Can we at least all agree that religion should not mix with politics?

I want my son nowhere near a Bible, or any other hate book.

You want Bibles in school? Put your kids in private school.

You want Bibles in school? So you wouldn't have a problem with the Bible being right next to the Qu'ran, Book of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the Mormon Bible, right? We can call it the Religion section. If you have a problem w/ this, then it's not 'freedom of religion' you want in schools; it's 'freedom of Christians'. I want freedom for everyone, not just you. Best way to go about that is for everyone to keep their beliefs to theirself, in their home and in their congregations.

Forcing everyone else to be a part of what you believe is not your right.

Thank you.
Jeez, everytime there's a thread like this, religious people are talked about as if they're some sort deluded boneheads.

Not all people who believe in Jesus, Allah, Buddah , etc. are extremists looking impose their belief on everyone in sight. Some of the smartest people i've met revolve their life around religion. Believing in God has helped me get through some hard times, it helped my dad get through his mother's death when he was only 13, it helped a good ex-atheist friend who was an Army Ranger get through his PTS. I don't understand why people who choose not to believe in religion, are disgusted by it. Its a generalization, its like saying every atheist is an immoral dirtbag.

Politics on the other that ish is some BS.
Jeez, everytime there's a thread like this, religious people are talked about as if they're some sort deluded boneheads.

Not all people who believe in Jesus, Allah, Buddah , etc. are extremists looking impose their belief on everyone in sight. Some of the smartest people i've met revolve their life around religion. Believing in God has helped me get through some hard times, it helped my dad get through his mother's death when he was only 13, it helped a good ex-atheist friend who was an Army Ranger get through his PTS. I don't understand why people who choose not to believe in religion, are disgusted by it. Its a generalization, its like saying every atheist is an immoral dirtbag.

Politics on the other that ish is some BS.
If you don't understand why people are disgusted by religion, ask; ask about why people harbor such antipathy.
Jeez, everytime there's a thread like this, religious people are talked about as if they're some sort deluded boneheads.

Not all people who believe in Jesus, Allah, Buddah , etc. are extremists looking impose their belief on everyone in sight. Some of the smartest people i've met revolve their life around religion. Believing in God has helped me get through some hard times, it helped my dad get through his mother's death when he was only 13, it helped a good ex-atheist friend who was an Army Ranger get through his PTS. I don't understand why people who choose not to believe in religion, are disgusted by it. Its a generalization, its like saying every atheist is an immoral dirtbag.

Politics on the other that ish is some BS.

You're generalizing while complaining about generalizations.

We don't all find religion disgusting. I find fake religious people disgusting. People who complain about being persecuted while at the same time trying their hardest to impose their beliefs on other people, from public schools to our actual system of laws, are disgusting.

You can be religious all you want. I'll fight side by side with you for that right. But when religious freedom and rights are abused, we have a serious problem.
I think religion shouldn't mix with anything other than one's own personal life. I honestly believe the Earth would be a better place without most religions, Abrahamic included.

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I want my son nowhere near a Bible, or any other hate book.

You want Bibles in school? Put your kids in private school.

You want Bibles in school? So you wouldn't have a problem with the Bible being right next to the Qu'ran, Book of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the Mormon Bible, right? We can call it the Religion section. If you have a problem w/ this, then it's not 'freedom of religion' you want in schools; it's 'freedom of Christians'. I want freedom for everyone, not just you. Best way to go about that is for everyone to keep their beliefs to theirself, in their home and in their congregations.

Forcing everyone else to be a part of what you believe is not your right.
If you don't understand why people are disgusted by religion, ask; ask about why people harbor such antipathy.

You're generalizing while complaining about generalizations.

We don't all find religion disgusting. I find fake religious people disgusting. People who complain about being persecuted while at the same time trying their hardest to impose their beliefs on other people, from public schools to our actual system of laws, are disgusting.

You can be religious all you want. I'll fight side by side with you for that right. But when religious freedom and rights are abused, we have a serious problem.

