Don't get me wrong both Cassie and Lauren look quite attractive. But those photographs are horrid. I don't even know where to begin, like abominationsof photography. It's like they tried so hard for look/aesthetic I completely understand and failed so miserably it's absurd, mind-blowing that youcould $!@# up that much…
ebayologist cosign

and also cosign on the palin comments.
i heard that playboy offered her bread to do a spread... oh man i hope she does it
Doesnt get any better with Cassie and LL together in an ad.
Cassie has little to no talent but she is so bad is not even funny!

Lauren London is my girl too, even with the whole eye thing she got going on.
Originally Posted by geminifly

Cassie has little to no talent but she is so bad is not even funny!

Lauren London is my girl too, even with the whole eye thing she got going on.
Totally agree on the Cassie part. She's best seen and not heard.

And Lauren... what eye thing?
If you see a problem with her, then you must be way too picky. lol
Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by brandonb2005

Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX


She is so damn sexy! I am going to miss seeing her face on TV ...

By the time she even comes back into the lime light she will be damn near 50

and I was apart of her not becoming the VP...Obama FTW!

I thought i was the only one who felt that way
Obama 4 life....but palin...Cassie...and London could _________ while I ________
Wow is it me or does Cassie make Lauren look average in these pics? But I would still take LL. Too bad she only dates thugs.
How in the hell can they ever look average!?! They're beautiful girls. What the hell are you expecting?
Cassie knows whats up. She takes care of her beautiful %@% on purpose so she can drive people wild. Thats the idea.
I love Lauren London with the passion of Christ. Cassie, eh, they could've gotten somebody better. Christina Milian FTW
But still sexy ads tho.
Originally Posted by FreddyPee

Originally Posted by J Steezzz

Originally Posted by brandonb2005

Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX


She is so damn sexy! I am going to miss seeing her face on TV ...

By the time she even comes back into the lime light she will be damn near 50

and I was apart of her not becoming the VP...Obama FTW!

I thought i was the only one who felt that way
Obama 4 life....but palin...Cassie...and London could _________ while I ________
I would move to Alaska just so i could see her on tv
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