Can i move out? vol. tired of living at home

where is your office located and how attached are you to your vehicle? if you can get to your work by bus or metro, ditch the car. that is $400 saved right there. the metro and bus system are pretty good. i use both extensively.  

i can guarantee you there are listings in Hyattsville next to PG Plaza w/ roommates for $500-600 and its a good amount of people around your age and similar situation. is it luxurious? **** no, but any extra cash will benefit you.

you could even probably find something in Columbia Heights for $700-800 w/ roommates.

again though, it really depends on where you work and how comfortable you are without a car. 
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for them prices for PG county can't be good areas as in crime
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for them prices for PG county can't be good areas as in crime
not all of PG County is bad, especially the Route 1 corridor from College Park down through Brentwood...they are mostly older communities with some rundown areas but most of them are not crime hotspots...most of the people that live around there are older folks that own homes, UMD students, and people that work in the city...
Move out. The whole world pays student loans and can somehow manage. That stay home and stack logic is lame. If you're not paying student loans you're paying something else. Bills will always be there.
'13 grad
moved out last Fall
when I say "moved out" I mean out of my parents house and my home state and relocated 3k miles away
and I did that making less than 1/4 of your salary (yes you read that right)
you can do whatever the **** you wanna do brother
Was going to say you should definitely move out if you are making $60/K, then I saw your student loan payment.

It's doable. If it's that bad at home, might be worth the sacrifice.
You should def try to negotiate to get your student loans down or deferred to a later date. They will work with you especially if you tell them you are trying to move. From experience they will definitely work with you

Or work with a student loan consolidation company. I don't have experience with them tho
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I really think student loan debt has people shook. Do people think they'll end up homeless within a year? It's an adjustment, of course.

My question is, where did the Anerican spirit go? That 'ill do whatever to be my own man' attitude? I mean cats acting like they going to have to fight mountain lions and snakes.

Then again, I'd rather live in a crappy one bedroom in the hood w/roaches and rats than I would live at home. Falling without my parents hand on my bike seat >>> riding miles on my parents three seater. Built different I really do fear the future, two days w/o Internet and these kids might somehow die of starvation.
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Reduce your loans. Put more money on your "principle" so you pay your car off faster. Find an in-law when you're ready, maybe you can have a floor by yourself.
I really think student loan debt has people shook. Do people think they'll end up homeless within a year? It's an adjustment, of course.

My question is, where did the Anerican spirit go? That 'ill do whatever to be my own man' attitude? I mean cats acting like they going to have to fight mountain lions and snakes.

Then again, I'd rather live in a crappy one bedroom in the hood w/roaches and rats than I would live at home. Falling without my parents hand on my bike seat >>> riding miles on my parents three seater. Built different I really do fear the future, two days w/o Internet and these kids might somehow die of starvation.

Generalization at its finest. Some people stay home because of cultural tradition, saving up for a home, helping their parents out, enjoying their adulthood at home, financial security, I.e. Some people choose not struggle on their own and you can't fault them for that.
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:lol: this guy. You sound like you've been indoctrinated

Yea...we all are indoctrinate, it's called a belief system. I prefer the indoctrination of self-sufficiency and freedom than that of security and complacency.

Gimmick lol. Grit and determination aren't for everyone, some people make the world, others live in it.

I can't fault them, but I can say they don't have the American spirit. If that means something to you then you should care, if it doesn't then disregard. Much ink has been spilled on the subject of American self determinism, wars were fought, it's something I hold dear, a lot of people don't. Would prefer the security of another to the failings of their own. Do you, but unless your folks are handicap I don't condone living with them. If you are paying the bills, they are living with you. Man should be the king of his castle.
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Yea...we all are indoctrinate, it's called a belief system. I prefer the indoctrination of self-sufficiency and freedom than that of security and complacency.

Gimmick lol. Grit and determination aren't for everyone, some people make the world, others live in it.

I can't fault them, but I can say they don't have the American spirit. If that means something to you then you should care, if it doesn't then disregard. Much ink has been spilled on the subject of American self determinism, wars were fought, it's something I hold dear, a lot of people don't. Would prefer the security of another to the failings of their own. Do you, but unless your folks are handicap I don't condone living with them. If you are paying the bills, they are living with you. Man should be the king of his castle.

Much of what you're talking about were more practical in the past but, now since inflation, rising college tuitions, shortage in jobs, competition with international students,and modern economic woes inhibit people from having a life on their own more difficult than before, you can't blame young people for being more strategic as far as handling their own situations in the way they find most comfortable for them. The cost of living and inflation was much more balanced in the past compared to now and you no longer live off of a regular job that doesn't require college like you could in the past. You can't completely equate the current young mindset to laziness and lack of courage without including the current state of instability in our economy and society. Not making excuses for anyone but, just stating how it is in our time now.
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I was gonna say the hell kinda silly question is that at 60k, but 1200 a month student loans, damn. First move is to call up your loan company to lower the monthly payments.
You said 1200 a month for 30 years for your student loan?! :x :x :x

Thassa mortgage B.

Did I miss your post in the Ivy league thread?

If you weren't at an Ivy league in a STEM, ya dun goofed.
Bruh... :x I hope your career has no ceiling. You could have started a business with that money.
But all times had turmoil.

'50 pretty sweet
'60 most kids were shipped to war
'70 black Monday, peak oil, start of Cold War
'80 crack/wall street scams/reganomics
'90 relatively sweet
'00 war, housing bubble
'10 student loans

It's always bad, it always will be. But, if you have it in you, you can make it. Be strategic, do your thing, don't make me no never mind. But, don't tell me 'I have to' 'I can't move out' admit, you like the comfort, you like the safety, you like the security; you like those more than the pride of paying your own rent, more than the pride of saying 'this is mine.'

Firm believer in the 'you can do whatever you set your mind to' I understand at a system level, people may be screwed, but on the personal level there is very little that can stand in your way, especially if you have parents you can/would want to live with. No excuse for the middle class. No excuse for the college educated. (Barring earlier exceptions).

The American dream I've bought into is 'work hard, prosper and freedom is the only goal of man, I am a man.'
I'm a systems engineer getting paid at an E1 level. I've been working for about 8 or so months. I'm just starting my career and although I want to get paid a lot more, I'm sure that will come with time. My moms set up all of my loans. I was pissed when I found out how much I've been spending on school, i had no idea as I never asked how she set it up but I did take out loans for 5 years of school, living off campus in an apartment for 4 years, and all my food + meal plans. I have no ideas how the loans were set up and I'm not sure if ma dukes does either but I can't blame her, I should've been aware of the situation. None of my parents went to college so they probably didn't know the best route for student loans. I was mad but I can't be mad at her, I'll pay that ***** off eventually. Total student loans have accumulated to around 90k and I went to school in state
. I don't even want to know how long it'll take me to pay it at this current rate lol. I just bought a brand new 2013 Civic for a great price and I love it. No way I'm getting rid of it at the moment.

And I should've clarified. I'm looking to live in the Clarendon VA area. 1200 total for rent can land you a pretty good 2 bedroom pad. I'm looking for a spot with a roommate. If I have 400-500 to spend a month outside of bills, I think I can make it work.
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