I'll probably be also guilty of a generalization of what i'm about to type, but whenever I follow a dispute between atheism vs. religion, the argument is always an even bigger generalization, "I hate religion because its responsible for X amount of murders, I hate religion because X amount of those damn religious snobs are trying to make me believe in God! I hate religion because the Bible says this and this and I hate that!" which is always followed by "religion should be extinguished, i'll be damned if my son/daughter believes in this!"

Believe it or not but, the common religious person doesn't give a damn about what you believe in. John and Josephine who live around the street and regularly go to church don't give two damns if you go to church or if you've read the bible or not.

These extremists that really do murder in the name of allah, heavily impose religion, and force the bible/quran on everyone are rare, but are the loudest and are used to support an atheist's argument to extinguish religion nearly every time.

Its stereotyping. Its assuming everyone in a group carries the same mentality. This isn't the common case at all. Most religious people simply don't care what the next man believes in.

Wanting religion to completely disappear just because "Fathe Joe" said if you don't go to church, then you're going to hell is an extremist mentality, believe it or not.
Precisely why I don't lump all religious people together. Most of my family is very religious, and its really only the older ones who will even bring up God/Jesus or try to convert me back to Christianity or back to being a Jehovah's Witness.

The rest literally don't care, or don't show it in any way.

Religion should not be extinguished. I'm not a fascist :lol: practice what you want.

But keep that **** the hell away from me and my child. She can make her own decision later when she wants to.

You also have to into account the fact that some of those few loud forceful extremists have thousands, if not millions of followers. These are the people that worry me.
You guys speak as if religion is some great evil which needs to be eradicated. If you speak English your morals are a product if religious ideals. Stop with that 'you know right from wrong' right/wrong are social concepts, not objectively shares by all people. Indian culture it's ok to rape a women, to us it's wrong. Aztecs used to sacrifice folks...but rape murder, those are easy, most on this board would agree those are wrong. But what about cheating on a test? Or your taxes? You know. That pair if shoes you wore to work once so you can deduct then as a business expense, even though they werent? Is that morally wrong? Morals are a social concept, if you speak English as a primarylanguage, religion has effected your morals. I can't get with the whole 'religion does NO good' ideal. A lot of bad, but unneasurable good. Hope, peace love, happiness,art, exploration, charity, helpfulness. I only get mad because you speak of religion as if its not people, as if its some entity that has no face, no heart, no soul. But itS much more than that, it's feeding that local mother; it's a place of refuge for the runaway. Whether it needs to be or not doesn't matters what it is, it only matters what what it represents, and for many throughout history the church has represented hope. It's kind of douchey to countinually scold and generalize instead of understand. A jokes one thing, but some of y'all truly feel religion is evil, that's another.
If you don't understand why people are disgusted by religion, ask; ask about why people harbor such antipathy.
You're generalizing while complaining about generalizations.

We don't all find religion disgusting. I find fake religious people disgusting. People who complain about being persecuted while at the same time trying their hardest to impose their beliefs on other people, from public schools to our actual system of laws, are disgusting.

You can be religious all you want. I'll fight side by side with you for that right. But when religious freedom and rights are abused, we have a serious problem.
I'll probably be also guilty of a generalization of what i'm about to type, but whenever I follow a dispute between atheism vs. religion, the argument is always an even bigger generalization, "I hate religion because its responsible for X amount of murders, I hate religion because X amount of those damn religious snobs are trying to make me believe in God! I hate religion because the Bible says this and this and I hate that!" which is always followed by "religion should be extinguished, i'll be damned if my son/daughter believes in this!"

Believe it or not but, the common religious person doesn't give a damn about what you believe in. John and Josephine who live around the street and regularly go to church don't give two damns if you go to church or if you've read the bible or not.

These extremists that really do murder in the name of allah, heavily impose religion, and force the bible/quran on everyone are rare, but are the loudest and are used to support an atheist's argument to extinguish religion nearly every time.

