Career Guidance - All questions answered! Vol: I'm tired of the negativity

As always I'm willing to give some insight into public accounting.

I'm not at a Big 4 - I know plent who are, it wasn't for me. I'm in a leading nationwide firm dealing with financial services (hedge & vc for me personally).
Originally Posted by LosPollosHermanos

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I need a good general format for redoing my resume...any tips...links.?

What industry?
I got my B.A. in speech-language pathology last summer so it a health-service field thing is that I still have to attain my masters to practice.  I'm just looking to get a full-time/part time gig in a supporting field...non-profit, rehabilitation services, something health-service related I would guess.  And since this might not be a job I hold down through my masters I'm actually open to other industries as well.  I just need a solid resume template that will help me keep up with the pack.
Quick question about Craigslist jobs... 
When you see a job posting that doesn't have the link to a external site, do you just go ahead and email the email? Has anyone ever had luck with that?
I am always open to helping in Engineers out there. I am a ME but have friends all over who are all ranges of Engineers. So if you have any questions or anything of that nature PM me. And remember with Engineering its your experience that counts. Your GPA gets you in the door but your experience will land you the job. Plus us Engineers have to stick together.
Got my BA in Communications (PR/Advertising) in 2007...GPA was pretty low(2.6-3.0 range), I'm currently working for a Market Research Firm and I'm not really feeling it so I'm looking to get into any business type jobs mainly in Finance, Management Information Systems, Marketing, etc. Consulting work doesn't sound too bad as well. I'm pretty good with working with people and helping folks out, I'm very into technology although i don't have any kind of certs. Right now i'm at a point of figuring out what I really want to pursue. I just turned 28 and feel that time is running out. Only thing holding me back is having the experience in these areas that I'm looking at, so I want to know where do I start. Look for entry level positions? Thanks
Originally Posted by impalaballa187

Anybody interested in the following:

Management/Strategy Consulting, Finance/Banking, TFA, or B-School feel free to throw out some questions. I'll answer to the best of my ability.

Can you look at my resume and let me know if I should change some stuff? 
what do you do if you're a senior in college and don't have a strong resume? (no internships/extracurriculars)
since most of you in this thread have graduated already
how did u guys decide on ur major??

currently only a freshman in university
So help me out I have a BA in physical education health and recreation and I'm not going the teaching route cause I really don't wanna do that right now. I'm willing to dip into other fields also I'm currently located in Vegas training for the 2012 Olympics but I'm originally from Atlanta so either city works for me thanks in advance
Originally Posted by Regal Black

Got my BA in Communications (PR/Advertising) in 2007...GPA was pretty low(2.6-3.0 range), I'm currently working for a Market Research Firm and I'm not really feeling it so I'm looking to get into any business type jobs mainly in Finance, Management Information Systems, Marketing, etc. Consulting work doesn't sound too bad as well. I'm pretty good with working with people and helping folks out, I'm very into technology although i don't have any kind of certs. Right now i'm at a point of figuring out what I really want to pursue. I just turned 28 and feel that time is running out. Only thing holding me back is having the experience in these areas that I'm looking at, so I want to know where do I start. Look for entry level positions? Thanks

What about working at a marketing research firm don't you like? I'm curious because I am about to graduate with a BA in Marketing management and this is what I was going to pursue.
Originally Posted by odog24

since most of you in this thread have graduated already
how did u guys decide on ur major??

currently only a freshman in university

currently a senior in HS..
Starting my MBA program in the Fall @ Yale (unless another Ivy swoops in with more money) and looking to career transition into finance...
Anyone with IB/PE/VC/HF connects, I would love your input/advice/help, currently live in Seattle, but I want to start finding my next years internship, preferably in NYC...
So out of HS, I was going to go to Drexel for sport management, but then I saw that it was too damn expensive so I decided to stay and go to a CC then transfer and get a degree in business marketing. My question is, does it make sense to go to grad school for sport management? My plan would be to try to get an internship/job with a team after I get my degree (which I know is hard), then go to grad school for sport management.

Originally Posted by Shahin1189

ok man thanks, I'll try them. I've applied to so many places, i'm getting tired of this whole thing. I had an interview at the USPTO 3 months ago, but they take forever to make a decision, they told me hopefully sometime this month. it just seems tough without any technical experience, starting fresh.

this. EE grad from august 2011. this rinse and repeat process of job hunting and applying has gotten me lowkey depressed/stressed. i get easily agitated nowadays, and stay mostly frustrated at the lack of hits on all these apps i send out

waiting on patent office to get back to me too..
If I see a company that has 2 positions I am interested in, should I apply for both or wait? Will it make me look like I'm desperate for a job? Do companies look down on applicants that do that?
Originally Posted by maddog345

If I see a company that has 2 positions I am interested in, should I apply for both or wait? Will it make me look like I'm desperate for a job? Do companies look down on applicants that do that?

