Check out my ART and Be Honest

Honestly... Dont like it that much. But do your thing.

And tuckyachainz, it's Daewoo not Danos
It just looks dumb and senseless, good art tends to successfully convey a message or a certain theme, and either I can't figure yours out or it justdoesn't have one.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Honestly... Welcome to NT.

I appreciate the responses. I understand the statements and it is all constructive. I am new to nike talk and Im sorry to the vets. if Im going about this thewrong way. I just wish for everyone to be honest so we can all learn to understand. THis is a great on-line community and I don't wish to tarnish it.
I personally don't like it nor would I purchase any of that. But everyone has a different taste.
Originally Posted by Zirchi Gray

I appreciate the responses. I understand the statements and it is all constructive. I am new to nike talk and Im sorry to the vets. if Im going about this the wrong way. I just wish for everyone to be honest so we can all learn to understand. THis is a great on-line community and I don't wish to tarnish it.
Good. You can do better w/ bad criticism than good criticism. Like most people have said it reminds me of Kaws w/ the cartoon/real life pics. Forthe most part I actually DO like your stuff man. Props for ACTUALLY making art instead just googling images and stuff. BUT youseem like you've got a ways to go.
Originally Posted by Zirchi Gray my best work is actually in this album. I didnt want to show my best stuff but I think it might improve your judgement and understanding of my art.

after revealing your best pieces, i actually like it. a lot. its like an amalgam of completely randomized objects...i'd call it a brainstorm on paper.i've drawn the same before, but never photoshopped it or added color. i'd say the next step (if you feel like there is one) is to differentiate piecesso each one has a different point/meaning/story. as well composed as they are, i'm not picking up a meaning behind any of these besides heavy shroomage.keep it up, you can say its unprecedented
interesting stuff...i think i'd like it even more if i were under the influence

nevertheless, very creative, sir/ma'am
it is what i call, Hypebeast art and i don't like it.


like wats going on with all the simpson characters?

y is everything melting?

y is everything stacked?

there are dark colors u know
true maybe i should explore into the dark colors and gray tones. And THE Simpsons was the first thing i really learned how to draw from heart it was also whatI came home and watched everyday because i didnt have cable. Things are melting because i am highly influenced by Japanese art and it is a simulation of themelting effects caused by Atomic bombs. I am highly influenced by anime. The stacking is used because I am used to using lines and many people have said thatit doesnt display depth. I did'nt really wish to create depth through the pieces because I was influenced by flat art... i.e. cartoons. SO i use dropshadows to mess with the idea of a 3rd dimension on a 2d plane. Does anyone need any more explanations its actually really fun. People fail to also notice thecomic references that are very important to me because I collect.
you have to learn how to actually draw before you can try to do art like this. seriously take some drawing classes master basic drawing/sketching skills, thengo back and try to do this experimental stuff.
I like it. I looked at that last album you posted, and I actually really liked a lot of it. A lot of it looks a bit inspired, but it looks good - even Picassosaid that before you can effectively create your own style, it's best if you take a strong influence from somebody you already like... even NTers in thegraff thread said that about forming a writing style. The animated and color-changing ones were cool, too. Something I'm not as used to seeing.

Keep it up.
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