Its stereotyping. Its assuming everyone in a group carries the same mentality. This isn't the common case at all. Most religious people simply don't care what the next man believes in.

Wanting religion to completely disappear just because "Fathe Joe" said if you don't go to church, then you're going to hell is an extremist mentality, believe it or not.
I can't speak for all religions, but this does not hold true for most Christians. If you honestly believe that most Christians are ok w/ atheism, like they accept it and it doesn't bother them, you're not paying attention. It is preached from the pulpit to go out and spread the word, and that if a Christian 'lets' a person have other beliefs, 'God' will judge them for not witnessing to that person.

There are Bible verses that support going out and making sure everyone hears what Christians have to say and believes the way Christians believe.

The rarity, my friend, is the Christian who keeps his religion to himself, and doesn't feel the need or desire to make sure everyone else also lives the way they do.
I want my son nowhere near a Bible, or any other hate book.

You want Bibles in school? Put your kids in private school.

You want Bibles in school? So you wouldn't have a problem with the Bible being right next to the Qu'ran, Book of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the Mormon Bible, right? We can call it the Religion section. If you have a problem w/ this, then it's not 'freedom of religion' you want in schools; it's 'freedom of Christians'. I want freedom for everyone, not just you. Best way to go about that is for everyone to keep their beliefs to theirself, in their home and in their congregations.

Forcing everyone else to be a part of what you believe is not your right.
I'll probably be also guilty of a generalization of what i'm about to type, but whenever I follow a dispute between atheism vs. religion, the argument is always an even bigger generalization, "I hate religion because its responsible for X amount of murders, I hate religion because X amount of those damn religious snobs are trying to make me believe in God! I hate religion because the Bible says this and this and I hate that!" which is always followed by "religion should be extinguished, i'll be damned if my son/daughter believes in this!"

Believe it or not but, the common religious person doesn't give a damn about what you believe in. John and Josephine who live around the street and regularly go to church don't give two damns if you go to church or if you've read the bible or not.

These extremists that really do murder in the name of allah, heavily impose religion, and force the bible/quran on everyone are rare, but are the loudest and are used to support an atheist's argument to extinguish religion nearly every time.

Its stereotyping. Its assuming everyone in a group carries the same mentality. This isn't the common case at all. Most religious people simply don't care what the next man believes in.

Wanting religion to completely disappear just because "Fathe Joe" said if you don't go to church, then you're going to hell is an extremist mentality, believe it or not.
that's not true many common religious ppl don't support things such as same sex marriage, are against abortions, support segregation aka says god didn't want races to mix aka k.k.k. is based off southern Baptist (and we all know the amount of evil and murder they have done...far more then any al Qaeda group has done.

If we used your logic then there shouldn't be any sanctions on guns... most ppl don't murder/kill... It isn't stereotyping...religion as a whole serves no benefits except for the ppl who choose to believe in it. But what is true is that there has been injustices, murders, heinous crimes, halts in advancements of ppl/technology that affects ALL ppl because of religion.

The point I think most ppl are relaying is why should something such as religion which only benefits (unproven and nonfactual) certain ppl be imposed on all ppl, to which is a hindrance and has had negative effects on all ppl. Why should ALL ppl suffer for the so called benefits/belief/faith of others? 
You guys speak as if religion is some great evil which needs to be eradicated. If you speak English your morals are a product if religious ideals. Stop with that 'you know right from wrong' right/wrong are social concepts, not objectively shares by all people. Indian culture it's ok to rape a women, to us it's wrong. Aztecs used to sacrifice folks...but rape murder, those are easy, most on this board would agree those are wrong. But what about cheating on a test? Or your taxes? You know. That pair if shoes you wore to work once so you can deduct then as a business expense, even though they werent? Is that morally wrong? Morals are a social concept, if you speak English as a primarylanguage, religion has effected your morals. I can't get with the whole 'religion does NO good' ideal. A lot of bad, but unneasurable good. Hope, peace love, happiness,art, exploration, charity, helpfulness. I only get mad because you speak of religion as if its not people, as if its some entity that has no face, no heart, no soul. But itS much more than that, it's feeding that local mother; it's a place of refuge for the runaway. Whether it needs to be or not doesn't matters what it is, it only matters what what it represents, and for many throughout history the church has represented hope. It's kind of douchey to countinually scold and generalize instead of understand. A jokes one thing, but some of y'all truly feel religion is evil, that's another.
but the thing is religion only so call does good for those that follow... so why make something universal based off a certain section of ppl. Laws etc...rules should be based on a universal code of ethics not based on a certain facet or section of one particular religion out of 100's.
I understand the intent of religion.

