~~~~| Celebrities Rockin Heat (Fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. IV | ~~~~

i dont know whats worse...the fact that guys like kodak dress so bad, or the fact that most others dress the same and act as if they are original gods of style

(see that last john wall pic)
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Wall's fit is trash. That jacket and those pants. They look dumb as **** together, jacket too small.

15 and 16 are classics. I love the black suede 18s. I was a HUGE fan of the 19s when they dropped. I still like them but not as much. 20s are hard, 21s were dope too (grey and all red pairs) and 23 were perfect to close. Wish they stopped there.
If Mike didn't rock em during his Bulls years, I don't want em.

16 and 17 are ok, but not must haves IMO.

Y'all can keep the rest of them joints.

Why does it matter if he wore it or not? Lol if it looks good then it looks good. I mean I get the nostalgia and all but comes off very sheepish when I hear dudes say this.
Why does it matter if he wore it or not? Lol if it looks good then it looks good. I mean I get the nostalgia and all but comes off very sheepish when I hear dudes say this.

Personal preference.

And on top of that I don't think many after the 14 were special enough to go hard for.

Sheepish? That's a lazy statement.
Personal preference.

And on top of that I don't think many after the 14 were special enough to go hard for.

Sheepish? That's a lazy statement.

I mean if it's personal preference I totally respect it. Just silly hearing it from the ones who probably couldn't identify some of the higher sigs if they seen them but just automatically dismiss them since it's the popular opinion.

Curious to know when this whole narrative began. Because I vividly remember dudes buying majority of early 2000s sigs and no one really just sticking to retros . Well at least around my way that's how it was.
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