CHICAGO ...considering putting together a "summit"...

Apr 17, 2000
Need to gauge interest.  It would be on the North-side (because that is where I can secure a gym)...

Most likely during the week at night.  Probably about 7-9PM...not for a couple of weeks, so it would be in June.

I'll drop details if we get enough...don't want to drop $80 on a gym rental for 4 people to show would be $5 a head or whatever the breakdown per person would be to the total of the gym rental. 

Also, not looking to have a million people show up.  Would prefer ball-players.  And I'm old, so it don't have to be good ball-players...

Post and let me know if you are interested.
yo if you can try and do july bro...i'm still deployed and i can only come back home for certain times....i will be in town around july 3rd to the 15th...
Sorry guys, just got back to town...if someone wants to put together an outing, I would be cool with that.

I'm talking more of a get together and playing some ball. At this point, I can get a hold of a gym off the blue line or the brown line.
im a lil late but im down havent played ball in years but id be down as long as we aint got no want to be nba superstars

yo but that sox/cubs game need to happen
is this gonna happen? i moved to chicago about a year ago. would love to connect with the chicago community at nt
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