Originally Posted by sneakermane

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by sneakermane

MikeTysontheKiller wrote:

sneakermane wrote:

^^^^Jay got on sweats....really?!

Alicia Keys looking like that.....and you guys are focused on Jay's pants?!

Acting like you ain't look to the left after you were done checking out Alicia. I'll be dammed

NO....I'LL BE DAMNED you up there justifying the fact you staring at that man's pants.

Damn, do you really have to prove your manhood that way? I get it, you're a man, a big tough man but seriously, you entered a thread titles "CELEBRITIES WEARING HEAT" on NT. Were you really expecting bikini clad celebrity women wearing heat? This whole thread is about a majority of men looking at celebrities (about 95% celebrity men) and their clothes and you are worried and tries to question someones manhood (or to re-assure yours) because of those pics? If so, take a number because you're not the first and probably won't be the last. No hate on you or anyone else, I'm just pointing out the irony here.

Irony?! We can talk about irony.

The irony is the thread is called CELEBRITIES WEARING HEAT!, right?

There is no sneaker related heat in that pic. But guess what....That's not some unknown belly dancer in that pic.

Alicia Keys is a CELEBRITY!

I chose to look at THAT CELEBRITY.....especially since she looks HELLA' GOOD in that pic. Therefore SHE IS THE HEAT!

I give a rat's @#$% about Jay's trousers......NOT IN THAT PIC!

Check yo' self fore you go writing essays.

That's the stupidest reasoning I've read. You just emphasized a celebrity wearing heat, then you continue to say Alicia Keys is the heat? A. Keysain't wearing heat and since you want to get all technical her being hot isn't exactly "wearing heat". I agree, Jay-Z wasn't wearingheat, but someone asked what Jay was wearing and I responded with a pic of what he was wearing. So that is thread related, those shoes are no "heat"but topic related nonetheless.

On your other post you emphasize that the dudes here are what "stupid" or "gay" because their paying attention at JayZ and no Alicia Keys.Don't deny it, you assumed it clearly with your statement of "Alicia Keys looking like that.....and you guys are focused on Jay's pants?!"
Now you're saying you're just looking at A. keys. Ok, you changed your stories, fine but to worry about what others are looking at? Really?
Then you say you "give a rat's @#$% about Jay's trousers......NOT IN THAT PIC!" as if you don't care but only in that pic? But if it wereany other pic you'd be paying attention? So you do admit to checking Jay Z out too, right?
I get it Alicia Keys is hot, we can both agree on that but you're too worried at what others are looking at. You want to look at A. Keys and ignoreeverything else, good for you but to call out others is just dumb. Just move along, matter of fact is you made a mistake and replied without thinking about it,let it go and stop worrying what others are doing/looking at.

But post some pics & stop with the damn essays!!!!!
This thread needs a title change!

Let's be real most celeb's aren't wearing "heat"...

They wear the GR's that there stylist lay out for them....

But without those "heatless" pics we wouldnt have entertainment....

I.E. the debates, laughs, and other things expected upon entering this thread...

So with that said I motion for the thread to be renamed.....

|||---Celebrities Wearing Shoes & Clothes!!!--|||

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

*waits for pics of C.C. Sabathia wearing Concord XI Cleats tonight.
Here's a picture of him wearing the Concord XI cleats about two starts ago:

Adding this in because I don't know how to quote again in the same post

I don't understand how you DON'T see Jay's pants in that picture. You act like realizing that he is wearing sweats require all of your attention tonotice that specific detail. It really only takes a second and its not even like Alicia is naked or something extraordinary like that.
Originally Posted by CrAzYFLiPxNyC

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

*waits for pics of C.C. Sabathia wearing Concord XI Cleats tonight.
Here's a picture of him wearing the Concord XI cleats about two starts ago:

Adding this in because I don't know how to quote again in the same post

I don't understand how you DON'T see Jay's pants in that picture. You act like realizing that he is wearing sweats require all of your attention to notice that specific detail. It really only takes a second and its not even like Alicia is naked or something extraordinary like that.

Im glad i didnt comment about the poor stitching i noticed in the crotch/fly area of Jays pants...........
Originally Posted by USA Pride4Life

I chose to look at THAT CELEBRITY.....especially since she looks HELLA' GOOD in that pic. Therefore SHE IS THE HEAT!

I lost it at the end.


This comment, cats fussing about the freedom to look at another man's sweats....and the fact that dude can't tell Shnookie is a GIRL with nubiantwist.....tells me everything I need to know about the direction of this thread.
Originally Posted by sneakermane

USA Pride4Life said:
I chose to look at THAT CELEBRITY.....especially since she looks HELLA' GOOD in that pic. Therefore SHE IS THE HEAT!

I lost it at the end.


This comment, cats fussing about the freedom to look at another man's sweats....and the fact that dude can't tell Shnookie is a GIRL with nubiantwist.....tells me everything I need to know about the direction of this thread.

Word..Sneakermane you a Rasta or you just have locks for a style.
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