Cheating.......Does everybody do it?

Originally Posted by beezylocks

Originally Posted by Breakyaneck3000

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by RKO2004

For the people that cheat, do you care about your SO?

I've never personally cheated, but sometimes I feel like it's a physiological thing. People care about their significant other, but at the same time would rather take care of urges with people they're not emotionally attached to, then to break up and start over in finding a mate.

In other words, people want to have fun but be able to come home to someone they love. A lot of people see sex as casual.

Personally, I don't think having sex with the same person for the rest of my life sounds very exciting. It isn't, fact.
open relationship = no cheating.  i think my current gf and i are going to explore this route in the future.  we get along great, never really fight, make each other laugh... all that good stuff, great chemistry overall.  we've had conversations about this issue and we have similar ideas about wanting to have other sexual partners in the future.

its hard knowing another man is getting it on with the girl you love but i will be able to do the same(threesome with my gf and random females is something i am looking forward to).  we've only been together for a little over a year so who knows, but the possibility of a future open relationship with her doesn't sound like a bad deal.

we don't really want a traditional family or even get married... more like "life partners".  we don't want kids of our own seed/egg... we would want to adopt when that urge to nurture a child comes about.  we are still in our early/mid 20's... so that would be 10-15 years from now. 


i swear man people now adays

Tell us why you laughing.
It's 2010, with this generation being the way it is, I see things getting worse as far as marriage and relationships
So many long comments

Last dude did the dirty on me, but there was too much other stuff to deal with that it didn't have as much of an impact on me as it would others.

I couldn't do it. If I ain't happy, you'll know. And we'll be over.

Simple as that.
Originally Posted by I3

I think its life.

If you enter a relationship, the chics perfect, but you want to try other things, you either sacrifice that for the one - or just break it off and test your luck. Have fun now and regret later? Or vice versa..

Its all bout sacrifices IMO.. up to you which you chose to sacrifice.

Has anyone ever done this because i have.  Didn't cheat just broke up with my girl and went to another one.  I'm telling you now you might as well cheat because the reaction/stalking/crying/phone calls are going to be like you did.

I literally was like ehh im done with this out of the blue one day because i had some one else i was talking to and didn't want to cheat.  Then you get accused of cheating and all this non-sense.  You might as well cheat and then if it doesn't work out pick one over the other.

Goes back to the people that don't cheat don't have the ability to argument.  Its really hedging your relationship life.  Seeing if there is better while still maintaining a position with some one you know you care for.
recently i found out the girl i was with cheated on me.  she was a country girl that was so sweet and no one would have ever thought she would have.  we had a fight that night and i was pissed she  wanted to go to her new friend/coworkers house to hang out after there was pretty much a snowstorm and she had an accident.  i am still kicking my self for telling her that it was ok for her to go and id get over it later.  so yeah, i think everyone cheats now
Originally Posted by l8bloomer11

recently i found out the girl i was with cheated on me.  she was a country girl that was so sweet and no one would have ever thought she would have.  we had a fight that night and i was pissed she  wanted to go to her new friend/coworkers house to hang out after there was pretty much a snowstorm and she had an accident.  i am still kicking my self for telling her that it was ok for her to go and id get over it later.  so yeah, i think everyone cheats now
im saying...dont act like if you didnt tell her it was ok she wouldnt have cheated..that was probably on her mind to cheat on you from a while back..
Keep looking y'all. When you find that one person you'd never want to cheat on, you won't ... your love for them will trumple any of those alterior feelings.

And whoever quoted me aka dude following me around, marion something.

I've been in the same relationship for 4 years ... no cheating. Don't see the point.

Cheating is a judgment of character. If you can easily hurt someone over your selfish needs ... there's something wrong with your morals. One of the main centralities of humanness in relationships with people is selflessness - or it should be.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Keep looking y'all. When you find that one person you'd never want to cheat on, you won't ... your love for them will trumple any of those alterior feelings.

And whoever quoted me aka dude following me around, marion something.

I've been in the same relationship for 4 years ... no cheating. Don't see the point.

Cheating is a judgment of character. If you can easily hurt someone over your selfish needs ... there's something wrong with your morals. One of the main centralities of humanness in relationships with people is selflessness - or it should be.
QFT.  I learned this after 6 years of marriage and now we're seperated.  If I could change the hands of time
I think some of ya are thinking of "cheating" as having a side relationship with another girl.

MariontheB, just smashes broads and then kicks them to the curb, no catching feelings no nothing.
2 years strong in my relationship.

If you feel like things are starting to fall apart in your relationship, either work harder to make things right or break it off. Why keep the relationship you guys aren't on the same page?
After reading every reply.........I got my answer, the Majority of people could give a %&#@ about anybody else but "them" at the end of the day and what there needs and wants are without sacrifice for the other person..........

