Can Men and Women be " Just Friends" ?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Listen to what we are saying Alana.

If a man approaches a woman on the street, he isn't trying to be friends with her. - I agree

If a man knows a woman that is out of shape and not attractive, he can be friends with her. - LMAO! That's sweet.

But if a man is attracted to a woman but hasn't hit or hasn't been in a relationship with her, you need to put an asterisk beside the idea of them being friends. Why? Because if the situation arose, he would tear that thang up. - True lol

So we are talking about being attracted and being friends. Not folks that don't look good. - I understand but I have a friend that is very attractive and he finds be attractive as well but were just friends. Im sure if I gave him the chance it would be different but I understand what ur saying. lol
"So you guys mean to tell me you have no female friends that you just consider as friends and nothing more?"

Speaking for myself... no.

Never have and never will.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Listen to what we are saying Alana.

If a man approaches a woman on the street, he isn't trying to be friends with her.

If a man knows a woman that is out of shape and not attractive, he can be friends with her.

But if a man is attracted to a woman but hasn't hit or hasn't been in a relationship with her, you need to put an asterisk beside the idea of them being friends. Why? Because if the situation arose, he would tear that thang up.

So we are talking about being attracted and being friends. Not folks that don't look good.

DC I feel what you're saying there but those are specific examples. In those scenarios the guy couldn't turn off that normal instinct to "court the attractive female". For me, all my female friends are through school projects, or clubs, and just meeting people through my friends (male/female)....but some of them have bf's and some don't and I'd consider 70% of them to be attractive to me (purely on looks) but I'm cool with them b/c our personalities mesh well, and I would only ever be tempted if I didn't have a gf right now or if they literally threw themselves at me naked haha. Otherwise, I wouldn't pursue it actively b/c that could mess up the friendship imo...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So you think if you offered that man any form of sexual favor he wouldn't get an erection?

He probably would.
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Originally Posted by bjm5295

didnt watch yet, but i think a better question is can they be friends when one clearly wants more?

THIS! As guys we can see the thirst but girls always tryna downplay it.

True. If a guy can control his want I think it'd subside and the friendship would be just fine.
Originally Posted by Ruxxx

"For all you ladies with all your "guy friends", they are not your friend; they want to sleep with you. If you think I'm lying, put the p in they face and see what happens."

3900 I tell women this ALL the time.

I'll take it a step further. If a man asks for your number ladies, he wants to sleep with you. The number is just a way for him to stay in contact with you so he can "hack-a-way" and talk those draws off you. I'm gonna hit up a few chicks I haven't talked to in a while and see what's with the p.
Girls are so naive it's ridiculous.
Let me take this a step further...

How many of you are in relationships but still have legit friends that you hang out with of the opposite sex?
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Girls are so naive it's ridiculous.
Let me take this a step further...

How many of you are in relationships but still have legit friends that you hang out with of the opposite sex?

Im nit being naive im talking about my personal experience. Im not denying that they want your number to just be friends. Trust me I know its a lot more. lol
I think some of you use the word friend too loosely. Anyone that you talk to on the phone or do a class project with isn't your friend.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

How many of you are in relationships but still have legit friends that you hang out with of the opposite sex?
I do.  Most of my friends are the opposite sex.  Like I said on the 1st page, it doesn't mean if the chance presented itself nothing would/could happen.  It's a matter of keeping your boundaries.  Some of ya'll are shallow and thirsty as hell.  There are millions of girls out there to bang why can't you be mature enough to have any females in your life whom you actually value as a friend and not just as a piece of ***.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I think some of you use the word friend too loosely. Anyone that you talk to on the phone or do a class project with isn't your friend.
Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

How many of you are in relationships but still have legit friends that you hang out with of the opposite sex?
I do.  Most of my friends are the opposite sex.  Like I said on the 1st page, it doesn't mean if the chance presented itself nothing would/could happen.  It's a matter of keeping your boundaries.  Some of ya'll are shallow and thirsty as hell.  There are millions of girls out there to bang why can't you be mature enough to have any females in your life whom you actually value as a friend and not just as a piece of ***.
What if your old lady wanted to hang out with her male friends on a one-on-one basis. You would be cool with that?
Yea thirsty and immature is what we all are. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I think some of you use the word friend too loosely. Anyone that you talk to on the phone or do a class project with isn't your friend.

It;s not just a project though, I'm saying that's how I was initially introduced to them and we've remained friends since then....of course if a dude goes up to a random girl and tries to get the digits he's not thinking "I wanna go play paintball w/ her" ha....if I approach a female at a club, party, or what have you I'm definitely not looking to be "friends" but that's not the only way to meet or converse with a woman....I agree that sometimes there is temptation bc a majority of my female friends are people I would consider attractive but you just have to control the urge to do anything and the friendship will stay in tact
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I think some of you use the word friend too loosely. Anyone that you talk to on the phone or do a class project with isn't your friend.
I have to agree. Now, I have girls I'm coo w/ and don't wanna sleep w/ em.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

How many of you are in relationships but still have legit friends that you hang out with of the opposite sex?
I do.  Most of my friends are the opposite sex.  Like I said on the 1st page, it doesn't mean if the chance presented itself nothing would/could happen.  It's a matter of keeping your boundaries.  Some of ya'll are shallow and thirsty as hell.  There are millions of girls out there to bang why can't you be mature enough to have any females in your life whom you actually value as a friend and not just as a piece of ***.
What if your old lady wanted to hang out with her male friends on a one-on-one basis. You would be cool with that?
Yea thirsty and immature is what we all are. 
If you don't trust the person you're with then you shouldn't be with them.
Originally Posted by LyonBC1

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I think some of you use the word friend too loosely. Anyone that you talk to on the phone or do a class project with isn't your friend.