I also understand that the appliction is nowhere near the intent, and the reason for that... is people.

As long as religion is carried out by people, the intent to harmonize and bring peace through religion... WON'T... EVER... HAPPEN.

"I just, my god loves you so much, and I just want to be a vessel of his love. How can I assist?"; that's the intent of religion.

"G.D. it, believe in my peaceful religion or go to hell and get out of my country!"; sadly, THAT'S the application.
I'll probably be also guilty of a generalization of what i'm about to type, but whenever I follow a dispute between atheism vs. religion, the argument is always an even bigger generalization, "I hate religion because its responsible for X amount of murders, I hate religion because X amount of those damn religious snobs are trying to make me believe in God! I hate religion because the Bible says this and this and I hate that!" which is always followed by "religion should be extinguished, i'll be damned if my son/daughter believes in this!"

Believe it or not but, the common religious person doesn't give a damn about what you believe in. John and Josephine who live around the street and regularly go to church don't give two damns if you go to church or if you've read the bible or not.

These extremists that really do murder in the name of allah, heavily impose religion, and force the bible/quran on everyone are rare, but are the loudest and are used to support an atheist's argument to extinguish religion nearly every time.

Its stereotyping. Its assuming everyone in a group carries the same mentality. This isn't the common case at all. Most religious people simply don't care what the next man believes in.

Wanting religion to completely disappear just because "Fathe Joe" said if you don't go to church, then you're going to hell is an extremist mentality, believe it or not.
I totally get your viewpoint and actually agree. People tend to lump religious individuals into that extremist pile because that is what is seen/what is causing issues. There are people that believe in what they believe in and keep it moving. 

With that said, here's questions for you, and some issues I have with religion. 

You believe in one specific religion. Let's just say it's Christianity (I don't know what you believe in, just for this example using Christianity. Correct me if it's not). You follow one religious path, you believe in one religion, a religion that says clearly it is the right path, everything else is wrong. Why do you follow only one religion? Why do you believe it's the right one? Why not partake in all religious beliefs (I'm assuming you don't because you don't "believe" in them, but WHY). How could you so surely say one religion is right? And to top it all off, even though you aren't outwardly ever expressing it, or ever bothering a person about it, deep down don't you believe that Muslim, that Hindu, that whatever, is practicing something false? 
You guys speak as if religion is some great evil which needs to be eradicated. If you speak English your morals are a product if religious ideals. Stop with that 'you know right from wrong' right/wrong are social concepts, not objectively shares by all people. Indian culture it's ok to rape a women, to us it's wrong. Aztecs used to sacrifice folks...but rape murder, those are easy, most on this board would agree those are wrong. But what about cheating on a test? Or your taxes? You know. That pair if shoes you wore to work once so you can deduct then as a business expense, even though they werent? Is that morally wrong? Morals are a social concept, if you speak English as a primarylanguage, religion has effected your morals. I can't get with the whole 'religion does NO good' ideal. A lot of bad, but unneasurable good. Hope, peace love, happiness,art, exploration, charity, helpfulness. I only get mad because you speak of religion as if its not people, as if its some entity that has no face, no heart, no soul. But itS much more than that, it's feeding that local mother; it's a place of refuge for the runaway. Whether it needs to be or not doesn't matters what it is, it only matters what what it represents, and for many throughout history the church has represented hope. It's kind of douchey to countinually scold and generalize instead of understand. A jokes one thing, but some of y'all truly feel religion is evil, that's another.

