Casual drinking in the house: beer glass or bottle/can?

Nov 18, 2010
Nearly every time I chill with some friends and drink, we're always drinking out of the bottle or can. Yet I always see my folks and their friends drinking out of a glass. Which do you prefer NT? I'm all about the bottle.
doesn't matter what you drink out of just don't be drinking garbage beer like Heineken, Bud or Corona
I've always drank beer out the bottle but I say step your game up and get down with glass.
Heinekin and corona garbage? go to vegas thats what everybody walking around is drinking.
put glass in freezer

when you want to get a little taste. pour cold beer in icy glass
Originally Posted by dn616766

Heinekin and corona garbage? go to vegas thats what everybody walking around is drinking.

Didn't realize vegas pedestrians were de facto beer judges. 

Bottle or glass. If in a can - always pour into glass. 
Originally Posted by dn616766

Heinekin and corona garbage? go to vegas thats what everybody walking around is drinking.

 at your justification . 
beer tastes much better coming from the bottle than it does in a can or a glass. idk why
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

doesn't matter what you drink out of just don't be drinking garbage beer like Heineken, or Corona

off yourself.

Bottle to answer the question.

Red Strips >
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

doesn't matter what you drink out of just don't be drinking garbage beer like Heineken, Bud or Corona


I'd say drink it out of the bottle, because thats what the bottle is design for, to help enhance the taste (well some bottles anyway).
Originally Posted by dn616766

Heinekin and corona garbage? go to vegas thats what everybody walking around is drinking.
u sound like the type that had trouble understanding algebra
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

Originally Posted by dn616766

Heinekin and corona garbage? go to vegas thats what everybody walking around is drinking.
u sound like the type that had trouble understanding algebra
You could do worse on the Vegas Strip.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by adiosburritos

doesn't matter what you drink out of just don't be drinking garbage beer like Heineken, or Corona

off yourself.

Bottle to answer the question.

Red Strips >
go sit in the corner boy you know nothing about beer
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

go sit in the corner boy you know nothing about beer

so i guess your all knowing of beer huh...the guy who can break down every beer brewed and tell another man why he shouldnt drink that. you a lame.   
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