Cheating on exams

Jul 22, 2007
Its hard for me to break this habit, i have been doing it since middle school. Lately every time I do it i have been feeling guilty. With all the teacherssaying that "is gonna catch up with you one day", and that "its not worth it" with every one doing it around you its hard not to. I knowits wrong but it always works. With my chemistry exam coming up on thursday, and this being the class that I have to pass or I will NOT graduate, is it worthit cheating this one last time in high school, or putting morals ahead and studying?
as long as u dont do it in college, i see no problem with a mature young adult making a well thought out decision to cheat in high school, its not like urgoing to jail, - its one of those situations where if the risk is worth the reward - its up to u to make the decision

as for me, ive cheated plenty of times on homework in high school but never on an exam, ever, there was this one time in my hs chem class where me and a fewother people had to make up tests cause we were out of town for the scheduled test, a few min after the teacher walked out i turned around and there was mybuddy standing right behind me lookin at my test
but it was whatever, its not like he got caught
Try studying. In the event that you acttually attempt learning, you can take the test and know that you did indeed try. Then if you're stumped, cheat.
always cheat ... most teachers dont know their +$+ fom their elbow anyways ... it will be easier in college when teachers really dontgive a damn
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

always cheat ... most teachers dont know their +$+ fom their elbow anyways ... it will be easier in college when teachers really dontgive a damn

right because professors were born yesterday... this is probably the worst advice i have ever heard.... if you get caught in college prepare to facejudicial affairs and have it on your record... just study and dont take the risk im sure your not stupid
Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

always cheat ... most teachers dont know their +$+ fom their elbow anyways ... it will be easier in college when teachers really dontgive a damn

says the encouraging role model NT'er that goes to FFU (FailFest University)
this junior year in calculus me and my buddies went on the teachers computer and copied all of the tests for the rest of the year to a usb drive. since itsan AP class we correct our own hw and grade our own quizzes, so we thought we were set
. we went through the whole year with A's but on the last test we some kidsnitched so we got suspended and a 0 for the test hahah. i had a D, now i brought it up to an B- and will be higher after some EC. ( that grade is killing mygpa, i had an accumulitive of 3.912 and it gonna be lower now
if youre an idiot about it expect to get got ... but if you are smart you have nothing to worry about
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"Just do what you have to do" .. I won't reveal the person who toldme that, but he's a a former CEO of a company (retired 3 or 4 years ago).[/color]
Cheating in college isn't hard ( a lecture hall with over 250+ students ), but I wouldn't recommend it because of the consequences. Hell getting an Fon one exam doesn't equate to losing a degree IMO
I used to be the man at this in HS
one time theteacher gave us an advanced copy of the exam so I went home and took pics of it on my cell phone
needless to say I got a 98% on it
i cant even front, iv done it myself and seen madd kids cheat in college.

if its one of them large lecture room class rooms smh. that person walkin around durin exams dont help. ive seen seen crazy cheat sheets
Yea studying is the way to go, I'm in college and I somehow get the tests in advance, but its always worth it to study.
I cheated tons of times in College, and in HS there were no consequences for getting caught really.

It actually takes more intellect to cheat then to study.
my man, cheating is the american way

people cheat on their taxes, spouses, and others.

id cheat death if i could, so try to cheat your way to the top
after a while, its not even worth it, try studying, and feel successful that you past something with your own hard work
but hey, get it how you live I guess...
Do what you do, but cheating MUST stop in college. Aside from it being wrong, the risk are WAY too high. I've seen people thrown out of school for it.Thats a very, very, very, very, very bad way to leave a school. If you put forth the necessary effort, you'll do fine...
It will catch up to you eventually. Since you're options are cheat or study, I'm guessing you don't know +%%% in that class. I've watchedpeople cheat their way through college. Out in the real world, you won't be able to cheat to get by.
Originally Posted by BlackBenz

my man, cheating is the american way

people cheat on their taxes, spouses, and others.

id cheat death if i could, so try to cheat your way to the top

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