can moving cops take your speed?

Pretty sure for radar (K and Ka bands) they can clock you fairly accurately even when their vehicle is in motion. As for laser, I believe it requires it to bestill and they can't shoot it through their window/windshield.
Yes, I've been pulled over in that situation. Cop told me I was doing 53 in a 35 which was accurate. Well I thought I was doing 55 but yeah, the radarworks if they are moving.
Originally Posted by adotleezy

Pretty sure for radar (K and Ka bands) they can clock you fairly accurately even when their vehicle is in motion. As for laser, I believe it requires it to be still and they can't shoot it through their window/windshield.
its the Ka bands that indicate if an officer is using their radar to track your speed regardless if they're moving or not. K bands aren't,they're usually given off from motion sensors like auto doors @ grocery stores, etc. i have the escort radar detector and it saved me on a few instances atnight during some 'sprints' heh
they're cumbersome devices that give you the assurance you need when you're speeding recklessly, in a nutshell. legal and sold at places like best buy,some of the popular ones are valentines for around $300. they detect speed traps within 1000 feet via Ka wavelength bands that the police radars emit. as youapproach closer to the radar, the bars on the radar detector will increase gradually, accordingly.
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