"Too many people are looking for the perfect mate without being concerned about the person their mate is getting"

......And real talk guys like some of you in this thread are what gives guys like myself a bad rep even before things get started......None of you deserve the blessing of  having a good realationship with somebody who loves and respects you and the way you talk Im sure you never will
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

After reading every reply.........I got my answer, the Majority of people could give a %&#@ about anybody else but "them" at the end of the day and what there needs and wants are without sacrifice for the other person..........

"Too many people are looking for the perfect mate without being concerned about the person their mate is getting"

......And real talk guys like some of you in this thread are what gives guys like myself a bad rep even before things get started......None of you deserve the blessing of  having a good realationship with somebody who loves and respects you and the way you talk Im sure you never will

Thank you.

The selfishness and arrogance is crazy in here. Were you all raised by people or wolves
people do it, but i think everyone learns their lessons.

at times it can make a relationship stronger to get through that kind of thing, but it requires a lot of trust.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

After reading every reply.........I got my answer, the Majority of people could give a %&#@ about anybody else but "them" at the end of the day and what there needs and wants are without sacrifice for the other person..........

"Too many people are looking for the perfect mate without being concerned about the person their mate is getting"

......And real talk guys like some of you in this thread are what gives guys like myself a bad rep even before things get started......None of you deserve the blessing of  having a good realationship with somebody who loves and respects you and the way you talk Im sure you never will

Thank you.

The selfishness and arrogance is crazy in here. Were you all raised by people or wolves
To be honest, I think they just say these things on the internet ...
@the responses in this thread

guess everything is about sex now....

i've never cheated and never will. if my wife ever cheats on me, i'll probably  murder the %+#*#.

absolutely disgusting how no one is faithful these days. bunch of selfish *$%*# who just want to get theirs. i hate the world i live in.

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Afterreading every reply.........I got my answer, the Majority of peoplecould give a %&#@ about anybody else but "them" at the end of theday and what there needs and wants are without sacrifice for the otherperson..........

"Too many people are looking for the perfect mate without being concerned about the person their mate is getting"

......And real talk guys like some of you in this thread are what givesguys like myself a bad rep even before things get started......None ofyou deserve the blessing of  having a good realationship with somebodywho loves and respects you and the way you talk Im sure you never will

agreed with everything you wrote

To be honest, I think they just say these things on the internet ...

no, the sad part is thats how they actually think


people do it, but i think everyone learns their lessons.

at times it can make a relationship stronger to get through that kind of thing, but it requires a lot of trust.

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

After reading every reply.........I got my answer, the Majority of people could give a %&#@ about anybody else but "them" at the end of the day and what there needs and wants are without sacrifice for the other person..........

"Too many people are looking for the perfect mate without being concerned about the person their mate is getting"

......And real talk guys like some of you in this thread are what gives guys like myself a bad rep even before things get started......None of you deserve the blessing of  having a good realationship with somebody who loves and respects you and the way you talk Im sure you never will

yep. People are way into themselves. I'm not even going to lie, I use to be arrogant as hell. So I checked myself before I wrecked myself and ate a piece of that humble pie.
People's ego nowadays is just ridiculous. Their arrogance is just amazing seriously

I'm not going to go back and quote people, but I saw some of the LAMEST excuses as to why some people are cheating. One that stuck out to me was that they cheat because they have options, and that people who don't cheat don't do it because they have no options.
Seriously, is that the type of lame excuse you going to give for cheating? You really think that people who don't cheat have no options other than their main? Everyone has options, those of us who don't cheat have self control and know how to say that one hard word that is hard for some of you to let slip off your tongue. "No."

Even more, those of us that are faithful also know how to keep things from escalating into an intimate situation. if you are in a relationship, and you find yourself catching feelings for someone out of nowhere (cause this type of stuff does happen to everyone) simply avoid them. you don't have to pursue anything. and you should have more control of your own emotions than anyone else. That's another common mistake people make. They let little crushes turn into flirting, flirting turns into getting them alone, and then being alone turns into something happening. Then you're stuck with the damn how did this happen to me, how did i get myself into this, or the infamous i love my girl.

truth is you don't love your girl, you only care about yourself. because if you really did give two %*#%% about ya shorty, you wouldnt be cheating. you wouldnt let the situation occur. if you really loved your girl, and knew you were cheating or was going to cheat, you would break up with them. cause you know if they find out its going to crush them.
I agree with the posts above. People know when feelings are coming on. That's just a crush. Crushes fade when you push them away.

Too many excuses and TERRIBLE reasoning on this board and in the world.

Many people have been blessed, BLESSED to have great people come into their lives and they go and throw them away because they can't pass up new sex.
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