Chris D'Elia

I dont get how we in the MeToo era and ppl still not naming names.

I got no clue who she talking about.

Most comedians are damaged ****ed up ppl though. I get how girls say being funny is attractive but I dont get how you pursue a relationship with a comedian or how some even have groupies.

I briefly dated a chick who is a comedian and does local standup shows from time to time. I will never date one again.

Gonna need that POS Joe Rogan to be included in this mess

spotify will probably look past it unless he did something totally illegal
he'll probably have to distance himself from the others cause he's not that stupid to fumble away 100M

might be curtains/jail for some of them. at the very least expensive legal fees

ya seen the jeff ross accusation?
spotify will probably look past it unless he did something totally illegal
he'll probably have to distance himself from the others cause he's not that stupid to fumble away 100M

might be curtains/jail for some of them. at the very least expensive legal fees

ya seen the jeff ross accusation?

Oh yuck Jeff Ross. Y tu?

I don't get how you can look the way Jeff Ross does and dare be a rapist or child molester.

:rofl: @ Rogan panicking deleting all of his wild comic humor episodes. Comedians got the sickest senses of humor too. Up their with the severely handicap. Those guys always push the limit and cross lines. They'll do a bit involving detailed incest just to make friends laugh. Joe probably gonna have to edit every episode.

Only got themselves to blame.

Comedians use to have the shield that we're trying to tell a joke and make ppl laugh. That goes out the window when you actually raping teens, abusing prostitutes, and the like.
Oh yuck Jeff Ross. Y tu?

I don't get how you can look the way Jeff Ross does and dare be a rapist or child molester.

:rofl: @ Rogan panicking deleting all of his wild comic humor episodes. Comedians got the sickest senses of humor too. Up their with the severely handicap. Those guys always push the limit and cross lines. They'll do a bit involving detailed incest just to make friends laugh. Joe probably gonna have to edit every episode.

Only got themselves to blame.

Comedians use to have the shield that we're trying to tell a joke and make ppl laugh. That goes out the window when you actually raping teens, abusing prostitutes, and the like.
Definitely. Rogan explained this in some of his podcasts, almost all (or all) comedians have a dark past and their ways of coping with it is to make it a joke. Eventually, it becomes a write off to them and in some twisted form of empathy, they become the suspects.

We all look at most comedians as comical people, but in reality most of them are deranged people who learned to put a laughing band aid on serious issues.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is their defense once all the dirt is dug.
Definitely. Rogan explained this in some of his podcasts, almost all (or all) comedians have a dark past and their ways of coping with it is to make it a joke. Eventually, it becomes a write off to them and in some twisted form of empathy, they become the suspects.

We all look at most comedians as comical people, but in reality most of them are deranged people who learned to put a laughing band aid on serious issues.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this is their defense once all the dirt is dug.
Yeah the problem is, there was a time or census agreement that the dark pasts for these comedians were more about them being the victims and they gravitated towards comedy to vent or express themselves.

Now like you said dudes are now the suspects.
Why the hate for Rogan? I”ll tune into his podcast occasionally when I’m a fan of the guest. I’ve never sought out his stand up, however I have seen a few of his bits. He was somewhat funny, but nothing that’s memorable to me.
He basically gives platforms to right-wing personalities and pundits (Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Steven Crowder, Jordan Peterson, etc., etc.) and allows them to push their agenda without any significant critique or challenge. Constantly plays devil's advocate for troubling and problematic ideologies.

I've said it once and I'll say it again: I find that there's a strong inverse correlation between intelligence and love of Joe Rogan.
He basically gives platforms to right-wing personalities and pundits (Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Steven Crowder, Jordan Peterson, etc., etc.) and allows them to push their agenda without any significant critique or challenge. Constantly plays devil's advocate for troubling and problematic ideologies.

I've said it once and I'll say it again: I find that there's a strong inverse correlation between intelligence and love of Joe Rogan.
I started listening to him almost 10 years ago now. Before he became as big as he is now, he was very left leaning and progressive. He was actually the person who got me thinking about gay marriage, women's rights etc. Not that I was ever opposed to those views, but young me just never thought about it because I didn't have to. As the years have gone by and he's in more contact with conservative talking **** heads, he definitely doesn't challenge them enough. But when he was a left wing guest he leans their way (e.g. Bernie Sanders, Andrew Yang). Seems to me he is easily influenced by whatever strong stance his guest at the time has
People want Joe Rogan to be a biased “political analyst” so bad. I’ve watched him give the same platform to left side personalities and prop up liberal talking points on the same show.

