~~~~| Celebrities Rockin Heat (Fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. IV | ~~~~


It was initially a skateboard brand that was started in 1994 in new york.
It since has gained a huge fanbase because of its exclusivity and niche clientele. People will usually line up hours in advance for new releases. Its also notable for collaborations with nike including the nike dunk high and low, air jordan 5, and other models.
We didn't wear Air Forces when I was growing up in Cali in the 80's and early 90's, we had Cortez. You might get hurt wearing em if you Spanish though. 
I used to love jeru tha damaja.

Im feeling old when Tyler the creator is looking old and fat.

Rza is looking a little more than artistic in that wife beater....
 under suspicion. 

The things you dont realize at the time lol
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