not too familiar with_______but I know I've been there before lol I go to rosas pizzeria alot

March 17 at 1:29pm

i'm slightly impressed lol...i live like 4 blocks away from there.
is that another check plus?

March 17 at 2:08pm

Hahaa maybe. I think I'm the one getting all the check pluses though =]


March 17 at 8:03pm

is that so...

did i pass the test or do i need a little extra credit :tongue:

March 18 at 9:05am

Haha no I think u passed. Do u text?

March 18 at 1:16pm

That's good to hear
And yea I text.
Today at 12:11pm

Today at 12:15pm

Sorryyy! My number is ____________. Text me wheneverr. I've been so busy with school. I haven't had the chance to respond to any messages. Text mee !!

Originally Posted by failedtakeover

lets get this started again shoould i talk to girls from skool or just random myspace girls and i want pics so how should i approach girls
Avoid girls you go to school with. Approach those girls in person.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by failedtakeover

lets get this started again shoould i talk to girls from skool or just random myspace girls and i want pics so how should i approach girls
Avoid girls you go to school with. Approach those girls in person.

aight coach
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by failedtakeover

lets get this started again shoould i talk to girls from skool or just random myspace girls and i want pics so how should i approach girls
Avoid girls you go to school with. Approach those girls in person.
Yes, don't use MySpace for chicks at your school.
i actually was gonna post pics and the convo from a girl my boy introduced me to but i dont really know, but i realized shes a reformed nyc skeezer and theresmore than a slight chance that 12 dudes in this thread alone know her
Originally Posted by Nako XL

i actually was gonna post pics and the convo from a girl my boy introduced me to but i dont really know, but i realized shes a reformed nyc skeezer and theres more than a slight chance that 12 dudes in this thread alone know her

You might as well forfeit that one and take the L
Me: "Can I borrow you for a minute? I'll give you back after, I promise

Her: "no you may NOT :tongue:"

what's the next play? Draw up the middle?
Something like: you sure about that decision cuz I like your style; pardon the way i came at you

yall gotta add pics to these posts
So no one calls anymore? Not even text message?

Serious question.

I see no problem with getting the poon via facebook and myspace, but is calling not hot in the streets anymore?

I would think some chicks would want dudes to actually call em right?

Someone shed light please.
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII

So no one calls anymore? Not even text message?

Serious question.

I see no problem with getting the poon via facebook and myspace, but is calling not hot in the streets anymore?

I would think some chicks would want dudes to actually call em right?

Someone shed light please.

Spoiler [+]
..this is not a game
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Me: "Can I borrow you for a minute? I'll give you back after, I promise

Her: "no you may NOT :tongue:"

what's the next play? Draw up the middle?
Say something along the lines of, "How about I tell you a little about myself and then you can decide
" And then proceed to say a little about yourself (school and major, whatyou like to do for fun, music you listen to, etc.) Make sure you include the Monopoly line though. They love that.

And bdis it's the finish that counts
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Me: "Can I borrow you for a minute? I'll give you back after, I promise

Her: "no you may NOT :tongue:"

what's the next play? Draw up the middle?

You got sacked on your 2 downs
and threwan incomplete pass on 3rd. It's 4th and 18 withthe GAME on the line.

Now what I suggest for you to do is to hit her with one of three plays

Play A - Straight up Hail Mary "come with me Hailll Marryyy"
and go for the endzone

Play B - Pick up the necessary yardage and keep the drive going

Play C - Hit the showers and watch the film for the next opponent

Play A - "Well since I can't borrow you at this time, I'd like to get to know you because I might just want torun away with your heart"
Play B - "Aww that sucks =/ but maybe I could get to know you? :tongue:"
Play C - "damn $%%#$"

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)] Get out there and rally the troops ![/color]
Barely made it over the goal line. Almost fumbled twice and side stepped a couple of tackles



We'll see...248 --- ----

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 21, 2009 12:01 AM
Subject: RE: ?

What other personality traits do we have in common? are you a hopeless romantic at times too?
----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 11:29 PM
Subject: RE: ?

Yeah and so do I...

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 11:27 PM
Subject: RE: ?

What makes you think this? From what you said, you sound pretty chill to me. Hopefully chill doesn't = boring. I got a short attention span
----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 10:53 PM
Subject: RE: ?

Hmmmm....too much to handle??

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 10:11 PM
Subject: RE: ?

Jeez your so demanding!

Ill try to accommodate these wishes though. lol
----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 9:19 PM
Subject: RE: ?

If I give you my number, I would want you to call...not just text.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 2:01 PM
Subject: RE: ?

Naw, I dont turn into a romantic until about 8:00PM or so. Give or take 15 minutes.

If you can give me a number to text Ill hit you at 8:20

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 1:49 PM
Subject: RE: ?

Aw, boooo...I thought I ran into a romantic sweetie :-( And yeah I go to Bowling Green.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 1:46 PM
Subject: RE: ?

Playin for the most part lol. Which part Im not playin about is your guess

Naw, Im really this silly half the time. You at Bowling Green?
----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 1:43 PM
Subject: RE: ?

Oh really?? Are you playing or serious?? Monopoly, your my hero :smile:
Hmmm...well, I like to always have a good time, travel, go out, chill and relax, cook and eat....I'm sure there's more just hasn't come to meyet...

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 1:23 PM
Subject: RE: ?

Ok ok...

My name is Topshotta. I love long walks on the beach, serenading beautiful girls named myspace steez under the stars, candle lit dinners and bubble baths inthe most exotic of oils. I was also my 6th grade monopoly champ if that impresses you.

And what outstanding qualities do you have that would make me want to keep you?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 1:15 PM
Subject: RE: ?

Lol, I'm not for lease...just long term "purchases" only.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 1:05 PM
Subject: RE: ?

lol so confident...
Since I didnt see a no shall we begin discussing the terms of the lease

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 12:59 PM
Subject: RE: ?

Awwhhh, that was cute :smile: You probably won't wanna give me back though lol.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Mar 20, 2009 12:56 PM
Subject: ?

Can I borrow you?
Ill give you back
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Me: "Can I borrow you for a minute? I'll give you back after, I promise

Her: "no you may NOT :tongue:"

what's the next play? Draw up the middle?

You got sacked on your 2 downs
and threw an incomplete pass on 3rd. It's 4th and 18 with the GAME on the line.

Now what I suggest for you to do is to hit her with one of three plays

Play A - Straight up Hail Mary "come with me Hailll Marryyy"
and go for the endzone

Play B - Pick up the necessary yardage and keep the drive going

Play C - Hit the showers and watch the film for the next opponent

Play A - "Well since I can't borrow you at this time, I'd like to get to know you because I might just want to run away with your heart"
Play B - "Aww that sucks =/ but maybe I could get to know you? :tongue:"
Play C - "damn $%%#$"

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Get out there and rally the troops ![/color]
I ran play B. we'll see how it goes

and as for pics...


Originally Posted by ToppShotta

^ Do you have Ray Charles leading your scouting department? We need better quality shots.
haha, no close ups of that girl until i know where this is going.

but a preview of my next target:

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