It;s not just a project though, I'm saying that's how I was initially introduced to them and we've remained friends since then....of course if a dude goes up to a random girl and tries to get the digits he's not thinking "I wanna go play paintball w/ her" ha....if I approach a female at a club, party, or what have you I'm definitely not looking to be "friends" but that's not the only way to meet or converse with a woman....I agree that sometimes there is temptation bc a majority of my female friends are people I would consider attractive but you just have to control the urge to do anything and the friendship will stay in tact

What makes these people your friends and not just people you are cool with? That is what I am saying. I don't think most people understand that there is a difference. This isn't 6th grade where everyone that you speak to is your friend. The word friend needs new definition.
I don't have any female FRIENDS. I have folks I am cool with. And very cool with but friends? Nah.

A friend is someone I wouldn't call asking them to drive/pick me up from the airport.

I think what most of us are talking about here are folks we are cool with
Oh Lord, it isn't even about trust. I just think there are certain situations that you shouldn't put yourself in when you are with someone. I don't see the need to hang out with an attractive other sexed person (1-on-1) if you are with someone. I think that is out of line. So miss me with the, "If you don't trust......" comeback.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by LyonBC1

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I think some of you use the word friend too loosely. Anyone that you talk to on the phone or do a class project with isn't your friend.

It;s not just a project though, I'm saying that's how I was initially introduced to them and we've remained friends since then....of course if a dude goes up to a random girl and tries to get the digits he's not thinking "I wanna go play paintball w/ her" ha....if I approach a female at a club, party, or what have you I'm definitely not looking to be "friends" but that's not the only way to meet or converse with a woman....I agree that sometimes there is temptation bc a majority of my female friends are people I would consider attractive but you just have to control the urge to do anything and the friendship will stay in tact

What makes these people your friends and not just people you are cool with? That is what I am saying. I don't think most people understand that there is a difference. This isn't 6th grade where everyone that you speak to is your friend. The word friend needs new definition.
I don't have any female FRIENDS. I have folks I am cool with. And very cool with but friends? Nah.

A friend is someone I wouldn't call asking them to drive/pick me up from the airport.

I think what most of us are talking about here are folks we are cool with

Nah I get you, but they are friends by my one of them drove me home from school this past yr when I didn't have a car like a 6 hour drive across state, and I've hung out with some of them at concerts, my one friend invited me , my boy and her other friend to her house in Louisville for a long weekend to see some fireworks thing and show us around , I've slept over their apt. when I couldn't get back to my place at school cuz the buses stopped running (out on a couch though), like they're just friends to me....I can talk to them about a lot of different things. I wouldn't say I have any BEST friends who are female, but I still consider them much more than acquaintances



I'm starting to think there's a template these responses come from now.
I am sure she only drove you home 6 hours because she was going in the same direction? No?

My levels

Cool With
Yes.. Personally for me b/c I'm living it.. I have three friends in particular, one who I've grown up with and known for over a decade.. As many times as we've hung out blah yada yada.. NOTHING has arose at all.. And she is attractive.. And I am a strapping fine young lad myself
..I just can't fathom looking at her in another way its almost weird..She's like my dude or what not..  Another one is someone who has been there for me with support and hanging out, shes real cool.. She's in a relationship and I'm real cool with the dude too..And why would I eff that up.. These chicks were never ever date material in my mind to begin with and im not eager for their play..
But, there are some girls who were tryna be cool with me, but that lead to something else.. But, my intentions was a bit more for em so meh lol.. I felt it off the bat and rolled with it.. Meh

That's funny though.. Some of ya'll saying you can only be friends with a girl if she ugly or fat.. Dang lol..
It's not impossible as some would say. B/C frankly I am living it..  You can't argue with this with statistics and facts.  It's just the person you are, and for me I guess they can be just friends. Not going to speak for everyone else though..
I mean yeah she did haha but she still lived like an hour and a half away from where she dropped me off....and she's the one whose house I've been over and slept over a few times (not in her room or anything)

But this is roughly how I would break it down using that scale

Acquaintances: people I casually know, and would speak to if I passed by them and brief convo, I don't even have their number, nothing really more

Cool with: We've been in the same group of people quite a few times, and I may have your number but outside of hanging with people we both know I wouldn't hit you up often

Friends: I have your number, we text each other fairly often about random stuff &joke around about stupid things (just like with my boys), we've gone out to eat or something (not date type stuff), and have no problem doing favors for (driving you somewhere, helping you out with an issue, talk about personal problems, etc), or maybe I've been to your actual home address outside of school, and we've chilled several times (like at least 30)

I have a lot of acquaintances, maybe 4-5 girls I'm cool with, and 3 friends who are girls I'd say from that...sorry for the list but I just think it's possible to have "platonic friends" I guess :/
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