Candace Owens episode was actually the first time I realized she was dumb as **** while watching him dismantle her arguments.

Seems like people want him to ardently speak out against what they don’t like which is where the distaste comes in.

I don’t think he’s done anything explicitly wrong, but I honestly think that stupid people generally are more susceptible to being led down a rabbit hole by YouTube recommendations that may come after his vids.

But this is what happens when we have open dialogue. Controversial figures will make it up there sometimes. I think he should do a better job of filtering some people (Milo, Alex) but besides that I never really saw a specific issue with him besides toxic masculinity and bro science.
People want Joe Rogan to be a biased “political analyst” so bad. I’ve watched him give the same platform to left side personalities and prop up liberal talking points on the same show.

Candace Owens episode was actually the first time I realized she was dumb as **** while watching him dismantle her arguments.

Seems like people want him to ardently speak out against what they don’t like which is where the distaste comes in.

I don’t think he’s done anything explicitly wrong, but I honestly think that stupid people generally are more susceptible to being led down a rabbit hole by YouTube recommendations that may come after his vids.

But this is what happens when we have open dialogue. Controversial figures will make it up there sometimes. I think he should do a better job of filtering some people (Milo, Alex) but besides that I never really saw a specific issue with him besides toxic masculinity and bro science.
Yea I think this is it. If you actually listen to all of his content and not watch 10 minute clips, he's left leaning by nearly every measure apart from the second amendment. But he also believes in giving everyone who can articulate themselves a platform (right or left). He's challenged Shapiro's beliefs on gay marriage, challenged Candace Owens' climate denial, and in the most recent pod with Bret Weinstein, he held firm on the fact Floyd was murdered and not some other hor**** right wingers are trying to claim. It's very easy to pick some clips of him and paint him in a certain way. When you have endless hours of yourself talking and shooting the **** - some thoughts are not well thought out and he's just shooting from the hip. I think every single one of us are susceptible to that. We got to remember, just because someone doesn't agree with every single thing as us, does not mean they are wrong and you're right.
Nah, I was a heavy Rogan listener from about 2010 to 2016. I don’t think this is a case of people just cherry-picking the issues they want to take with him. Back in 2010 or so, the guests he had on were less about a personality or a political statement than they were purely about information. Just recognizing the fact that he spends hours discussing topics with people like Shapiro and Candace Owens is acknowledging how the platform has changed over the last few years. Earlier on it was mostly comedian guests, and the topics had little to do with actual politics.

I used to really like Rogan’s show. The longer I listened though, the most I started to hear him sounding ignorant or tone deaf. Some of the things he’s said over the past few weeks or so, i.e. masks are for ******* speak directly to the type of stuff that turned me off.

I feel like every few months in this thread Rogan says or does something that people question, and then his fans hop in to defend him and we have the same discussion. :lol:
Looks like D'elia and crew are taking the whole " If we don't talk about it, it''ll go away approach.

Cummings is getting the bulk of the backlash now. :rofl:
Oh yeah he’s def dumb as hell when it comes to certain topics, I think that’s why he kinda shuts up when some people talk. I actually did become much less interested the more politically opinionated people started to come on from either side.

Even with mention of the mask thing, he’s had scientists and epidemiologists like Michael Osterholm and Peter Hotez on the show talking about how dangerous COVID is.

I’m never going to argue for dudes intelligence though that’s another story :lol: I don’t even think it’s cherry-picking in most cases, I really think the issue is people don’t like that he allows people they don’t like or agree with to have a platform.

I am super interested in what he knows about all his boys background lives though.
Looks like D'elia and crew are taking the whole " If we don't talk about it, it''ll go away approach.

Cummings is getting the bulk of the backlash now. :rofl:

they are saying this is whitney's sister defending chris and taking a shot at her
his crew abandoning him. dude might just say f-it and start dropping names. it's all out there already even though everyone is trying save their own asses by deleting social media posts :sick:
I **** with the JRE cuz wtf else am I going to watch but add this dude to the long line of unfunny comics he associates with.

comics also think they get impunity to do or say whatever they want under the guise of comedy and quite frankly I’m glad they’re getting their cards pulled.

I would literally put Ari Shaffir into a coma if I ever met him for what he said about Kobe. ***** ***.
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