Christians - Could You Marry A Muslim? Muslims - Could You Marry A Christian?

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

VIIheaven wrote:
The one's I've met are either extremely stuck up (which doesn't mesh with my very loose/laid back personality) or they're one of those girls who go wild when they're outside of the control of their parents. Then again, I've talking of a very small sample size, as I said, I don't socialize with too many Muslims (regardless of gender) outside of my family.

All that....

I've noticed this as well
. Even with ones from other countries.

This sucks
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

But they'd be praying to two different powers.
you know muslims believe in the same christian (and judaic for that matter) God, right?
Originally Posted by amine2345

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

But they'd be praying to two different powers.
you know muslims believe in the same christian (and judaic for that matter) God, right?

Allah is Arabic for God...

SMH, its funny how we're at war with Iraq and we still cant properly teach these things in High School....

Yet in High School everyone had to learn about the Jewish holidays and Yaweh....

The Government continues to keep people ignorant to our way oflife I see, what is misunderstood can't possibly respected. This can only breed favoritism and bias.


carry on.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Long story short, one of my best friends has been dealing with this girl for like a year and some change...

She's a solid pick too - one of those "I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D...." Webbie types

A cute pink and green wearin' AKA girl, she's gotta body, she's a lawyer, and she has no problem cookin' for him. Win.

But she's a Muslim.

Not sayin' that her bein' a Muslim is an automatic cut-off (because we've had "relations" with a couple of 'em in the past) - but now we're 27 - and bein' 27 means that no matter what, nowadays any girl you deal with is goin' to have marriage lurkin' in the back of her mind.

They love each other, that's quite obvious. He's even admitted that though he's not ready for marriage immediately, she's "the prototype" (as Andre 3000 would put it).

But he can't shake her religion. He can't shake his oldfashioned mother teasin' him sayin', "Does that mean my grandbabies gonna be covered up in them sheets?" He can't shake the fact he really likes to eat pork, and he won't be gettin' any of that from her kitchen.

Neither of us are the model of Christianity, let me not pretend that we are. But still, the girl you can go to church with, take off your cool and pray with, is the girl that wins.

But they'd be praying to two different powers.

Any of y'all been is this situation?

Can it work?

Could you marry someone outside of your religion and still be in one accord in your household?

The BIG RED HIGHLIGHTS should pretty much answer your questions...

Furthermore, the way i see it, your boy (who has admitted to not even being that great of a christian) is using her religion as some excuse for something...

He clearly loves her, so why is he hesitating. Because of his old fashioned mother...
...check this, it is written in the Bible that when a man marries a woman, he is obligated to her, and her to him--and that's it. The Bible statesthat a husband should never put his mother, or father, or anyone above his wife (vice versa). Even though they are not married, he shouldn't let othersdictate how he feels about her--considering he claims to love her.

Additionally, is your dude seriously factoring his love for pork in this really...smh

Lastly, about the whole "praying to two different powers"...that's somewhat of a stupid way to look at things. Yes I'm christian and i prayto God but whose to say that God isn't Allah. I definitely believe that there is one supreme heavenly ruler, Father. Therefore the way i see it, God isAllah. I just choose to call Him God because that's the name my culture gave him. Likewise, muslims refer to Him as Allah because that's just what theislamic culture calls him.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Your "friend" needs to look in the future and think about whether he sees it working out with this girl, and figure out whether he wants to continue or not. After all, a year and a half of knowing each other is hardly a marriage committment.

You make me sound like some bad afterschool special where thekid's gettin' beat, but tells his teacher that his "friend" is having trouble at home...

Here, I'm the tallest and he's in the middle:


I'm not postin' pics of his shortie though...
My father is a devout Muslim and my mother is a christian and a daughter of a preacher...They have been married for 25 years

I'm Christian and my girl is Hindu and we've been together for a over a year....If my parents could do it, so could I
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Your "friend" needs to look in the future and think about whether he sees it working out with this girl, and figure out whether he wants to continue or not. After all, a year and a half of knowing each other is hardly a marriage committment.

You make me sound like some bad afterschool special where the kid's gettin' beat, but tells his teacher that his "friend" is having trouble at home...

Here, I'm the tallest and he's in the middle:


I'm not postin' pics of his shortie though...

Not only did dude post pics of himself and his hommie without anyone asking, he also denied pics of the girl without anyone asking
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by amine2345

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

But they'd be praying to two different powers.
you know muslims believe in the same christian (and judaic for that matter) God, right?

Allah is Arabic for God...

SMH, its funny how we're at war with Iraq and we still cant properly teach these things in High School....

Yet in High School everyone had to learn about the Jewish holidays and Yaweh....

The Government continues to keep people ignorant to our way of life I see, what is misunderstood can't possibly respected. This can only breed favoritism and bias.


carry on.

Let me say:

1) I didn't know that...didn't mean to offend anyone.

2) Me not knowing that is part of the predicament he's in. We don't know too much about Islam besides reading "The Autobiography of MalcolmX". The majority of his hesitation is the unknown.
i was brought up Catholic/Anglican and i wouldn't date/marry girls from certain Protestant denominations. I've dated a Muslim girl in the past and theexperiences I had wouldn't stop me from marrying one if it came to that point.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by amine2345

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

But they'd be praying to two different powers.
you know muslims believe in the same christian (and judaic for that matter) God, right?

Allah is Arabic for God...

SMH, its funny how we're at war with Iraq and we still cant properly teach these things in High School....

Yet in High School everyone had to learn about the Jewish holidays and Yaweh....

The Government continues to keep people ignorant to our way of life I see, what is misunderstood can't possibly respected. This can only breed favoritism and bias.


carry on.

Let me say:

1) I didn't know that...didn't mean to offend anyone.