If you feel you are qualified for both positions I do not see a problem with that....

As far as craigslist is concerened here are cliffs for what I have done to get jobs... BTW it works like a charm, some of my homeboys have gotten jobs without degrees as well.
(BTW I have a degree in IT)

1) Make sure you have an updated version of your resume! Very important
2) Go to your specific city in craigslist and click the category of job you are looking for.
3) Make sure you read each description completely and 95% of posts are not scams because you have to pay to place the ad on craigslist.
4) If you think you are a fit for the position there are a few different ways to apply depending on the instructions in the ad.
a) They have an external link that takes you to the application portal (If this is the option then follow the instructions and apply)
b) They have provided a SPECIFIC email for you to send your resume to (See below)
c) They have not provided anything in the AD except for the generic email under the big header which usually looks like. [email protected]

If the choice is either B or C send an email like this:

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]TO: [email protected][/color]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]From: Your email[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Subject Line: Make this very catchy because recruiters scan hundreds of these a day so you want to stand out. (My personal on is: BILINGUAL GRADUATE FOR  XXXXXX Position)[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Inside the email you want to have a very brief description but do not make it sound like a copy paste.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]My example:[/color]

To whom it may concern,

My name is Victor XXXX and I am an IT professional looking to relocate to the Los Angeles area ASAP. I feel my qualifications and accomplishments meet the needs according to your Craigslist Ad. Attached is my resume. 


Victor XXXXX
Bilingual Graduate in IT, Georgia Southern University

If you send out 50 a day i guarantee the calls will start rolling in, especially if you actually match what they are looking for.

Hit me up if you have questions

BTW: Make sure to attach a PDF or .Doc Resume along with the email.
I can help anyway with advice that wants to go into finance, particularly WS. I'm an IB Associate at a BB, so shoot away any questions you have. I will not help you with internships, though.
I asked this in another thread, but didn't get a answer.
I'm about to graduate (may 2012) with a degree in Business Management. However, I'm really trying to find a way to get into IT or Info. Security?  I don't really have any experience in either of those, so I'm not sure how I should go about it. Should I go back to school, get certifications, or what?

Any help is appreciated.

Oh and I live in the DC area if that's helpful at all.
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

I asked this in another thread, but didn't get a answer.
I'm about to graduate (may 2012) with a degree in Business Management. However, I'm really trying to find a way to get into IT or Info. Security?  I don't really have any experience in either of those, so I'm not sure how I should go about it. Should I go back to school, get certifications, or what?

Any help is appreciated.

Oh and I live in the DC area if that's helpful at all.
So, you may be a little bit late, but the whole IT/Security industry is getting pillaged by consulting firms. (Corps don't want to hire people full-time for ideas, so they hire consultants) Accenture/PWC/Deloitte are where you want to be a technology consultant. All have huge offices in DC/Philly/NYC/every major city. They also hire based on talent, not previous skill.
Originally Posted by LosPollosHermanos

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

I asked this in another thread, but didn't get a answer.
I'm about to graduate (may 2012) with a degree in Business Management. However, I'm really trying to find a way to get into IT or Info. Security?  I don't really have any experience in either of those, so I'm not sure how I should go about it. Should I go back to school, get certifications, or what?

Any help is appreciated.

Oh and I live in the DC area if that's helpful at all.
So, you may be a little bit late, but the whole IT/Security industry is getting pillaged by consulting firms. (Corps don't want to hire people full-time for ideas, so they hire consultants) Accenture/PWC/Deloitte are where you want to be a technology consultant. All have huge offices in DC/Philly/NYC/every major city. They also hire based on talent, not previous skill.
Interesting, so education wise is it something I should go back to school to learn about or make myself a better potential candidate?
Also you know anything about the gov't hiring in these fields?
i just need to figure out what the hell it is i wanna do. lol

congrats to all of you who have figured that out. im still contemplating *!%#.
Originally Posted by impalaballa187

Anybody interested in the following:

Management/Strategy Consulting, Finance/Banking, TFA, or B-School feel free to throw out some questions. I'll answer to the best of my ability.

Hey impalaballa, I'm trying to break into management consulting, currently a sophomore at UCLA. What kinds of internships or any kinds of advice do you have for what I should be looking into currently? Thanks dude.
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