China School Knife Attack - Over 20 injured, including children

It would have been 22 killed instead of injured if he had a gun
so spare me the gun laws won't stop evil manure

But it wont people will still carry out malicious intent with or without. He could have acquired a baseball bat, machete, ran them over, etc.

He had ill will in his heart and I seriously doubt China gun laws manifested this.
But it wont people will still carry out malicious intent with or without. He could have acquired a baseball bat, machete, ran them over, etc.
He had ill will in his heart and I seriously doubt China gun laws manifested this.
he means that with the same malicious intent, someone will do more damage with a gun than with whatever alternative method of violence he chooses. 
he means that with the same malicious intent, someone will do more damage with a gun than with whatever alternative method of violence he chooses. 
gun nuts know this. They just don't care. 

bunch of guys dreaming and fiending for that home intruder so they can become John Wayne and be a hero

comparing cars, knives, and bats to guns 

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he means that with the same malicious intent, someone will do more damage with a gun than with whatever alternative method of violence he chooses. 
Really, cause Timothy McViegh didn't use a gun, and he killed almost 200 people in one split second
do people have easy access to bombs?   

we should just give everyone a nuke. Nuke's don't get people killed right? It's the people with malicious intent
It would have been 22 killed instead of injured if he had a gun

so spare me the gun laws won't stop evil manure
Or, if someone in the vicinity had been carrying it would have been 1 person killed.

:rolleyes stop bruh just stop. The man did the wrong thing, he doesnt deserve to die. There are law enforcers with arms to handle the situation.
He hurt 20 something kids with a knife. Take him out back and shoot him for all I care and save the money on court.
which is why bombs are illegal... notice that there are way more mass shootings in the US for every bombing
Correct me if I'm wrong but he made that bomb out of manure/fertilizer and diesel fuel, right.  Neither of which are illegal.  You said that as if you can't make a bomb at home, or that dynamite is illegal.
funny how all of this started happening a week before 12/21/2012 :nerd:
Correct me if I'm wrong but he made that bomb out of manure/fertilizer and diesel fuel, right.  Neither of which are illegal.  You said that as if you can't make a bomb at home, or that dynamite is illegal.
i believe that its fine to read up on how to make bombs but the actual making of bombs is illegal. could be wrong though, if anyone else knows more about this then let me know
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