Can we just go ahead and admit i have the cutest dog of all the dogs? (Pics)

sec champ

Apr 24, 2014
View media item 1025914
This is Timber, and he is the best
View media item 1025932

View media item 1025936
I mean look at this cute widdle bubbawubbahubbahubba whosagoodboy?

He is pretty much the cutest pooch walking the planet today.

Yes, that means he is cuter than your goofy mutt as well

I can post pics if you think you have a legit contender (although i fail to see the point)

If no contenders are available, we can officially use this thread to officially crown him as:

King Timber

Bow down to the king!
 I always thought cat people were the weirdos, dog looks real average, and im not a fan of the name. Did you buy it? or adopt?

EDIT: just peeped the cat, makes sense
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aad (average *** dog)
PYD thread in disguise

If that's the case, everyone go ahead and PYD
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