Child Support Aint No Joke Fellas

Originally Posted by JayzOnMyToes

My son bout to be 3 this month.... the court system says i dont owe no back pay credit me for all of what i already been paying before... but to make me and her story short we was together for about 4 years had my son in that time.. i wasnt ready to get married ended of getting shipped over seas still here now... she got preggo by somebody else blamed me for it because i wasnt there than started getting money hungry after she had the baby with the other dude dont know if she with him or not... takes me to court claims on her affidavit that she aint got no money.. court orders me to pay $800... im going to get a lawyer and appeal it...

i couldnt leave my duty station at that time was in the field.. the mail did not get to me in a timely manner and even if i wanted to fly back at the last minute a plane ticket where im at would b 2k... plus i didnt have authorization from my unit...

and to solewoman yes they still do get benefits my son has a government ID card she can go on any base she wants and shop there tax free and my son has free medicare and pharmacy care and dental the whole 9 yards...

and this $800 a month is after taxes
da hand of god would've bestowed her presence.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

blamed me for it because i wasnt there

What is this...I don't even..
gotta love females logic

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Females love to see a dudes pockets get raped by child support. Go make some money on your own. I'm not saying all child support is out of line but alot are.

Fight that man. You can get it reduced.

And this. ive always said a bitter womans greatest weapon against a dude is his own seed. the games all #*@%+* up. hope you get !@$% straightened out OP
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by Executive76

Should have copped that plane ticket or postponed the hearing.

You don't get the military. He is overseas, you can't just up and fly out the country to go back to the states.

He will be locked up for going AWOL asap.
You missed the second part of my post? 
And I'm sure he knew about the hearing in advance.
Originally Posted by JayzOnMyToes

My son bout to be 3 this month.... the court system says i dont owe no back pay credit me for all of what i already been paying before... but to make me and her story short we was together for about 4 years had my son in that time.. i wasnt ready to get married ended of getting shipped over seas still here now... she got preggo by somebody else blamed me for it because i wasnt there than started getting money hungry after she had the baby with the other dude dont know if she with him or not... takes me to court claims on her affidavit that she aint got no money.. court orders me to pay $800... im going to get a lawyer and appeal it...

i couldnt leave my duty station at that time was in the field.. the mail did not get to me in a timely manner and even if i wanted to fly back at the last minute a plane ticket where im at would b 2k... plus i didnt have authorization from my unit...

and to solewoman yes they still do get benefits my son has a government ID card she can go on any base she wants and shop there tax free and my son has free medicare and pharmacy care and dental the whole 9 yards...

and this $800 a month is after taxes
And this is why you should appeal and more than likely win. And on top of that, find out who the other kid's father is and file a suit against his !%+ for damages. Use the system the same way these money hungry +#@*$% do.
Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by Executive76

Should have copped that plane ticket or postponed the hearing.

You don't get the military. He is overseas, you can't just up and fly out the country to go back to the states.

He will be locked up for going AWOL asap.
You missed the second part of my post? 
And I'm sure he knew about the hearing in advance.

Said he never got it in time.

Especially being overseas, trust me, I know. I worked postal for a year overseas... would take like 3 weeks-month for a package to come.
Originally Posted by scshift

This might be a dumb question, but can the male receive child support payments from the female?

That would be pretty awesome if you got free checks in the mail for a couple thousand a year without doing anything

Yes. My daughter's mother pays...However, it was based on both of our income. I am not getting nearly as much as she was getting.  The military have a different system than the normal court system (if I am not mistaken). If you can, file for an appeal.  
I was paying a little more...But I do believe that if you lay with a woman to make a baby then you have to think about things like this... 

Suck it up, there's people paying way more...

sn00pee wrote:
am I the only one who absolutely loathes the term "baby momma" or "baby daddy"?

Originally Posted by thacamel


I was disturbed by your comment because you jumped to conclusions without all the facts

This. Then she tries to throw a subtle "You're mad? Oh" type comment
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Have you gotten a paternity test yet, OP?

$144k is a lot of money. Hope she putting some of that away for lil man college fund at least.

naw not yet but that is my next move... but i know he is mine....
%*@* that +*$+@ mane, get custody of your child and %*@* that ho mane
My BM was getting $700 from me. (Not through court or anything, just a mutal agreement) and than she decides to get greedy and take me to court. When she was getting th $700 a month for my son I had a great paying job. So we went to court and at the time I got let go and was on unemployment but she didn't know. So when we went to court they went off my unemployment check they gave her $250 a month. She was PISSED
mad.gif i told her don't be a greedy b***h. She was always getting new stuff for herself. New Coach purses and new clothes and my son got hand me downs from his cousins. Point is some BM should appreciate what they have and not be greedy.
I'm glad my daughters mom just asks me for money when she actually needs it and doesn't do this court thing, my man Terrell Owens was paying 40,000 ?!
Originally Posted by megatron

I'm glad my daughters mom just asks me for money when she actually needs it and doesn't do this court thing, my man Terrell Owens was paying 40,000 ?!

Does a child really need $40,000 a month. You know all that money goes to the mom, smh.

I live in the Los Angeles i dont know if it will be the same for you...
but same situation. I was paying 836.00 a month so every check was deducted a grip load...
So i contacted my case worker and submitted forms of the things i paid for and stuff like that...2 months later...
child support has been cut in half...i now pay 347.00 a month...
cuz fareal...what is a 4 year old gonna need thats 836 dollars worth?
How does the pull-out method NOT work? Unless you have a combo of horrible aim and extremely virulent sperms....
Originally Posted by slickp42189

%*@* that +*$+@ mane, get custody of your child and %*@* that ho mane

Screw that.  I rather pay the baby's mama than have to change smelly dookie diapers, and a crying/whining/temper tantrum throwing toddler for 24 hours, 7 days a week. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by slickp42189

%*@* that +*$+@ mane, get custody of your child and %*@* that ho mane

Screw that.  I rather pay the baby's mama than have to change smelly dookie diapers, and a crying/whining/temper tantrum throwing toddler for 24 hours, 7 days a week. 
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by slickp42189

%*@* that +*$+@ mane, get custody of your child and %*@* that ho mane

Screw that.  I rather pay the baby's mama than have to change smelly dookie diapers, and a crying/whining/temper tantrum throwing toddler for 24 hours, 7 days a week. 

your obviously not a parent. childish remarks come from people who dont have kids. its a blessing to have a kid and be a MAN and change diapers and taking care of the child when its "crying/whining/temper" (as your put it).

the nerve of some people now a days
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