Children Burns Dog Alive Vol. smh

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

I won't even bother watching it.
Originally Posted by bonde111

Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

Originally Posted by bonde111

Unfortunately you can't just pin this on a certain culture. That was terribly hard to watch, I have a lot of love of animals, and dogs in particular. Sad to say this happens everywhere in the world. I few years ago a couple teens not very far from my town in Iowa did this same thing to a few cats. The decided to video tape it also. It's beyond me why someone in their right mind would ever think this is "cool, fun, etc." People like this though should have their arm set on fire each day just to see how it feels. I couldn't even imagine the extreme pain it would cause to burn alive. A small few people deserve that kind of pain, but no innocent animal or person.
%@!$ them little mutha %#%+%!$ 
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I'm glad you took the time to read what I had to say....
He was too busy making sure he posted that .gif as many times as possible so he didn't have time to read your post
i cant watch videos that involve animal abuse.

i hope those kids live a terrible life for the rest of their life for what they did tho.
watched it. horrible. the dog was so tiny and genuinely crying because he knew something horrible was about to happen.

are these stray dogs (i assume so) or are these psychos kidnapping people's pets?

(torturing small animals is one of the early signs of violent psychopathy)
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by bonde111

Originally Posted by wHo NicE as HiM

Originally Posted by bonde111

Unfortunately you can't just pin this on a certain culture. That was terribly hard to watch, I have a lot of love of animals, and dogs in particular. Sad to say this happens everywhere in the world. I few years ago a couple teens not very far from my town in Iowa did this same thing to a few cats. The decided to video tape it also. It's beyond me why someone in their right mind would ever think this is "cool, fun, etc." People like this though should have their arm set on fire each day just to see how it feels. I couldn't even imagine the extreme pain it would cause to burn alive. A small few people deserve that kind of pain, but no innocent animal or person.
%@!$ them little mutha %#%+%!$ 
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I'm glad you took the time to read what I had to say....
He was too busy making sure he posted that .gif as many times as possible so he didn't have time to read your post
this dude wants lulz so bad, tries different jokes in the same thread all the time.
To all those trying to put the "blame" on a certain culture, re read the article and look at the name of the person who reported this to the police and who recorded the video as evidence against the kids
that broke my heart. i think i'm out the graphic vid game for good. it's not good for the soul.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

on another note, why u would u even bother posting +%@@ like this on NT?

The Middle East is so messed up....

like america is any better when it comes to being cruel to animals
I wonder how many ppl who didnt watch it viewed that other vid of those 2 guys getting burned alive...
Here's hoping those people die a horrible death soon themselves.   and simply judging from who and where theyre from, it'll probably happen soon 
this is wack... i can't believe people take dogs for granted... dogs are like human beings too they are living animals.... it just pisses me off that i can't ever own a dog because i live at home with my parents and they don't agree with the time and maintenance it takes to raise a dog so I will never own one if I live at home.... mean while these dog owners don't give a damn about dogs
when people like me who can't ever own a dog will take the time and effort to raise one
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

The Middle East is so messed up....
let's not act like people in america aren't electrocuting and drowning dogs....

but yeah, i cant even click that video. disgusting to even think about.
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