
And I still can't stop laughing at this.. Hahahaha
Originally Posted by FreshJayz

What's the point of showing Michael Jordan wearing Jordans? Isn't that a given? I would be more interested to see him in something besides Jordan's.

I can see what you are saying, but then again, this whole industry and "shoe game" wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for that man. No one dared pay morethan $20 for "tennis shoes" 20 years ago. Seeing him in some Oly VIIs in the dream team jersey is a fresh pic and brings back memories and thoughtsof mcdonalds cups haha. Id much rather see pics of him in Js from early 90s than some no-name clowns in GR kicks that I wouldnt even dare buy
Originally Posted by JMKickz

Originally Posted by FreshJayz

What's the point of showing Michael Jordan wearing Jordans? Isn't that a given? I would be more interested to see him in something besides Jordan's.

I can see what you are saying, but then again, this whole industry and "shoe game" wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for that man. No one dared pay more than $20 for "tennis shoes" 20 years ago. Seeing him in some Oly VIIs in the dream team jersey is a fresh pic and brings back memories and mcdonalds cups Id much rather see pics of him in Js from early 90s than some no-name clowns in GR kicks that I wouldnt even dare buy

I see your side too...
But they are his shoes.. So of course he has worn every style.. Ya know?
But I get the memories thing and all.. That makes sense too.
Originally Posted by JMKickz

Originally Posted by FreshJayz

What's the point of showing Michael Jordan wearing Jordans? Isn't that a given? I would be more interested to see him in something besides Jordan's.

I can see what you are saying, but then again, this whole industry and "shoe game" wouldnt even exist if it wasnt for that man. No one dared pay more than $20 for "tennis shoes" 20 years ago. Seeing him in some Oly VIIs in the dream team jersey is a fresh pic and brings back memories and mcdonalds cups Id much rather see pics of him in Js from early 90s than some no-name clowns in GR kicks that I wouldnt even dare buy

I see your side too...
But they are his shoes.. So of course he has worn every style.. Ya know?
But I get the memories thing and all.. That makes sense too.
^ i think some pics of him wearing certain shoes are kinda rare. so its nice to see mike wear all his shoes.
I dont think im the only one who doesnt get tired of pics of jordan wearing whatever.
now those are fresh as hell. Im sure I can name about 3 or 4 people on this site that will post them in 2 months time. I hate them all!!! grrrr
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