2) Me not knowing that is part of the predicament he's in. We don't know too much about Islam besides reading "The Autobiography of Malcolm X". The majority of his hesitation is the unknown.

Not offended,

Just frustrated...

Its just frustrating how overwhelmingly ignorant 95% of Americans are to Islam. Yet at least 50% make harsh generalizations when it comes to Muslims...

Its the same thing in every war, take Vietnam for example. Do you think they were teaching Vietnamese history in schools at that time? Hell no, the less peopleknow and the more volitale we make the opponent seem the better off we are.

We make up 30% of the worlds population, yet we can't even get our Holidays recognized. Yet in school we take off for both Christian and Jewish holidays...

SUCH @(*#($*$* BULL@##(... I SWEAR.....

Yes, I am mad come to think of it, but not at you man. Not your fault....
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Not only did dude post pics of himself and his hommie without anyone asking, he also denied pics of the girl without anyone asking

I've seen that you get better advice/insight on NT when the characters in your narrative have faces. And, any topic on NT regarding a femalealways gets the same request.
its possible, but I'm not sure if I would be willing to go through with it....but love will make you do strange things and go through basically whatever. I'd probably shy away from that serious talk before we got deep
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Not offended,

Just frustrated...

Its just frustrating how overwhelmingly ignorant 95% of Americans are to Islam. Yet at least 50% make harsh generalizations when it comes to Muslims...

Its the same thing in every war, take Vietnam for example. Do you think they were teaching Vietnamese history in schools at that time? Hell no, the less people know and the more volitale we make the opponent seem the better off we are.

We make up 30% of the worlds population, yet we can't even get our Holidays recognized. Yet in school we take off for both Christian and Jewish holidays...

SUCH @(*#($*$* BULL@##(... I SWEAR.....

Yes, I am mad come to think of it, but not at you man. Not your fault....

Damn bro...

When you put it in perspective like that, I can see your frustration...
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

We make up 30% of the worlds population, yet we can't even get our Holidays recognized. Yet in school we take off for both Christian and Jewish holidays...

SUCH @(*#($*$* BULL@##(... I SWEAR.....
muslims make up 30% of the world's population, but only 0.6% of the US population.

but when 8 out of 10 Americans will be taking off work/school for Christmas/Easter anyways, it makes more sense for them to be public holidays.
If both can compromise and they both love each other, then I do not see the problem. However, where it does become problems in interfaith marriages is how toraise the children. But, all that should be discussed before marriage.

It is really hard to be in an interfaith relationship, as I can say from my experience. If both can compromise, then usually it is the parents (of both couplesor one of the couples) that is the big problem since they do not approve.

I cannot see myself yet marrying a Muslim man because the ones I have met are judgmental, obnoxious, with a messed up mentality when it comes to marryinggirls. Most of them are real cool as friends. But, when it comes to their expectations of how they want their wife to be, it is quite ridiculous and prettyhypocritical on their part.

But, then again, if it comes down to it, I'd have to marry another Muslim to satisfy the parents. Going through the whole trauma of being disowned and thechaos it causes, it is probably too much for me to handle.
SneakerHeathen wrote:
Yes in Islam we are allowed to marry both Christians and Jews.

My girl is Catholic.
Actually you are wrong bro!! While the Qur'an states that we can marry women of the book, Allah is referring to times of war, where women areleft behind and have nothing left. During this day in age any Muslim man that marries a non-Muslim woman would not be accepted.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Yes in Islam we are allowed to marry both Christians and Jews.
I never knew that...

In Christianity, it's not that we're not allowed or explicity forbidden, but's it kinda frowned upon.

When my mother married my father, she wasn't religious at all. Now she's a deacon.

Sometimes I think Christians who marry/deal with people outside of their race has secret intentions of converting them.

Like whispering Bible verses in their ear when they're asleep or somethin'.
I'm a born again nondenominational Christian. And yes, we can marry non-Christians.

And no, we don't have secret intentions.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I'd marry her if I love her, but I wouldn't force our children to follow her customs or believe in her fairy tales.

and here i am thinking the thread can go on without an ignorant response

why are muslim ideals fairy tales?
is it because it is in a book that was written by a messenger thousands of years ago that noone can prove is real?

...oh wait...
iswearimcool wrote:
DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
I'd marry her if I love her, but I wouldn't force our children to follow her customs or believe in her fairy tales.

and here i am thinking the thread can go on without an ignorant response

why are muslim ideals fairy tales?
is it because it is in a book that was written by a messenger thousands of years ago that noone can prove is real?

...oh wait...

The real answer is, almost all of the people here on NT have no real idea what Islam is about. They have never read the Qur'an, all they do is soak uprespones from a bias media. They judge Islam on terrorist sects that take the Qur'an out of context for their own personal beliefs. If that is the case wecould look at the KKK, and judge everything they do and say that is Christianity.
Vent: Religion is Man made...Religion has separated and caused more wars than anything.

It would be very difficult to conduct a relationship when you have two different belief and value systems in place. I'm not sure if I could marry a womanthat did not have the same beliefs and values system as I did.
One thing ive noticed is that indians only want to marry indians of the same sect.... damn... UPS is crazy
my girlfriend's muslim. she's brought up marriage several times and asked me if I would convert if we ever decided to get married and I said no.Likewise, I asked her the same question (to convert to Christianity) and she said couldn't do it because her mom is religious and it would be frowned uponbig time.

I've creeped people's facebooks and saw wedding photos of mixed marriages. For those that do work out it seems like they throw two ceremonies. Butyeah, it's a tough one. I don't think I would ever convert to another religion. I asked my parents what they would think about converting and they lookdown upon it as well.

So yeah, good question. I want to marry a muslim, but there are definitely a ton of obstacles to hurdle
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