~~~~| Celebrities Rockin Heat (Fly gear/Fly kicks) VOL. IV | ~~~~

Whats wrong with the pose
Dudes ready to set a screen pose
Well...arent they both basketball athletes? 

Lol thats pretty sus regardless of pose.
Pictures were at one time for capturing a moment.
Now people seem hell bent on painstakingly orchestrating a moment.

in conclusion, all you have to do to is call it a " stance"
I see nothing wrong with the pick pose, how else is a dude supposed to pose? It just looks dumb when it's 10 guys in a pic and they all doing it
Yall really in here complaining about a basic pose?

I don't know what's worse....dude giving the credit to Meek, or the cats who think this "pose" is somethin new.

Not even sure if it's something you can count as "been out" because it's so basic and second nature to so many people.
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