Sep 16, 2005
to summarize this is what happened.

3 of my best friends and 2 other dudes were in my friends car (toyota yaris)
they were huffing aerosol least the driver was

and he lost control and slammed into a taco bell
the driver tried to run (he's been arrested plenty of times before) but the cops caught him and took him to the er
2 of my friends have stitches in their mouth and the other one broke her wrist
the car is totalled (she just got it about 2 months ago)
and the damages on the taco bell building are between 30,000-40,000
everyone is ok...but pretty much my friends life is mad screwed now.
i don't like throwing religion at people but she's all having suicide thoughts.

i'm worried sick and don't know how to help her because i'm 500 miles away at college



also, just found out from my friends sister...the mom's insurance is paying for everything. my friend, however, has to save up for a new car on her own. nomore help from the parents. i think she'll learn her lesson.
Originally Posted by Emsterr

they were huffing aerosol least the driver was

What is this???

people can't buy decent stuff now? aerosol cans??


and they say weed is bad, sucks but it's really not your prob man. They made bad choices, don't feel bad for their stupid mistakes
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Huffing Aerosol cans[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]....Recession hitting weed sells now...[/color]
so its late and maybe my reading comp skills need work

the owner of the car ... one of ur best friends let some "other dude" drive her car while also huffing aerosol cans

the driver isn't liable ... don't know the law like that ...

your friend is feeling suicidal b/c of this ... is it that deep?

what does religion have to do w/ this?
my guess is they didn't have weed on them...and i'm not feeling sorry for her, because whether she was huffing or not...she still trusted that dudewith her car. i hate him he's so irresponsible with everything. it's still my best friend though and so it hurts me that she would make such a bigmistake
because i care about her.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

so she was letting some dude drive her car while he's huffing?

I don't know. I got a story from like 3 people, who knows what the truth is. I don't know why she ever lets that immature *&^^$% drive though.
wow what a terrible idea. Who would ever let that type of thing go down in their own car anyways
I'm sorry but that Cheesy Double Beef Burrito sign had me dying.

It's like they were so hungry they didn't want to get out of there car.

They took the drive thru sign very litterally.
If you cared about her so much, you better speak to her and tell her to get her priorities straight. I understand you're 500 miles away but pick up thephone and call her.
That sucks.

At least everybody only came away with some minor injuries.

I hope that they all learned their lessons though.
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