As long as you know a lot of bad comes from religion. That's all that matters bro. I know religion helps people. Good for them. Keep it to yourself and leave it in the church.
bruh really said its okay to rape women in Indian culture.
Plot Twist: He's never been to India.
I did read not too long ago that forced marital sex isn't considered rape over there.
I know... PERSONALLY KNOW... forget all this 'over there' and 'I heard'... I PERSONALLY KNOW God-fearing, gun-toting, Barack hating people who agree that forced sex upon your wife is NOT rape, that you can't 'rape' someone God gave you for sex.
bruh really said its okay to rape women in Indian culture.

Plot Twist: He's never been to India.

I did read not too long ago that forced marital sex isn't considered rape over there.

Have seen that too.

"normal rape" is a crime. Gang rapists from last year were tried and convicted and are facing death. they have a strange legal code for rape, its broken down into sections.

I just thought it was funny that dude just outright said Indians believe rape is okay.

Yo some of these dudes in our government are ******* crazy, legitimately. Remember Todd Akin and his "legitimate rape" BS?
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I totally get your viewpoint and actually agree. People tend to lump religious individuals into that extremist pile because that is what is seen/what is causing issues. There are people that believe in what they believe in and keep it moving. 

With that said, here's questions for you, and some issues I have with religion. 

You believe in one specific religion. Let's just say it's Christianity (I don't know what you believe in, just for this example using Christianity. Correct me if it's not). You follow one religious path, you believe in one religion, a religion that says clearly it is the right path, everything else is wrong. Why do you follow only one religion? Why do you believe it's the right one? Why not partake in all religious beliefs (I'm assuming you don't because you don't "believe" in them, but WHY). How could you so surely say one religion is right? And to top it all off, even though you aren't outwardly ever expressing it, or ever bothering a person about it, deep down don't you believe that Muslim, that Hindu, that whatever, is practicing something false? 

I'll tell you one thing and y'all can clown on me all y'all want,but it stings when people say religion should be extinct and make it seem like people who believe in a God are from the stone age when just 2 years ago its what got me through a situation in which my baby nephew was born with a condition called Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Going to church and praying relaxed me and made me believe that the situation would improve, fortunately it did. I'm a hypocrite because previously I didn't pray or go to church all that much, I accept it the same way I would someone who doesn't believe in religion at all.

The reason its disturbing is because why lump every religious person into one group? I'm not Christian but, is it really fair to wish the extinction of all religions because "them damn Christians are always pounding on my door in the morning"?

Its true that there are many arguments regarding what is the true religion, or like you said, which is the right path, but I'm willing to bet that 9,999 times out 10,000, its just that, only an argument. Just because of that one bozo who believes who ever is not X religion deserves to be stoned to death, is it fair for us common religious folk to be put in the same group as them? And that "we" are the reason religion shouldn't exist?
I won't clown you, because I don't even know how to approach you.
I'll tell you one thing and y'all can clown on me all y'all want,but it stings when people say religion should be extinct and make it seem like people who believe in a God are from the stone age when just 2 years ago its what got me through a situation in which my baby nephew was born with a condition called Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Going to church and praying relaxed me and made me believe that the situation would improve, fortunately it did. I'm a hypocrite because previously I didn't pray or go to church all that much, I accept it the same way I would someone who doesn't believe in religion at all.

The reason its disturbing is because why lump every religious person into one group? I'm not Christian but, is it really fair to wish the extinction of all religions because "them damn Christians are always pounding on my door in the morning"?

Its true that there are many arguments regarding what is the true religion, or like you said, which is the right path, but I'm willing to bet that 9,999 times out 10,000, its just that, only an argument. Just because of that one bozo who believes who ever is not X religion deserves to be stoned to death, is it fair for us common religious folk to be put in the same group as them? And that "we" are the reason religion shouldn't exist?
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