
Oct 9, 2004
[h3]The Chupacabra Caught?[/h3]by Mike Krumboltz
2 hours ago

1,517 Votes

It really does exist! Maybe! The famed chupacabra has apparently been found, and it's a Texan.

Or at least it was. The beast is now dead, but news of its capture near Blanco, Texas, inspired Bigfoot-sized searches. Lookups on "chupacabra" surged a whopping 571%, and related queries on "what does chupacabra mean" also roared. (For the record, its rough translation is "goat sucker.") The find also inspired renewed interest in the equally notorious Montauk Monster.

Jerry Ayer, owner of Blanco Taxidermy School, has possession of the mythical beast's body. According to CNN, the animal was discovered by one of Ayer's students. The student had "placed catch an unidentified animal that had gotten into a family member's barn." Little did the student know the animal in question was (maybe) the chupacabra.

In the video from CNN (which is pretty gross, so beware), Ayer shows off some of the unusual features of the animal, including abnormally long legs and teeth. It looks a bit like the world's ugliest (and meanest) dog.

Of course, this is hardly the first time someone has claimed to have captured the chupacabra. In years past, brave souls have spotted it in places ranging from Russia to Maine to the Philippines. Often the animal is spotted by folks who conveniently forget to snap a photo.

Not so this time. Ayer says he plans to preserve the animal and then donate it to a local museum so it can be enjoyed by others. As the taxidermist puts it, the beast is "a tremendous conversation piece." Sort of like the Mona Lisa or a really stellar collection of garden gnomes.

it's a matter of time until we find Nessie and Bigfoot.
god damn i was just about to post this

But it's not it, Chupacabra has wings
wasnt it confirmed the last time, the same type of animal was just an off breed of a canine? this looks exactly the same
I've always thought it was smaller than that, actually I've always thought it looked like the picture Wikipedia provided

EDIT: I guess wiki deleted the picture, but it was this one:

I watched this on earlier today then wikipedia'd it and did some other research on it. How this is a myth still I'll never understand.Basically it seems like coyotes and foxes and such have a skin disease called mange? It'd be pretty cool tho if I saw one and just as their eyes started toglow red I blew a hole in it with a snipe shot.
I swear NT'ers don't read anymore.

We got cats requesting pics, when there's a video link in the post.

That thing looks nasty, btw...
What if it was just a physically ill dog looking for a home.. and this guy went on to poison it
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