Central Park Five (2012) documentary on notorious NYC case in the late 1980's

Just got done watching this. So many emotions. Especially when Santana talks about all the things he's missed out on and how far he's been set back. 

I'm about 40% through and Im just disgusted.. And to find out that the Asst DA Elizabeth Lederer (who I would love to 5 piece right about now) is teaching at Columbia is disturbing.. This **** is sad man :smh: |I
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They literally forced children to confess to something they didn't commit. C'mon man, smh

Interrogation tactics are nothing to mess with.

Took those boys(men) lives. [emoji]128545[/emoji]
I remember this.

This was on the heels of Yusef Hawkins, Tawana Brawley etc. and racial tension throughout the city was off the hook.

Glad these dudes were exonerated and nothing will get their time in prison back but that cash should ease some of their pain.
Glorious news

Saw the screening at MIST studios in Harlem with 4 of the 5 CP5 and the director Ken Burns.  To see the pain, joy, humanity, hope, loss all written on their face as they answered questions and talked about their lives was really powerful for me.  One guy had clearly had a really, really rough stint in prison and was visibly scarred for life.  On the other hand, I was stunned to see how well-spoken and seemingly well-rounded some of the others were.  Was a memorable night and one I won't forget any time soon. 

Also spotted Kevin Richardson a couple months after the screening and chatted with him for a bit.  Told me about the progress of the case, what he planned to do, and genuinely thanked me for stopping to talk to him.  Glad that man got at least some kind of retribution. 

Really thorough documentary and now on Netflix.  Please check it out if you haven't already. 

And props to DeBlasio for keeping his word and seeing to it that this settlement got worked out.
Watching this now, :x at the whole thing.

These dudes straight up admitted guilt, no attorney present - no nothing. Makes me wonder what I would have done when I was their age.
Glorious news :pimp:

Saw the screening at MIST studios in Harlem with 4 of the 5 CP5 and the director Ken Burns.  To see the pain, joy, humanity, hope, loss all written on their face as they answered questions and talked about their lives was really powerful for me.  One guy had clearly had a really, really rough stint in prison and was visibly scarred for life.  On the other hand, I was stunned to see how well-spoken and seemingly well-rounded some of the others were.  Was a memorable night and one I won't forget any time soon. 

Also spotted Kevin Richardson a couple months after the screening and chatted with him for a bit.  Told me about the progress of the case, what he planned to do, and genuinely thanked me for stopping to talk to him.  Glad that man got at least some kind of retribution. 

Really thorough documentary and now on Netflix.  Please check it out if you haven't already. 

And props to DeBlasio for keeping his word and seeing to it that this settlement got worked out.

it was likely Korey who had it worst. He did the most time, and he was SIXTEEN is Rikers. you got a boy amongst men.

He very briefly talked in the doc about his experience in prison an how nothing can take away all the pain, stabbings, time, etc. hope the $40 mill does.

SMH at donald trump. he stated the settlement is a travesty or something...eat crow when youre wrong D!!!head
Great documentary. When they had the Atlanta premier it was at my old workplace. Got to meet the director and producers. Ken really didn't do much, this was all his daughter's project and she killed it. I definitely had to shake her hand and let her know that she got next up from here pop's in the documentary world.
Donald Trump is a terrible human being, the *** he's saying about the settlement with all this evidence confirms it.

40 mil is not enough, even if it's each....they took their lives and potential to grow into men and who knows become something GREAT.

All the prosecutors, DA and cops involved in building this case should be put away.
Does the documentary speak on the doctors that claim there was more than one attacker?

Dude that confessed acted alone but the bruises left on the woman show there was more than one person.

I don't know the full story but other than the confession what was the evidence that lead them to these 5 young men?
Does the documentary speak on the doctors that claim there was more than one attacker?

Dude that confessed acted alone but the bruises left on the woman show there was more than one person.

I don't know the full story but other than the confession what was the evidence that lead them to these 5 young men?

There was nothing other than the confession.
Does the documentary speak on the doctors that claim there was more than one attacker?

Dude that confessed acted alone but the bruises left on the woman show there was more than one person.

I don't know the full story but other than the confession what was the evidence that lead them to these 5 young men?

There was nothing other than the confession.

You watch the documentary?
A while ago :lol:

From what I remember their whole plot was to get them to confess with interrogation tactics, they played them and that's what got them convicted, some got more because they spoke more, I believe the one who's mom was a lawyer and came in time to prevent an interrogation without his attorney present is the one that got off the easiest.
Glad they got that settlement. Wrong how they manipulated them to get a coerced confession.
They literally forced children to confess to something they didn't commit. C'mon man, smh

Interrogation tactics are nothing to mess with.

Took those boys(men) lives. [emoji]128545[/emoji]
Same thing happened in the West Memphis 3 case. Check out "West of Memphis." One of the best documentaries I've seen as of recent.

Watching now and I'm getting heated, smh @ the boy's father getting rattled first. Of course if my dad tells me to say something I'll say it.
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