Chubby Kid Dancing To Keith Sweat. lol

Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

In all honestly, I'm just really sad at how big this kid actually is. Why aren't the parents doing anything?

genetics can only account for so much.. thats straight up 10 meals a day and NO exercise since birth 24/7. sad
its funny how you guys can judge him without any info. He may have hormone problems or come from a broken home. But i still laughed
well he sure has a lot of confidence thats for sure compared to other obese people
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

In all honestly, I'm just really sad at how big this kid actually is. Why aren't the parents doing anything?

genetics can only account for so much.. thats straight up 10 meals a day and NO exercise since birth 24/7. sad

thats what i was getting ready to say. genetics alone aren't gonna make him blow up like that...especially at such an early age. I don't understand howsome parents can let their kids go like that. My ignorant assumption is the parents aren't around most of the time so they give him money so he can buyhimself food to eat+having a stocked fridge at home. Seriously, smh at this cuz he might be dancing now but this video is the closest he'll ever probablyget to any kind of sexy time.
Titty game on point.

But in all seriousness someone needs to do intervene. No way should he be that big at his age.
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