~~~~| Celebrities Rockin Heat (Fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. IV | ~~~~

Birds might be the second best album of the year so far but trav don't got the juice for the cena shorts
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This pic might single handedly kill the whole vintage rock tee/destroyed jeans/ yeezy look most get wits rockin these days. These dudes look ridiculous.

Dudes looking real uncomfortable in their casual clothes these days. :lol:
Its wild seeing grownups act like qrew kick
This pic might single handedly kill the whole vintage rock tee/destroyed jeans/ yeezy look most get wits rockin these days. These dudes look ridiculous.

Dudes looking real uncomfortable in their casual clothes these days. :lol:
Its wild seeing grownups act like qrew kick

heavy metal fans sre thoroughly disgusted :lol:

Cliff Burton spinning in his grave... :smh:
You ain't a fan of AJFA and the Black Album? Load and Reload aged well and Death Magnetic is great.
most of the stuff after Dave left & cliff died doesn't do it for me but I'm also picky with rock *shrugs* I do like certain songs like "one" or "nothing else matters" though
This pic might single handedly kill the whole vintage rock tee/destroyed jeans/ yeezy look most get wits rockin these days. These dudes look ridiculous.

Dunno what's worse; the fact that those two have never listened to Iron Maiden & Metallica in their lives or the fact that someone actually got paid to dress them up like that. :smh:
Dem dudes who dunno about Metallica would react like these kids lol

The video is just some dumb, 'click-bait' trash to generate Youtube revenue. Ask any 8-11 year old back in '81 to listen to Metallica and you'd get the same response.

Although in their defense, the lyrics on that new Metallica song are pure trash. :smh:
Dunno what's worse; the fact that those two have never listened to Iron Maiden & Metallica in their lives or the fact that someone actually got paid to dress them up like that.
Its worse that you assume they never listened SMH
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