[| -- Canadian Nike x Kanye West Release: NIKE "AIR YEEZY's" Release Info -- |]

Due to local complaints the line up for the Yeezy's was forced to dissipate. The people that did line up were given a grip of raffle tickets.

For everyone else hoping to secure a pair of Yeezy's, we will be handing out additional raffle tickets (one per person) this Saturday at 10:30am sharp! The draw will take place when we open at 11am sharp.

Good luck to everyone…

And are people sleeping on Stolen Riches ? Havent heard anyone lining up there right now.
I still don't think the General Public knows and I haven't seen a flyer or mailout by them yet (or The Vault).
Shout out to One Of A Kind Pasta!!!

This is whats going on at STLN RCHS.. These doods sorta look familiar!!!!!
I thought all the dudes at LS went for a washroom break or something

More spots but same small quantity...
So the same dudes from the LS lineup moved over to SR.

Can't knock the hustle.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

The Vault also has a lineup.
Did they bring food and water? There is nothing up there.
Are most of these guys resellers?
^ Probably 50/50 for the few pairs that the city got the demand for people that actually want them is through the roof.

So where will people be tomorrow morning? already heard cats offering 1K to some spots.

Heard them jack boys were plotting for one store.
Didn't get my pair womp.....

LS was a madhouse.
FL raffle was packed.
Nike on Queen got 8 Pairs.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

So where will people be tomorrow morning? already heard cats offering 1K to some spots.

Thought this was the least liked c/w and most abundant.
the spot in winnipeg was cool, raffled off 6 pairs, not as much people as expected so everyone had a real good shot at getting a pair.
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