Can I shoot a cat on my property?

spray them in the face with like footlocker spray or windex. there used to be some squirrels that climbed up my balcony screen door and they made holes in themesh. whenever i saw them i would spray them and it worked.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Yeah. My boy hit one with a bat once, bashed its skull in.

see now thats OD. If you are close enough to smash its head in, you are close enough to punt it.

One of my boys punted a cat once
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

"Animal cruelty is a B__ch."

Just call animal control and they'll come to get it.
man animal control we've called them 6 times to pick up this pit bull on our block and they havent got it yet
that damn pit bull been runnin our block for the past month

Take care of that ASAP
never know it could hurt a kid
Originally Posted by TheSouthside

Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916

Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

"Animal cruelty is a B__ch."

Just call animal control and they'll come to get it.
man animal control we've called them 6 times to pick up this pit bull on our block and they havent got it yet
that damn pit bull been runnin our block for the past month

Take care of that ASAP
never know it could hurt a kid
ive personally tried a few times but that damn thing is elusive word to LT
he somehow shook the whole block last week its crazy
Man ##% them cats. Sell em

Don't kill em. Anything dead shot up cats makes no profit
Originally Posted by Face82

Man ##% them cats. Sell em

Don't kill em. Anything dead shot up cats makes no profit
"i used to hustle kittens and kill the father"
Originally Posted by dugtrio

dudes really think it's cool to abuse animals now?
There's a ton of douche's on here always promoting animal abuse, especially to cats.
i hate cats and think they're gross but have no desire to hurt them. dudes who think abusing animals is cool got some underlying issues they need toaddress.
There's a cat in my neighborhood that was abandoned by its owners.. Now the lil fella always sleeps in front of my door on the porch. Sometimes I feel badfor just walking by it.. Any 1 of you guys would like a cat?
this old lady across the st. constantly feeds 1 stray cat. that cat somehow impregnated a cat and now there are four cats running around my backyard. meowing,crying

at night, in the morning. so annoying. I call animal control and they say i gotta put a $50 cat trap deposit, and pay $1 a day for them to come by and pick upthe cats. some

bs. i look out the window and they just staring me down. smh
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