chemistry help (food science)

Jan 16, 2012
Thinking about changing my major from marketing to food science and also transfing school to LSU. I have been on campus to talk with the dean on the college of food science. The dean wants me to transfer to LSU while getting my undergrad in food science and then my master. I have 3 semesters left at Southern University in my Marketing major then I was going to LSU for my master in Food science and take my prereq for the master program with all chemistry classes doing the summer and first semester. I am asking for advice on what you would do and also any books, helpfully tip,  or websites for learning chemistry.

Also the dean said  for me to send over my transcipt to see what will transfer over to LSU to try and get me a double major for my undergrad.
if time isn't of the utmost importance, I'd transfer and double major if you really got in tight with the dean like that. Make sure you get his # and contact info and keep in contact with him, you don't want him to forget about you over future semesters. but seems like you're prepared and pro-active unlike most NTers who make these college threads

nothing wrong with finishing up with Marketing first and trying to master in Food Science, but seems like you need to do real well in the pre-req classes cause I doubt any Marketing undergrad classes correlate with a Food Science major?
Yes the dean was talking very highly of me and in the meeting he was saying he would do anything in his power to get me into the college. He has also offered me a summer reseach job this summer to come work with a phD student. But time is a problem because i been in and out of school since 06 plus i plan to move to NYC before i turn 28 or 30 (24 now). There is no pre-req that matches with the food science degree. maybe some cal classes i took.
The dean told me that i should come take a chemistry class at LSU this summer and their maybe a price cut in the summer school cost since I would be working on campus; if their any question or trouble i am having in the class i could just ask someone in the department for help since i would be working their
Lol now y u want to been bama into this...but we are going to be good this year. We have a better quarterback then them other two.
Don't worry we will get Tha win this year!!
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